Countries should resist temptation to look after their own interests first

6 thoughts on “Countries should resist temptation to look after their own interests first

  1. Old saying: “Fk me, and harray for everybody else!! This sick fk is asking us to commit suicide. WE AIN’T!!


  2. Someone once asked me “Is there enough rope in the world to hang all these f*ckers?”. I responded “Easily! There’s really only a handful of these sick f*cks at the top of each steaming pile compared to the multi-millions of us who want them DEAD! Once we hang ’em all high or just plain shoot ’em dead the rest will topple very quickly. Let’s ALL get to it!”

  3. Can I cut this guys balls off and shove them down his throat?

    I don’t give these sleazy assholes permission to do anything nor will I ever give them any permission to control me or anyone else.

    On the contrary, I give anyone permission to hang these motherf$&kers and burn them all to Hell for what they are doing to everyone.

  4. So the asshole believes we shouldn’t “de-globalize” everything and that we should think in terms of being in “one world”.

    Yep, that says, “One World Government” to me! Hang the German bastard!

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