Covid-19 vaccine myths: These reasons for not getting a shot don’t hold up. In fact, they’ll set the US back

Major Damage-Control


Americans have an easy way to crush Covid-19 — one that would let businesses fully reopen safely, ditch the need for social distancing and restore a mask-free return to normalcy.

But many Americans don’t want to get vaccinated as myths and misunderstandings spread.

“Facebook runs a survey every day … and that’s shown that vaccine confidence in the US has been slowly but steadily going down since February,” said Dr. Christopher Murray, director of the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.

“We were at 75% of adults saying they wanted the vaccine. Now we’re down to, in those surveys, about 67%.”

That’s a big problem for several reasons:
— Health experts say we need at least 70-85% of the US population immunized to reach herd immunity.
— The longer people stay unvaccinated, the more chances a virus has to mutate. And if the mutations are significant, they could lead to more troubling strains that might evade vaccines.
“Even for young people who consider their risk of severe Covid to be low, the long-term consequences can be quite serious,” said Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health.
“So long Covid represents one more reason to encourage everyone age 16 and over to get vaccinated as quickly as possible.”
But rampant myths and unnecessary concerns stand in the way. Here are some of the most popular arguments for not getting vaccinated and why doctors want to set the record straight:

‘We don’t know what the long-term side effects are’

Any adverse side effects from vaccines almost always “show up within the first two weeks, and certainly by the first two months,” said Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health.
That’s why he and many other health experts asked the US Food and Drug Administration to wait at least two months after trial participants had been inoculated before considering whether to give emergency authorization to Covid-19 vaccines.
“If there were going to (be) problems … they would become apparent within two months of people getting vaccinated,” he said. “That’s what the FDA waited for.”
The most serious vaccine side effects in history have all been caught within six weeks, said Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia and a member of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee.
“I would say, please tell me what vaccine has ever been shown to cause a long-term side effect that was not picked up in the first two months,” said Offit, a co-creator of the rotavirus vaccine who has studied vaccinology for more than four decades.
“The smallpox vaccine could cause inflammation of the heart muscle. The oral polio vaccine was a rare cause of polio — it occurred in roughly 1 in 2.4 million doses. … The yellow fever vaccine is a rare cause of … yellow fever. All those occurred within six weeks of getting a dose,” he said.
There may be very rare side effects that aren’t immediately found in clinical trials. But that’s due to the extreme rarity of those side effects — “not because it’s a long-term problem,” Offit said.
“Sometimes you’re not going to pick it up initially because it’s extremely rare, so you aren’t going to pick up a one-in-a-million risk in a trial of 44,000 people,” he said.
Pfizer/BioNTech and Johnson & Johnson had about 44,000 participants in each of their trials. Half the volunteers got vaccinated, and the other half got placebos.
The Moderna trial had about 30,000 participants, with half receiving vaccines and half receiving placebos.
And because coronavirus is highly contagious — killing more than half a million Americans and leaving many survivors with long-term complications — you’re much better off getting the vaccine.

‘The vaccine might hurt my fertility’

This is pure nonsense, Offit said.
There’s no evidence that people have lost any fertility because of the Covid-19 vaccines.
The rumor apparently started with the myth that the coronavirus spike protein, which is mimicked when you get a vaccine, also mimics the protein on the surface of placental cells, Offit said.
“So the false notion was that when you’re making an immune response to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, you also were inadvertently making a response to a placental protein — which would then make you less likely to be fertile,” Offit said.
“So it’s all nonsense. It’s not true.”
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also said there’s no link between any vaccines and fertility.
“If you are trying to become pregnant now or want to get pregnant in the future, you may receive a COVID-19 vaccine when one is available to you,” the CDC says.
“There is currently no evidence that any vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, cause fertility problems.”
The benefits of getting vaccinated if you’re pregnant or trying to become pregnant far outweigh the risks, because pregnancy puts a person at higher risk for severe Covid-19 illness.
And some research suggests Covid-19 vaccines provide some level of protection to newborns.

‘It’s none of your business if I don’t get vaccinated’

Refusing the Covid-19 vaccine actually impacts a lot of people — yourself, your loved ones, even the country as a whole.
“When people say, ‘What do you care? You’re vaccinated. I’m going to choose not to be vaccinated. You’re vaccinated, so you’re good'” — that makes three false assumptions, Offit said.
“First of all, the vaccines aren’t 100% effective.” So even if your friends and family are vaccinated, but you’re not vaccinated, you can still carry and spread the virus to your loved ones.
And as Americans go back to crowded bars, concerts, sporting events and movie theaters, the need for mass vaccination becomes even more important.
Second, it’s a mistake to think everyone who wants a vaccine can just get one. “Some people are on cancer chemotherapy. They can’t be vaccinated — they depend on the herd to protect them,” Offit said.
So many of the most vulnerable Americans are counting on fellow Americans to get vaccinated.
“And third, by not being vaccinated, or being part of a reasonably sized group of people who are choosing not to get the vaccine, you’re allowing the virus to continue to replicate. When it’s allowed to continue to replicate, it will create mutations, which could then cause variants that are completely resistant to the immunity induced by natural infection or immunization.”
In other words: Failing to get a vaccine could make the vaccines less effective. And that could ruin everyone’s vaccinations — throwing the country backward in this pandemic.

‘I’m young and healthy, so I don’t need to get vaccinated’

It’s critical for young, healthy adults to get vaccinated. Many of those who refused have already paid a price.
A highly contagious strain is hitting young adults hard. The B.1.1.7 variant is now the most dominant strain of coronavirus spreading in the United States. And unlike the original strain, this one is heavily impacting young people.
“We have to think about the B.1.1.7 variant as almost a brand-new virus,” said Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine.
“So remember that the B.1.1.7 variant is different from past types of Covid infections that we’ve seen — more serious and possibly more severe disease among younger people.”
Young adults can get long-term Covid-19 complications. Plenty of young, healthy people have turned into Covid-19 “long-haulers.”
Many have suffered chronic fatigue, chest pain, shortness of breath and brain fog months after their infection.
“Covid-19 doesn’t have to kill you to wreck your life,” said Dr. Jonathan Reiner, professor of medicine and surgery at George Washington University.
Young adults can be easy transmitters of coronavirus. Several states recently reported spikes in young people with Covid-19. “A lot of the spread is happening among younger people,” Jha said. “That’s the group that is moving around, kind of relaxing, getting infected.”
Young adults can be victims of their strong immune systems. Doctors have noticed some young, previously healthy patients suffer from Covid-19 cytokine storms. That’s basically when someone’s immune system overreacts — potentially causing severe inflammation or other serious symptoms.
“We’ve certainly seen people come into our hospital, very young people (in their early 20s) … need to be put on ECMO, which is basically a heart-lung machine, for days or even weeks because they come in with cardiomyopathy, which is a response to a cytokine storm,” Reiner said.
If too few people get vaccinated, we’ll never reach herd immunity. “It’s important to vaccinate as many adults as possible as soon as possible,” internal medicine specialist Dr. Jorge Rodriguez said.
“If you want to open up America, get vaccinated.”

‘These vaccines only have emergency use authorization, not full FDA approval’

It’s true that the Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines have emergency use authorization from the FDA and not full approval yet.
But that’s only because not enough time has passed to show how long the vaccines stay effective, Offit said.
“Frankly, the only real difference was in length of follow-up,” he said. “Typically, you like to see efficacy for a year or two years.”
But with Covid-19 vaccines, “you couldn’t do that. You couldn’t do a one- or two- or three-year study … because the virus was killing hundreds of thousands of people. So we wanted to get it out there.”
He stressed that the vaccines’ EUA status doesn’t mean they’re less safe. As a member of the FDA vaccine advisory committee, Offit said the vaccines are reviewed with the same level of scrutiny as they would to get full approval.
Offit said he’s confident the vaccines will get full FDA approval.
“The effectiveness and efficacy data in the Phase 3 trials and now in the real world … is excellent,” he said.
Also, the vaccine trials showed “excellent cellular immune responses — meaning so-called T helper cells.” Offit said that’s a good sign these vaccines give strong, long-lasting protection.

‘I’ve already had Covid-19, so I don’t need to be vaccinated’

Even if you’ve had coronavirus, you should still get vaccinated because the immunity you get from vaccination will likely be longer or stronger than the immunity you got after getting infected, health experts say.
“That’s true for a number of vaccines — the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine induces immunity better than natural infection. The tetanus vaccine does,” he said.
When it comes to the two-dose vaccines — those from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna — people who’ve already had coronavirus should still get both doses, emergency medicine physician Dr. Leana Wen said.
Those vaccines were studied in people taking both doses, and that’s what experts know to be effective. It’s not clear how long protection after just one dose might last.
“We also don’t know how long protection will last after having coronavirus, so you should still be (fully) vaccinated,” Wen said.

‘I don’t want to get Covid-19 from the vaccine’

It’s literally impossible to get Covid-19 from any of the vaccines used in the US because none of them contains even a piece of real coronavirus.

‘My faith will protect me, so I don’t need to get vaccinated’

Among religious groups in the US, “white evangelical Protestants stand out as the most likely to say they will refuse to get vaccinated (26%), with an additional 28% who are hesitant,” according to a study by the Public Religion Research Institute and Interfaith Youth Core.
Some experts say anti-Covid-19 vaccine sentiment among evangelicals is fueled by a distrust in government, ignorance about how vaccines work and misinformation.
“If you believe that God created us in his image, including being able to think and reason, we’ve been able to think and reason a lot of these diseases away” thanks to vaccination, he said.
“We don’t die from smallpox anymore. Children aren’t permanently paralyzed by polio anymore in the United States. It’s a good thing. That’s because God gave us a brain to think and reason with. So use it.”

‘I might not be able to afford a vaccine’

“It’s all free. The government is paying for this,” Offit said.
This is one message public officials could do a better job explaining, he said.
“I never hear them described as free, I think because it’s always assumed that people know they’re free,” Offit said.
But “maybe for all those commercials you see on TV … they should make it clear you don’t have to pay this.”
For those who might lack internet access, Offit said it’d be a good idea for state or local health departments to send flyers in the mail explaining when and how people can get vaccinated — and reminding them it’s free.

The bottom line: Not getting vaccinated could set everyone back

If you want to protect yourself, your friends, your family and the economy, get vaccinated. Otherwise, you’ll be part of the problem — not the solution.
“This virus is continuing to mutate,” Offit said. “The thing I’m most worried about is that this virus will mutate to the point that immunity induced by natural infection or vaccination doesn’t work at all. That’s the most important reason to vaccinate.”
The longer a virus circulates among unvaccinated people, the more opportunities it has to mutate. And if the mutations are significant, they can lead to more problematic variants — including some that could partially or fully escape vaccine protection.
“It’s already starting to happen,” Offit said, citing the B.1.351 and P.1 variants. While vaccines are still effective against those strains, “these variants have now started to escape from the immunity of natural infection or immunization. They don’t completely escape, but they’ve started to escape.”
So the key to ending this pandemic isn’t just getting vaccinated. It’s getting vaccinated as soon as possible, before the virus mutates into variants that we can’t control with our current vaccines.
“The vaccine is the most important pathway to ending this pandemic. That means we’ve got to get everyone in our country vaccinated,” US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said.
“Now what we’ve got to do is, No. 1: Get the vaccine. No. 2: Turn around and look at our family and friends and ask if they’re going to get vaccinated. If they need help, that’s what we’ve got to do.”


14 thoughts on “Covid-19 vaccine myths: These reasons for not getting a shot don’t hold up. In fact, they’ll set the US back

  1. “That’s why he and many other health experts asked the US Food and Drug Administration to wait at least two months after trial participants had been inoculated before considering whether to give emergency authorization to Covid-19 vaccines.”
    Well, if you’re so confident that any ill effects from these “vaccines” will be found in the first two months, then by all means, go ahead and play “Russian Roulette”……with YOUR life!

    “First of all, the vaccines aren’t 100% effective.”
    You are fully confessing that these “vaccines” aren’t necessarily going to do anything to protect anyone, nor prevent spreading.

    “Even if you’ve had coronavirus, you should still get vaccinated because the immunity you get from vaccination will likely be longer or stronger than the immunity you got after getting infected, health experts say.”
    Based on what scientific data? Quite frankly, I think you’re thoroughly full of $hit and want to get as many people euthanized as quickly as possible.

    I could dissect this whole article, but the thing is, this boogeyman virus still has not been proven to even exist. In conclusion: to hell with these “doctors”, “experts” and their pseudo-science.

    1. What they’re doing is killing for the sake of killing. Get rid of the population as fast as possible.

      Gov. Cuomo wiped out thousands of seniors just for mammon, lied through his teeth, they are using him as the pin cushion. Cuomo is going to be the pressure relief valve for now. Blatant fkg murder.

      Hes a fkg wise guy mobster, big time. They are trying to use him to deflect from Gates. Hes probably going to do some time.

      Those seniors in New York were Jabbed with experimental vax like a fkg medical rat or monkey. He was paid to clear the way. Fkg mafia soldier POS worthless murderer.

      Yep, your spot on Sunfire, you get it, good job brother..

      Watch Guliani as well, hes going to get sport fkd as well, another Gov official who is actually a made mafia wise guy, so is Trump.

      1. “Fau(k)ci” and “Gill Bates” are going to swing from hemp ropes for their roles in this human genocide.

          1. The Bill of Rights will be enforced as the Superior Law, our Common Law Courts will be restored. These treasonous bastards will be tried and dealt with accordingly.

  2. Offit states: “Children aren’t permanently paralyzed by polio anymore in the United States. It’s a good thing.”

    What an asshole. Touted as being one of the world’s top vaccine “experts” who has made a tremendous fortune from pushing vaccines, Offit, of course, would know that “More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus,” thanks to eugenicists Bill & Melinda Gates:
    And even the CDC had to admit that the early polio vaccines (given to 10 to 30 million Americans) were contaminated with SV40, a virus from some species of monkeys:
    What Offit doesn’t mention, of course, is that the Sabin polio vaccine contained a live, weakened polio virus, which was able to evolve into a more virulent form, causing outbreaks months to years following some early vaccination campaigns. A friend of mine, who died early after decades of being physically disabled due to “post polio syndrome,” had caught polio from his childhood vaccine. There is SO MUCH hidden and unknown damage caused by vaccines that the majority of the public has no clue about. Read the book _Dr Mary’s Monkey_ by Edward T. Haslam to educate yourself about American medical professionals involved in cover-ups of contaminated polio vaccines, cancer outbreaks, the arrival of the AIDS virus, and a deadly biological weapon tested on both moneys and humans. Also read Dr Judy Mikovits’s book _Plague of Corruption_ for a real education about what kind of skunk Dr Tony Fauci is. ALL vaccines are harmful. It is now a “conspiracy theory” to believe that the immune system is capable of doing the job it was designed to do.

  3. OH YEA,those boys at CNN,were paid a fortune to LIE TO AMERICA,to bad they don’t know the LORD JESUS,He’s going to send them to hell ,where them and LUCIFER can tell each other lies till the end of time,THE JAB is going to kill 40% of the earths population,then comes COLLARA,EBOLA,HEMORRHAGIC FEVER..AND LEPORSEY..isn’t BILL GATES and his friends wonderful,YOU BETTER SEND THESE DEVILS TO GITMO pretty soon,they fully intend to kill everyone,and they should have been executed years ago for what they did in INDIA……IVERMECTIN CURES CV,put some on toast and try it,you’ll be cured overnight…AND ALL THESE RICH BASTARDS KNOW IT…

  4. This obscene level of lying and doublespeak shows their pathetic desperation. They got their best writers on extreme damage-control. Maybe those writers know grammar and all methods of swaying weak minds, but they don’t know the intelligence and resoluteness of American Nationals who can’t be coerced or owned. And they’re trying to make others hate us and blame us, when it is we who should be on alert for those who submit.



  5. Get “off it, Paul”! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah…. and I guess you forgot the exposure of the Lying “News” Network aka Commie News Network by Project Veritas. So, then (pardon my cuss) “F*** Off It, ‘F’aul”!

  6. So what does a vaccination herd immunity look like survival is 99.7 percent does it move to 99.8 but the death from medical device and side effects kill and maim 5o percent of the takers

  7. Get real!!
    How can the US be saved by a vaccine that
    – Does not prevent anybody to contract Covid-19
    – Does not prevent you from getting sick once you get it,
    – Does not prevent the spreading of this (or any other) disease
    What pharma company paid you to write this article?

  8. I agree that this article talks down.
    It also involves racial connotations.

    I refuse to be vaccinated.(period)

  9. WOW!!!

    Communist News Network is working overtime on this major piece of damage control. Their Commie logic is waaaaayyyy off the morality charts on this one.

    They’d rather force inject their serum into you and have more people die from an experimental cocktail just to keep Big Pharma happy than to let people decide for themselves whether or not to take it.

    And deciding for yourselves is a big sin to them. Only they and the collective know what’s best for you because what’s best for everyone is what’s best for you.


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