Cruz Accepts “Defender of Israel” Award, Promises Unwavering Support

Truth Revolt – by  Mark Tapson

Accepting the “Defender of Israel” award from the World Values Network at the Third Annual Champions of Jewish Values International Awards Gala last Thursday night, Senator Ted Cruz said that “The nation of Israel has never been in more jeopardy.”

As a presidential candidate, he made his support for Israel crystal-clear, and spoke strongly against the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran.

Among his comments were calls for moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, for defunding the Palestinian Authority because of incitement against Israel and partnering with HAMAS, and for defunding the United Nations if it continued to target Israel.

Regarding the BDS movement, which he called “anti-Semitism, plain and simple,” Cruz said that any U.S. University that boycotts Israel will forfeit federal taxpayer dollars.

His 15-minute remarks were interrupted after virtually every sentence with loud whoops and applause from a room that included such notables as Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, Elie Wiesel, Newt Gingrich, and Ron Dermer, Israel’s ambassador to the U.S.

H/t Joel Gilbert

10 thoughts on “Cruz Accepts “Defender of Israel” Award, Promises Unwavering Support

  1. Two minutes of this jew smegma eater video was all I could stand ! If anyone sides w/ israhell they are Traitor , & an Enemy of this Country !!!

  2. Reminds me of that Brother Nathaniel video that shows this fake humping the wall. Shows Rand humping it too. They are all bought.

  3. So ANOTHER member of congress who cares more about a foreign country than about US. How about DEFEND AMERICA, not Israel!!! How on earth can there actually be an award for an AMERICAN CONGRESSMAN by a FOREIGN COUNTRY?

  4. Cruz is an Hispanic surname, but he looks as Jewish as Moses himself.

    I think what we have here is another “crypto-Jew”, like Hillary, Bush, and the Pope, who pretend to be Christian while they advance the Zionist agenda.

    That practice is outlined in the Talmud, in a story of a famous woman who denied her Judaism for some reason or another, and it became popular during Queen Isabella’s expulsion of the Jews from Spain. The edict was “all Jews must either leave Spain, convert to Christianity, or die”. Many Jews pretended to convert, but practiced Judaism in secrecy.

    Christopher Columbus set sail the following day, with the Templar cross on his sails, in search of a homeland for the Jews. He was funded by “European bankers”, and NOT the Queen of Spain as we were told in school. Christopher Columbus was a crypto-Jew, and I believe the Templar Knights were Jews, too. (they practiced money-lending, ritual murders, horded gold, and even held Palestine for a while)

    1. The effects of this are very lasting. Columbus carried 95 Jews on his first voyage and they settled in Latin America. The descendents of those same cryptos are now the aristocracy of the Latin American countries.

    2. Moses was not a Jew. He was a real descendant of Abraham the Hebrew through the line of Levi.

      The term Jew is a modern creation, and refers to the old term “Judean”, or someone from the southern kingdom of Israel known as “Judah”.

      Those we refer to today as “Jews” are 90% and more not related to Abraham in any fashion, but are Khazars.

      Nonetheless, you are correct that he looks like a Khazar, and indeed, “crypto-Jews” have been widely used as “Sayanim” in an attempt to mask the fact that the majority of political evil in this world is perpetrated by Jewish Zionists.

  5. I only made it to 7 seconds in the video before I had to turn it off. I don’t think I can eat lunch now.

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