Scotland is one of the most transparent countries about Covid vaccines.
I mean Scotland WAS one of the most transparent.
The country just said mRNA shots work so well that the raw data showing how well they work will no longer be released.
Because they work so well.
“Misrepresented” means screenshotted for everyone to see (though, sigh, I am not an anti-vaxxer anymore than someone who investigated thalidomide in 1965 is an “anti-mediciner.”)
Here’s the final chart we’ll ever have.
Rates of death remain lower in people who were not vaccinated than those who received two doses, as they have for months:
Now let’s look at the whole chart, including boosters – no misinformation here!
13 out of the 104 people who died of Covid in Scotland in the week ending Feb. 4 were unvaccinated. In the 4 weeks ending Feb. 4, 61 of the 478 people were unvaccinated. (That’s equivalent to about 30,000 deaths in the United States.)
In other words, almost 9 out of 10 of the people who die in Scotland are vaccinated, and the vast majority of those are boosted. And deaths remain stubbornly high, even though Omicron is far milder.
Scotland was among a handful of countries to publish data at this level of detail. I suspect the others will follow its lead.
The novel Covid vaccine experiment is over. It’s ending. It’s failed.
The authorities know the truth as well as anyone else.
They are taking their only possible course of action: end the mandates, hide the raw numbers, and hope there are no long-term problems and everyone forgets.
Oh yeah, and try to censor anyone who won’t.
now if we could only make this happen to those that pushed this shit