Fertility Destroying Chemical Added To Tap, Milk, SaltGreen Med Info – by Sayer Ji, Founder

Fluoride is promoted above good nutrition as a ‘therapeutic’ chemical necessary to prevent cavities, but it lowers IQ, calcifies the pineal gland and harms fertility, among a wide range of other adverse health effects.

There is no question remaining that fluoride lowers IQ, at least as far as high-quality epidemiological research published in peer-reviewed journals has shown.   Continue reading “Fertility Destroying Chemical Added To Tap, Milk, Salt”

Survival Sherpa -by Todd Walker

With spring break around the corner, MTV will be busy bleeping F-bombs. Drunk and delirious, foul-mouthed frat boys is NOT my subject matter here. Nope, the F-bomb you need to drop is…

Fructose. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) to be exact. Continue reading “How Dropping the F-bomb Can Save Your Life”

World Truth TV

One of the most ferocious insects you’ve ever heard of — it’s the size of a quarter  — is set to invade Florida this summer.

The Sunshine State, already home to man-eating sinkholes, invading Burmese pythons, swarming sharks, tropical storms and other disasters, can expect to see an explosion of shaggy-haired gallinippers:  Psorophora ciliata, a type of giant mosquito, according to entomologist Phil Kaufman of the University of Florida.   Continue reading “Mega Mosquitoes 20 Times The Size Of Regular Ones Set to Invade Florida”

Before It’s News – by Russia Today

Police intervened when more than a hundred people joined in a candlelit vigil in the East Flatbush neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, where 16-year-old Kimani Gray was shot 11 times by police on Saturday, according to RussiaToday

Brooklynites on Twitter reported that police followed the march and searched apartment buildings in the neighborhood without warrants, looking for children who had been seen throwing bottles at police from neighborhood rooftops.    Continue reading “Large Riot Breaks Out In Brooklyn During Vigil For Teen Shot 11 Times By Police”

Informed Comment – by Juan Cole

Once again, the erratic president of Afghanistan, had US officials shaking their heads in disbelief after he gave a speech while Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel is in Kabul in which he blamed the interactions of the US and the Taliban for his country’s security problems.

Karzai was visibly angry about the Taliban bombing at the Ministry of Defense on Hagel’s arrival. In his Pashtu speech he said that the Taliban carried it out “in the service of America.” What he appears to have meant by that weird accusation is that the Taliban are eager to prevent a US withdrawal in 2014 and are attempting to draw the US into a greater entanglement in the country as a pretext for painting the Kabul government as lackeys of the Americans who need to be overthrown. Continue reading “Karzai accuses Taliban of Serving US Interests, Slams (Non-Existent) US-Taliban Talks”

ALFRED MURRAH FEDERAL BUILDINGOccupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

Americans For Responsible Solutions (AFRS) has put out an anti-gun ad calling for support for federal legislation to restrict the 2nd Amendment rights of all Americans.

AFRS is a 5019 (c) 4 nonprofit headed by former House Representative Gabrielle Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly. The organization networks and lobbies for gun control while bringing together “likeminded friends” who will propagandize to the public and force Congress to “take a stand for responsible policies, legislators will no longer have reason to fear the gun lobby and their dangerously deep pockets.” Continue reading “MSM Warns Patriot Anti-Gov Groups Planning 2nd Oklahoma City Bombing”

21st Century Wire – by Patrick Henningsen

The evidence is now in, as list of state actors can now be seen openly conspiring to drive the Middle East into full-blown war.

It’s well known by now that NATO and the Gulf States initial plans to overturn the sovereign state of Syria has been running behind schedule since their operation was launched two years ago. They had hoped for the sort of slam dunk which they enjoyed in overturning the country of Libya in late 2011. Continue reading “Open War Crimes: US and British-Backed Weapons Airlift From Croatia to Terrorists in Syria”

The Organic Prepper

Reallocating money for prepping demands some sacrifices. Freeing up the money you need to prepare means that you can’t necessarily keep up with the Joneses.  Trust me, though, the time will come when the Joneses would trade their big screen TVs, their brand new SUVs and their fancy gym memberships in order to keep up with you.

One of the easiest ways to save money is also one of the simplest.  For some people, it’s one of the most difficult. Continue reading “The Economy of Staying Home”

The Survivalist Blog – by Mike R.

The wise prepper knows that his guns are the most important part of his survival gear. Guns are not only a means of taking meat, pelts and hides, they can be used for varmint control around a farm site with crops or farm animals and poultry. They also serve as an equalizer; guns give the owner threat protection against violent action taken by animals with two or four legs. A gun in the hands of someone who knows how to capably use it inspires confidence and reduces stress in turbulent times. It also becomes a important commodity in an unstable economy. Continue reading “More Bang For Your Buck–How to clean, lube, and protect your firearms easily and cheaply”

Darrell Steinberg,Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

The California Senate approved a $24-million expenditure on Thursday to speed the confiscation of guns from people who have been disqualified from owning firearms because of criminal convictions or serious mental illness.

Sen. Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) said budget cuts to the Department of Justice have hampered a program that targets people who purchased firearms legally but were later disqualified because of a subsequent conviction or determination of mental illness. Continue reading “California Approves $24 Million For Gun Confiscation Program”

Project Camelot

Photo of United States Air Force tunnel boring machine at Little Skull Mountain, Nevada, USA, December 1982. There are many rumors of secret military tunnels in the United States. If the rumors are true, machines such as the one shown here are used to make the tunnels. (Source: U.S. Department of Energy.) Continue reading “Underground Bases and Tunnels”

Breitbart – by Joel B. Pollak

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), a member of the Democratic Party’s leadership in the House of Representatives, suggested to Jason Mattera at a Feb. 13 women’s rights rally that plans for an assault weapons ban and private-sales background checks were only the beginning of a broader gun control agenda extending to handguns as well.

Schakowsky evidently did not recognize Mattera, a conservative video journalist and senior investigative reporter for Talk Radio Network, who infamously confronted Vice President Joe Biden in the Capitol. (Mattera introduced himself to Schakowsky by name but did not indicate that he was filming or that he is conservative.) She spoke to Mattera as if he were a fellow gun control enthusiast–and Mattera played along, eliciting answers about Schakowsky’s enthusiasm for gun control. Continue reading “Schakowsky: Assault Weapons Ban ‘Just the Beginning’”

Supreme CourtNatural News – by JD Heyes

When you hear some pundit or historian compare the loss of democratic republican rule currently taking place in the United States with how it happened in ancient Rome, you may be tempted to shrug it off as hyperbole or over dramatization.

When you hear a U.S. Supreme Court Justice and other top government officials use the comparison, it should alarm you tremendously because they are, in essence, firing a warning shot. Continue reading “America is veering towards dictatorship, Supreme court justices and top government officials warn”

	Tomorrow the Mayor's new law banning sale of soft drinks over 16 oz will go into effect. Allen Brennis with large soda in times Sq. McDonalds.   Monday March 11, 2013.    New York Daily News – by ERIN DURKIN

A judge has invalidated Mayor Bloomberg’s controversial plan to ban large sugary drinks from restaurants and other eateries, one day before the new law was to take effect.

State Supreme Court Justice Milton Tingling in Manhattan ruled the new regulation was “arbitrary and capricious” and declared it invalid, after several soda and business groups had sued the city challenging the ban. Continue reading “Judge tosses Mayor Bloomberg’s ban on large sugary sodas one day before it goes into effect”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Just days after announcing a 5-year, $4.5 million contract with Heckler & Koch, the Department of Homeland Security has released details of an identical agreement with weapons manufacturer Sig Sauer, as Forbes publishes an article calling for a “national conversation” about the DHS arms build-up that has been dismissed by the media as a conspiracy theory. Continue reading “DHS To Purchase MORE Firearms As Arms Build-Up Intensifies”

News Forage

On Saturday night, two undercover police officers shot and killed 16-year-old Kimani Gray. According to the police account, the officers approached Gray when he “adjusted his waistband in what the police describe as a suspicious manner.” When the police asked him to “show his hands,” they claim Gray turned around and pointed a gun at the officers, who fired 11 rounds. The weapon police say belonged to Gray was not fired. Continue reading “Undercover Cops Shoot and Kill a 16 Year-Old Boy in New York City”

earthquakeFox News

LOS ANGELES –  An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.1 has shaken a wide area of Southern California.

The U.S. Geological Survey’s automated monitoring system places the epicenter in the desert near Anza, about 100 miles southeast of Los Angeles.

The late morning quake was felt sharply in the local area. It was also felt in downtown Los Angeles and in Orange County. Continue reading “Earthquake shakes wide area of Southern California”

Today is the second anniversary of the Fukushima disaster and the true scale of its effect upon the United States and indeed the world can only be gauged by the extent of the cover up.  Looking at the situation logically and considering the fact that agencies like the EPA would like to have a thermometer up the backside of every person around the world under the guise of monitoring climate change, one would think that we would have been seeing daily reports as to the spread of the contamination from Fukushima through the air, ocean currents, and residual contact with items coming out of Japan.

We have heard of no punishment for those responsible for the failures at the plant following the earthquake and tsunami, which goes to show us once again that the top criminals around the planet have gained such power that they have become literally untouchable. Continue reading “Fukushima: Two Years of Cover Up”

Well, the sequester was enacted, seemingly without notice or effect upon the life of the average American.  I guess it wasn’t really any big deal. I guess the propaganda campaign was a success.  I have harped on the fact that $85 billion in austerity cuts is indeed a minute amount in comparison to the trillions being given over to the international elitist bankers, year after year.

So, what was the idea here?  Predict doom and gloom that you know is a farce with the controlled opposition declaring that the austerity is actually a good thing.  And then, once the cuts have gone through, put forth a full blown propaganda campaign that says, “The economy has improved drastically since the sequester” with the full knowledge that a measly ass $85 billion is no more going to make us than break us, with the whole agenda being to get the people to embrace austerity as a positive and good thing, while completely dismissing the fact that austerity is a socialist procedure that can only be implemented in a socialist country under a socialist government. Continue reading “How Harmless are the Sequester Cuts Really?”

It has been ten years since the United States invaded Iraq for the sole purpose of changing that country’s regime and turning its resources over to the Zionist state of Israel.  We all saw the pictures of Bagdad as the United States opened up with weapons of mass destruction, citing the lie of a nuclear threat as just cause to bomb what was the most modern country in the Middle East back to the Stone Age.

122,000 innocent men, women, and children murdered and look at the country today – car bombings, secular murders, pain, and fear.  Don’t forget that once the lie of the weapons of mass destruction was revealed, the mission statement was changed to “We are freeing the people of Iraq so that they might know peace and happiness under democracy.”  Continue reading “World War III, Them, You, and Me”