Before It’s News – by youngneill

America, which is known as the freest country in the world, has incarcerated more of it’s citizens than the rest of the world combined. 7.1 million Americans are either in prison, on probation or under correctional supervision. The numbers continue to climb each year as more prisons are built nationwide. News journalist Fareed Zakaria from CNN goes in depth to show viewers how much the American government as well as private corporations spend building prisons apposed to schools.   Continue reading “7.1 Million Americans In Prisons So Corporations Can Profit From Your Tax”

Before It’s News – by Steven Lendman

The American Zionist Council (AZC) was established in 1949,. It operated until 1962. It was ordered to register as a foreign agent, did not and transferred its responsibilities to AIPAC. It calls itself “America’s Pro-Israel Lobby. It still operates as an unregistered foreign agent.

It’s done so since 1953. With rare exceptions, no one in Congress confronts it. It wields enormous influence over US foreign policy. It fronts for Israeli lawlessness. It’s one of 52 major US Zionist organizations.    Continue reading “Israeli Lobby Power in America… a Foreign AND Domestic… Enemy?”

International Business Times – by Sreeja VN

Russia has sold advanced Yakhont antiship cruise missiles to Syria’s President Bashar Assad led government disregarding the U.S. and allies request to stop arms sales to the regime, American officials said on Thursday.

Russia’s sale of 300 Yakhont antiship missiles, an advanced version of the S-300 antiship cruise missiles fitted with an advanced radar system to the regime is considered to be an affront to the U.S and allies attempt to bring peace to the region.   Continue reading “Russia Sold Advanced S-300 Ship Killing Missiles To Syrian President Bashar Assad, Say US Officials”

Story ImageRed Dirt Report – by Andrew W. Griffin

OKLAHOMA CITY – While the IRS is getting a lot of bad publicity these days in light of their overt abuses of power and tyrannical behavior, another government agency just as loathed among many Americans is the blue-shirted TSA.

Officially known as the Transportation Safety Administration, this intrusive, abusive and infuriating agency, which, to date, has not caught one terrorist, is better at angering Americans more than protecting them.   Continue reading ““Mom, They Did Bad Things to Me” – Insider at OKC Airport Shares Shocking Info on Alleged TSA Abuses”

Before It’s News – by LedaOhio9

D.H.S. Teaches “PUBLIC FAKERY” OPENLY! (View DHS Site Below)
Judge for your self!… HSEEP?? Sure Sounds like “SHEEP” to me!


Site Synopsis:   Continue reading “DHS Has Own Actor Training Recuitment page with News Training Videos and Templates.. Disaster fakery and more”

Survival Blog – by James Wesley, Rawles

Consider the implications of some recent events in America:

214428Green (Living) Review

Baraboo, Wisconsin, May 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) : Food rights activists from around North America will meet at the Sauk County Courthouse in this tiny town on May 20 to support Wisconsin dairy farmer Vernon Hershberger and food sovereignty. Hershberger, whose trial begins that day, is charged with four criminal misdemeanors that could land this husband and father in county jail for up to 30 months with fines of over $10,000.   Continue reading “Farmer Faces Jail for Feeding Community”

Russian Spetsnaz To Set Off Nuke in US?

Before It’s News – by Mark Brander

The Obama administration is about to launch some serious terror upon America. They are using their shill website WND, and their trusted CIA asset, Reza Kahlili, to inform the world that Iran will soon be using proxy terrorists to stage, “a major attack – that it is to take place within weeks, and is planned to be “spectacular,” using a new method”.   Continue reading “False Flag Imminent to be Blamed on Iran?”

The-posse-is-comingThe Daily Sheeple – by Daniel Jackson

Military no longer under civilian control?

In a move that makes clear the direction that our country is increasingly heading towards, the Department of Defense has published an update to a US code that outlines military power during civil unrest.   Continue reading “U.S. Military Grants Itself the Authority to Deploy Troops in American Cities Without Presidential or Local Approval”

File photo shows damage caused by an Israeli airstrike near Damascus on May 5, 2013.This article is relatively “old” (May 11, 2013) news, but I’m submitting it in response to the HufPo propagandist article on the West, Texas, explosion, which also purports that the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing was also due to ammonium nitrate [a claim which has been proven impossible – in actuality a number of sophisticated bombs had been planted in the Murrah building].   Continue reading “Was Syria ‘Nuked’?”

OpEd News – by Dave Johnson

You will be hearing a lot about the upcoming Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. TPP’s negotiations are being held in secret with details kept secret even from our Congress. But giant corporations are in the loop.

TPP is a “trade” agreement between several Pacific-rim countries that is actually about much more than just trade. It will be sold as a trade agreement (because everyone knows that “trade” is good) but much of it appears to be (from what we know) a corporate end-run around things We the People want to do to reign in the giant corporations — like Wall Street regulation, environmental regulation and corporate taxation.   Continue reading “Upcoming Trans-Pacific Partnership Looks Like Corporate Takeover”

West FertilizerHuffington Post – by NOMAAN MERCHANT and JIM VERTUNO

WEST, Texas — Investigators have completed their scene investigation but not ruled out criminal activity as the cause of a massive explosion at a fertilizer plant that killed 15 people and flattened part of a tiny Texas town, officials said Thursday.

The April 17 blast at West Fertilizer injured 200 and leveled part of the tiny town of West. Officials have spent one month combing through debris and speaking to hundreds of witnesses.   Continue reading “West Fertilizer Blast May Have Been Criminal Act: Authorities”

USA Today – by Aamer Madhani and Gregory Korte

WASHINGTON — President Obama said Thursday he is naming a trusted White House budget official, Daniel Werfel, to serve as his new acting IRS commissioner.

The appointment of Werfel comes as a second top IRS official announced Thursday that he is stepping down in the aftermath of revelations that the agency targeted conservative groups for extra scrutiny.   Continue reading “Second IRS official resigns after scandal”

march_against_monsanto2The Organic Prepper

Monsanto made a weak strike back in the mainstream media against the burgeoning grass roots movement that is trying to bring the leviathan company down.

Monsanto is attempting to marginalize opponents while polishing their own dingy reputation.  “There is this strange kind of reverse elitism: If I’m going to do this, then everything else shouldn’t exist,” said Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant. “There is space in the supermarket shelf for all of us.”   Continue reading “Monsanto Hides Behind Cries of ‘Elitist’ in Response to Tremendous Global Social Media Movement and Impending Day of Protest”

Witness Protection TerroristsHuffington Post – by Ryan J. Reilly

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Marshals Service gave new names and identities to “known or suspected” terrorists admitted to the witness protection program and allowed them to fly on commercial airlines, despite the fact that they were on the TSA’s “no-fly” list, an internal Justice Department investigation found.

The DOJ Inspector General report released Thursday also found that the Marshals lost track of two former known or suspected terrorists who had left the federal Witness Security Program. The DOJ has now tracked down all the current members of the WITSEC program and has determined where the two terrorism-linked individuals who left the program are located, a DOJ official told reporters.   Continue reading “Witness Protection Lost ‘Known Or Suspected’ Terrorists: DOJ Report”