How much longer will we allow Israel to benefit from their participation in the 9/11 FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB?

Anti-War – by Philip Giraldi

If there should happen to be an al-Qaeda attack in Calhoun County Alabama, Sheriff Larry Amerson will presumably know what to do. That is because he and a number of colleagues in law enforcement have received paid trips to Israel to learn how to deal with the terrorist threat. Continue reading “Homeland Security Made in Israel”

NASDAQ MarketSite TV studio - Photo by Luis Villa del CampoBlacklisted News – by Michael Snyder

What in the world is happening to our financial markets?  Trading on the Nasdaq was halted on Thursday for more than 3 hours, and the only formal explanation that we got was that it was a “technical issue”.  On Tuesday, Goldman Sachs made thousands of “erroneous trades” that are now being canceled.  If those trades had not been canceled, it could have cost Goldman “hundreds of millions of dollars” according to the Wall Street Journal.  How nice for them that they get a “do over”.  When Knight Capital made a similar “trading error”, they were not so fortunate.  Our financial system has become completely and totally dependent on computers, and that means that it is extremely vulnerable.  After what we have witnessed this week, how can they actually expect us to have faith in these financial markets?  And what happens if these “technical issues” get even worse?   Continue reading “They Actually Expect Us To Have Faith In These Financial Markets After This Week?”

Buzz Feed – by Andrew Kaczynski

Oklahoma Republican Sen. Tom Coburn said Wednesday that President Barack Obama was getting “getting perilously close” to the constitutional standard for impeachment. Coburn was speaking at the Muskogee Civic Center in Oklahoma.

“What you have to do is you have to establish the criteria that would qualify for proceedings against the president, and that’s called impeachment,” Coburn said, responding to a question about holding President Obama accountable. “That’s not something you take lightly, and you have to use a historical precedent of what that means. I think there’s some intended violation of the law in this administration, but I also think there’s a ton of incompetence, of people who are making decisions.”   Continue reading “Tom Coburn: Obama “Getting Perilously Close” To The Standard For Impeachment”

Before It’s News

“All  warfare is based on deception” is often ascribed to the Israeli Mossad as their motto, but it is in fact an observation by Sun Tzu in his ancient military guide to tactics and strategy, ‘The Art of War’, a book almost everyone in Asia (China) has known about for the last two thousand years.

Americans don’t even discuss “The War” and, being cut off from all military activity, including acts like the Apache helicopter murder of civilians, including two journalists, accept the sentence handed down to Bradley Manning, again without public discourse.   Continue reading ““War is Deception” US ‘backed false flag plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt’: Report”

Chinese MilitaryThe American Dream – by Michael Snyder

If you believe that China is our “friend”, then you have been deceived.  While U.S. politicians, the mainstream media and the U.S. military may consider China to be a “friend” and a “partner”, the Chinese see things very, very differently.  As you will see below, documents produced at the highest levels of the Chinese government make it abundantly clear that China considers the United States to be a mortal enemy.  Unfortunately, in the west we have naively assumed that if we opened up trade with China that they would want to be more like us.  Instead, opening up trade with China has allowed them to severely damage us economically while continuing to loudly denounce “western constitutional democracy” at the same time.   Continue reading “The Secret Document That Proves China Considers The United States To Be A Mortal Enemy”

Those who have been following the Illinois Concealed fiasco, have noticed that the following subject has been receiving a lot of questions and confusion.  The Illinois State Bar Association sent this explanation to their members.  This is a clear answer.

Businesses have to post a “legal” sign, not available yet.  Signs are already being posted around Illinois now anyhow.   Continue reading “Please check your guns at the door: Employer rights under the Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act”

Losing Family, Losing God, Losing the CountryMilitia News

John Adams once said, to the chagrin of libertarians through the ages, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Indeed, many of the problems we see manifested in our nation today, from the refusal of the president and attorney general to enforce the laws of the land to the Supreme Court finding a right to sexual perversion, have their genesis in the fact that it has become déclassé among the self- described elites to look upon religion as anything other than a curious practice engaged in by proles.   Continue reading “Losing Family, Losing God, Losing the Country.”

The Captain’s Journal – by HerschelSmith

No, that’s not my preferred title, but the one used by Adam Winkler:

America has more than its fair share of extremists who believe people need to stock up on guns to fight against tyrannical government in Washington. Add one more to the list: Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Continue reading “Justice Scalia Goes Gun Crazy”

BO360Joe for America [Satire]

In the ongoing effort to help educate and motivate troubled youth in America, the White House today invited leaders from the social services, mental health, and educational institutions, as well as state legislatures and law enforcement organizations, for a preview of a new Federal initiative on minority youth boredom. In a Rose Garden announcement, President Barack Obama outlined a forum to promote his new “anti-complacency” program, which includes as its centerpiece an innovative technology designed to drastically reduce the amount of boredom in teenagers called: “The Barack Obama 360.”   Continue reading “White House Announces BO360 Anti-Boredom Initiative”

The Lone Star Watchdog

Thank you Issiah Carey for covering this story.I find this story very strange with red flags everywhere in this case. The girl who was nine years old at the time was accused of touching a four year old boy playing doctor in the court yard of an Apartment complex. The Houston PD close to four months later afte the alleged incident decided to investigate the complaint. I have some serious questions that needs to be asked.   Continue reading “A Miscarriage of Justice of Police Gone Wild? A 10 year old Texas Girl charged with sexual assault”

Don't Smart Meter Me!Activist Post

The following clip is an excerpt from upcoming documentary, Take Back Your Power – a critical investigation of the Smart Metering phenomenon and Smart Grid. It shows observable effects of the RF/MW radiation from a Smart Meter on human blood cells using dark-field microscopy.   Continue reading “Live Blood Analysis – Observable Effects of RF/MW Radiation from ‘Smart’ Meters”

Harper-troopsGlobal Research – by Yves Engler

The Conservatives’ militarism is unrelenting.

Last month the Harper government launched a Civil Military Leadership Pilot Initiative at the University of Alberta. The program “allow[s] people to simultaneously obtain a university degree while also gaining leadership experience in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Reserves.” The four-year Civil Military Leadership Pilot Initiative will be “co-directed by the University of Alberta and the CAF” and the government hopes to export this “test model” to other universities.   Continue reading “Harper Promotes Canadian Militarism: Introducing University Undergraduates to a Form of Military Service on Campus”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

We have yet to see secondary confirmation of the following breaking news from the second largest French newspaper, Le Figaro, but if accurate, it means the Nobel Peace Prize winning president has just engaged in yet another unsanctioned by Congress war.

From Le Figaro, google translated:   Continue reading “American, Israeli And Jordanian Troops And CIA Agents Have Entered Syria, Le Figaro Reports”

John Adams Courthouse, home to the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. (Photo from News

A rape victim is suing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for forcing her to maintain a 16-year legal relationship with her rapist, who impregnated her and is now seeking paternity rights over the child.

In 2009, 20-year-old Jamie Melendez raped a 14-year-old middle school student when she was home alone in Norwood, Mass. The girl, who is referred to as “H.T.” in court documents, said she felt threatened and intimidated by the man. As a result of the rape, she became pregnant and gave birth to a child, which forced her mother to quit her job to stay home and take care of it. Melendez pleaded guilty to the rape in 2011 and was sentenced to 16 years probation.   Continue reading “Rape victim sues Massachusetts for forcing her into relationship with attacker”

Jon Rappoport

If you still remember a piece of paper called the US Constitution, you might wonder under what section of that document the government is permitted to alter the human species.

A current Pentagon plan to create a biological platform inside the human body, using it to deliver new genetic information, and thus changing what the human body is and does…well, that is about as outrageous as you can get, when it comes to the violation of permitted federal powers.   Continue reading “The US government is bankrolling the engineering of humans”

Report: Michael Hastings feared his car had been tampered withSalon -by JILLIAN RAYFIELD

War correspondent Michael Hastings, who died in a car crash in April, had reportedly become concerned that his car had been tampered with in the days leading up to his death, and asked friend Jordanna Thigpen to borrow hers, according to new profile in the LA Weekly.

From the report:   Continue reading “Report: Michael Hastings feared his car had been tampered with”

Photos: Intelligence leaker Bradley ManningCNN – by Michael Pearson

“I am Chelsea Manning.”

With those words, read from a statement on NBC’s “Today” on Thursday, Bradley Manning immediately shifted public conversation away from the Army private’s conviction on espionage charges to gender identity.  Continue reading “Bradley Manning wants to live as a woman, be known as Chelsea”