S.C. Tea Party Targets Lindsey Graham; Constitutionalist Challenger Steps UpThe New American –  by  Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Although he probably can’t hear it over the sound of the war drum he’s constantly beating, the bell is tolling louder and louder for Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

A coalition of Tea Party-affiliated groups from across South Carolina has approved a 29-point condemnation of Graham, calling for his replacement with someone committed to the Constitution.   Continue reading “S.C. Tea Party Targets Lindsey Graham; Constitutionalist Challenger Steps Up”

Photo: Wikimedia CommonsIntelliHub – by JG Vibes

This past Saturday a San Antonio man was shot and killed by an off duty cop after both vehicles pulled to the side of the road for some unknown reason, most likely a minor traffic incident.  The victim of the attack was an unarmed 29 year old man named Matthew Jackson.

According to the family Matthew was sitting in the car at the time of the shooting, but the police are denying that and refusing to show any type of evidence.   Continue reading “Off Duty Cop Gets Road Rage, Shoots and Kills Unarmed Man”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

While Senator John McCain thinks that we should ‘love bomb’ Syria back to the dark ages, he’s come out this week saying it’s time that we legalize weed in America. In stark contrast to his anti-marijuana stance of the past, McCain now feels that legalization will be good for the economy and bad for the drug cartels in Mexico. What is this all about? Has John McCain ‘lost his mind’ as shared by Russ Belville in the video below? As a man who once advocated the death penalty for drugs, does John McCain now ‘respect the will of the people’ as he stated in delivering his new marijuana stance? If so, why does he disrespect the ‘will of the SAME people’ on Syria?   Continue reading “John McCain: Time To Legalize Weed”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

While the world was glued to the developments in the Mediterranean in the past week, Poland took a page straight out of Rahm Emanuel’s playbook and in order to not let a crisis go to waste, announced quietly that it would transfer to the state – i.e., confiscate – the bulk of assets owned by the country’s private pension funds (many of them owned by such foreign firms as PIMCO parent Allianz, AXA, Generali, ING and Aviva), without offering any compensation. In effect, the state just nationalized roughly half of the private sector pension fund assets, although it had a more politically correct name for it: pension overhaul.   Continue reading “Poland Confiscates Half Of Private Pension Funds To “Cut” Sovereign Debt Load”

Intelligence CommunityRon Paul Institute

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity have issued a memorandum to President Obama directly challenging his administration’s claims on Syria’s use of chemical weapons:


FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)

SUBJECT: Is Syria a Trap?   Continue reading “The Intelligence Community’s Revolt Against Obama on Syria”

2012: What is the Real Truth

The attempt to start a war in Syria, the sudden spike in radiation at Fukushima, threats by Saudi Arabia to wage terror on the coming Russian Olympic Games and other unusual world events are part of a long ago planned bigger plot to start a fascist world government.

Fortunately for us all, the plot is unraveling and the Sabbatean Nazis behind it are now very, very scared. That is why US corporate government slave Barak Obama is now the laughing stock of the world for his attempt to get the US military to support Al Qaeda based on obvious lies.   Continue reading “Ben Fulford: Connecting the dots between Syria, Fukushima, Olympic terror threats and the Nazi CIA, September 3, 2013”

An image grab taken from a video uploaded on YouTube by the Arbeen unified press office on August 21, 2013 shows a man comforting a Syrian girl in shock as she screams in Arabic "I am alive" following an attack in which Syrian opposition claim the regime used chemical weapons in eastern Ghouta, on the outskirts of Damascus (AFP Photo)RT News

There is proof the footage of the alleged chemical attack in Syria was fabricated, Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib, mother superior of St. James Monastery in Qara, Syria, told RT. She says she is about to submit her findings to the UN.

Mother Agnes, a catholic nun, who has been living in Syria for 20 years and has been reporting actively on what has been going on in the war-ravaged country, says she carefully studied the video featuring allegedly victims of the chemical weapons attack in the Syrian village of Guta in August and now questions its authenticity.    Continue reading “Footage of chemical attack in Syria is fraud”

Washington Post – by Ylan Q. Mui and Amrita Jayakumar

Americans are participating in the workforce at the lowest level in 35 years, according to government data released Friday, as lackluster job growth fails to offset the droves of people who have given up looking for work.

According to the Labor Department, the economy added a disappointing 169,000 jobs in August. In addition, the government lowered its estimate of the number of jobs created in June and July by 74,000 positions.   Continue reading “Unemployment dips to 7.3 percent, but only 63% of Americans are in labor force”

World Events and the Bible

Deception is in overdrive in these end times. The G20 meeting which concerns the world economy was taken over by the Syrian crisis. Why do you think that is? Because the global economy is getting ready to crash, the signs are all over the place. The Syrian conflict is simply a means to divert your attention from what is about to happen. Have we not learned anything from history? Historically, if we look back to WWI and WWII a financial collapse preceded those wars. We should expect nothing different this time either as the same “club” still runs the show.   Continue reading “End Times Deception, The Reign of World Government Draws Nigh”

Lew Rockwell – by Fred Reed

How the hell did it happen?

I lived, 1951 to 1956, aged six to eleven, in the Arlington suburbs of Washington and, ´56 to´57, in smalltown Athens, Alabama, and eighth grade through high school in rural King George County, Virginia, graduating in 1964. Another country. Another world. What happened?

The Arlington of then was entirely white, peopled largely by men several years back from World War Two, enjoying the fantastic surge in prosperity following the war. The dominant culture, the only culture, was that of Reader´s Digest, clean cut, honest, and confident. We watched the Mousketeers, all soap and good manners.   Continue reading “The Culture War is Lost”

Justin Sullivan / Getty Images / AFPRT News

Following in the footsteps of other tech giants, Yahoo has published its first ever transparency report revealing how often governments request data about its users. According to the information, the majority of requests came from the US.

The report presents information on global government data requests that Yahoo received between January 1 and June 30 of this year. The move comes in the wake of the NSA leak scandal, following which technology titans in the Silicon Valley fell under criticism for helping governments spy on their citizens.   Continue reading “Yahoo publishes first transparency report, US tops snooping list”

USS Mahan (DDG 72) (AFP Photo)RT News

Mounting pressure for a Western strike on Syria has seen naval forces both friendly and hostile to Damascus build up off the embattled country’s coastline.

The potential of a US strike against Syria in response to an August 21 chemical weapons attack in a Damascus suburb gained steam on Wednesday, when a resolution backing the use of force against President Bashar Assad’s government cleared the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on a 10-7 vote.   Continue reading “Troubled waters: Naval forces line Syrian shores”

RT News

As leaders of countries making up half of the world’s population firmly opposed military action against Syria without a UN mandate, the US kept pushing for a strike, claiming that many countries represented at the G20 summit were “comfortable” with it.

Although discussion of the Syrian conflict was never officially on the G20 agenda, world leaders used their statements and speeches to outline their stance on a possible US-led military strike against the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad.    Continue reading “G20 Syria divide: World’s largest nations speak out against US-led strike”

crime labsHuffington Post – by Radley Balko

I’ve previously written about the cognitive bias problem in state crime labs. This is the bias that can creep into the work of crime lab analysts when they report to, say, a state police agency, or the state attorney general. If they’re considered part of the state’s “team” — if performance reviews and job assessments are done by police or prosecutors — even the most honest and conscientious of analysts are at risk of cognitive bias. Hence, the countless and continuing crime lab scandals we’ve seen over the last couple decades. And this of course doesn’t even touch on the more blatant examples of outright corruption.   Continue reading “New Study Finds That State Crime Labs Are Paid Per Conviction”

Washington Post – by Matt Zapotosky

In the eyes of federal prosecutors in Virginia, Chad Dixon is a brazen criminal whose misdeeds threatened border security, state secrets and young children across America. They say he taught convicted sex offenders and aspiring federal law enforcement officers how to cheat their court- or job-imposed lie detector tests — even when he knew that they planned to use his advice for nefarious purposes.   Continue reading “Indiana man accused of teaching people to beat lie detector tests faces prison time”