Activist Post – by Andrew V Pontbriand

Oxford, MA. — The students over at Oxford High School in Oxford, MA. are probably not familiar with the Common Core curriculum. I mean, let’s face it, when you were forced into compulsory education did you really care THAT much about the curriculum?

However, when I was speaking with a family friend who is a junior attending the high school, she pointed out something to me that she knew I would find interesting. A class called “Conspiracy Theories”.   Continue reading “REPORT: High School Students Take “Conspiracy Theories” Class”

LA County Sheriff, Leroy BacaThe Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

Agenda 21 emanates from the United Nations. It is the plan for globalist domination of everything. Agenda 21 seeks to eviscerate personal liberties, destroy national sovereignty with unchecked immigration, control all resources (e.g. water and food), destroy the family, take children from their parents, practice crony capitalism, destroy all religion except for the paganism called Gaia, dumb-down education and seek to glorify all perversions known to mankind.

Agenda 21 is the transition piece between the humanity we enjoy today to the malformed transhumanism model which lies on our doorstep in which humans, as we know it, will disappear from the face of the earth. Agenda 21 comes from despots who desperately seek to destroy 95% of humanity at any cost. Agenda 21, and its creators and proponents are your mortal enemy, whether you realize it or not.   Continue reading “Mexican Drug Cartels, LA County Sheriffs and Judges Make a Good Team”

IRS_Reuters_internal_660.jpgFox News

Republicans claim the Justice Department’s investigation of the IRS targeting scandal is “compromised,” after revealing that it’s being led by one of President Obama’s political supporters.

In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, the lawmakers said they’ve learned trial attorney Barbara Kay Bosserman is leading the probe. They detailed federal campaign finance records showing she’s given more than $6,000 to Obama’s two presidential campaigns — and urged Holder to remove her from the case.    Continue reading “Republicans call for removal of Obama supporter leading IRS targeting probe”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

John “Planetary Regime” Holdren insults our intelligence with more quack science.

The White House has released a YouTube video in which Obama science czar John P. Holdren dubiously claims that the recent ‘polar vortex’ which has caused record low temperatures across many areas of the United States is caused by global warming.   Continue reading “White House Says Record Low Temperatures Caused by Global Warming”

Vigilant Citizen – by Richard McKenzie/locust

It’s almost time for the Super Bowl, the championship game of American football. This seems like a good time to share some of my thoughts with you regarding the current nature of sports. My hypothesis is that sports and especially televised sports are being used to program people for the benefit of those whom I have labeled the PRICs (psychopaths really in charge). Others call them the Illuminati.

This website concentrates on symbolism used in mass media, so I thought it necessary to provide some insight into the use of sports to promote the agenda of the Illuminati and others who oppress us and rule our world through symbolism and the twisting of reality, often without our even knowing or noticing.   Continue reading “Sports Programming, People Programming”


CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — President Nicolas Maduro hastily gathered state governors and mayors Wednesday to discuss the country’s violent crime amid public outrage over the killing of a popular soap-opera actress and former Miss Venezuela.

In a rare conciliatory moment during the meeting, Maduro reached out and shook hands with the main opposition leader, Miranda state Gov. Henrique Capriles, whom he defeated by a razor-thin margin in the April presidential election.   Continue reading “Actress’ slaying puts Venezuela leaders on spot”

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Easy on the cinnamon! That advice from Denmark’s food authority has rankled pastry chefs whose cinnamon rolls were found to violate the European Union’s spice rules.

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration recently discovered that Danish cinnamon rolls and twists contained more coumarin — a chemical compound in the most common variety of cinnamon — than EU rules allow. Excessive intake of coumarin can cause liver damage.   Continue reading “Danish cinnamon rolls too spicy for EU rules”

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Bats are dropping from trees, kangaroos are collapsing in the Outback and gardens are turning brown. While North America freezes under record polar temperatures, the southern hemisphere is experiencing the opposite extreme as heat records are being set in Australia after the hottest year ever.

Weather forecasters in Australia said some parts of the sparsely populated Pilbara region along the rugged northwest coast were approaching 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit) on Thursday. The record high of 50.7 degrees Celsius (123.3 F) was set in 1960 in Oodnadatta, South Australia state.   Continue reading “No deep freeze: Australia swelters in heat wave”

View image on TwitterBefore It’s News – by Monica Davis

Everyone’s talking about how cold it is. Record wind chills and temperatures give the weather folk on the TV something else to jaw jack about.

But, what is happening to the poor–whose old houses and drafty windows make heating old houses in this weather impossible. Or, where did the homeless go to escape the dangerous weather?  If it’s cold enough to freeze flowing water in a water fountain, what does that kind of cold do to human skin?  Continue reading “Officials Fear Homeless Might Be Dying In The Streets–Fountains Are Freezing, How Are Homeless Surviving?”

Blessed prayer warrior friends……..

We apologize for being late today in getting out this update.

Jack’s wife Angie phoned this morning and advised us of the following:  In her words, “things do not look good,” since Jack’s condition had not improved, and he remains on life support.  The last of Jack’s 3 sons, and also a younger sister, were expected to arrive in Evansville by this evening, and we trust that by now they have.      Continue reading “Jack McLamb Update: “Things do not look good””

Before It’s News – by Alton Parish

Chemical compounds synthesised in the laboratory, similar to those found in cannabis, could be developed as potential drugs to reduce the pain of osteoarthritis.

These compounds could also reduce joint inflammation, according to new research carried out at the Arthritis Research UK Pain Centre at The University of Nottingham.   Continue reading “Drugs Related To Cannabis Have Pain-Relieving Potential For Osteoarthritis”

Before It’s News – by Susan Duclos

There have been reports of pockets and areas showing a 500 percent spike in radiation in California and times as high as 1,400 percent, but the question the MSM and local California media refuses to ask is what is the consistent readings along the beaches of California, what increased percentage is the new “norm,” for them?

In the video below anchored by David Knight, he shows a crew, including JaKari Jackson, with a Geiger counter walking along the California beach and their findings are consistently high, at times spiking to 1,200 times what local officials publicly claim to be safe and normal levels.   Continue reading “Cali Geiger Readings Consistently 10X ‘Normal’ Levels”

Urban Combatives


The Oxford English dictionary defines vehemence as showing a strong and intense feeling of demonstrative aggression. This has also been referred to as your killer instinct or the Gemini principle and Sigmund Freud called your ‘It’ Factor. This intense source of energy exists in all of us and is indeed an essential piece of the puzzle that goes hand in hand with the combative mindset that then create the WILLINGNESS to step up and do what ever it takes to win the fight. Everyone’s access point is set at a variable level. What may trigger this instinct in some people may not be enough in others. Continue reading “W.E. Fairbairn’s Combative Concepts”

Watertown Daily Times – by Ted Booker

Ammunition dealers haven’t been told by state police when they’ll need to conduct background checks to comply with the NY Secure Ammunition and Firearms Act, because a statewide records database needed to do so is still under construction.

North country dealers, who are already combating higher ammunition costs, say they are frustrated with how the state has left them in limbo about the background checks, which are expected to drive the already-steep price of ammunition even higher.   Continue reading “Lack of Timetable for Ammunition Background Checks Leaves New York Dealers in Limbo”

Canada Free Press – by Judy McLeod

Folk don’t need ‘the weatherman’ to tell them what it’s doing outside.  They can just look out the window.

If you live in a small town or village and want to know what Mother Nature’s up to 30 miles down the road, email or telephone someone you know—or with today’s technology, even someone you don’t know.

The weather has been the main topic of conversation for centuries.   Continue reading “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows”

Phantom Report

Source: SRI Express

Direct investment’ has been redefined and it is this direct directive by corporates that has forced Western political leaders to advocate military interventions of the immoral and unethical nature we see unfolding before us. All these compilations of war crimes, abuses etc are nothing but a sham to give a touch of ‘we did justice’ to the injustice taking place. The fact is military interventions are happening primarily for the economic interests of not the country invading by the corporate lobbyists who are waiting to land and plunder invaded nations. It is not foreign invasion it is corporate invasion that is taking place and national leaders/governments are getting eliminated for standing in the way of that quest.   Continue reading “Military Interventions are ordered by Corporates not politicians/Governments”

Washington’s Blog

It’s Never to Protect Us From Bad Guys

No matter which government conducts mass surveillance, they also do it to crush dissent, and then give a false rationale for why they’re doing it.

For example, the U.S. Supreme Court noted in its 1965 Stanford v. Texas opinion (footnotes omitted):   Continue reading “500 Years of History Shows that Mass Spying Is Always Aimed at Crushing Dissent”