Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

More and more we are seeing an opening in America to paganism, false religions and open Satanism. The strange invocation that came from the Lake Worth, Florida City Commission meeting on December 2 of this year exemplifies this, only it was apparently an anti-theist that gave the invocation.

Miami anti-theist Preston Smith stood and gave an utterly moronic invocation, if you can even call it that as several of the commissioners and the mayor got up and walked out before he gave the invocation.   Continue reading “Florida City Council Meeting Opens with Invocation to Satan & Allah – Mayor and Commissioners Walk Out”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

My 7-year-old granddaughter has suddenly developed a keen interest in card games: Go Fish, Crazy Eights, Old Maid, Blackjack, and War. We’ve fallen into a set pattern now: every time we play, she deals the cards, and I pretend not to see her stacking the deck in her favor. And of course, I always lose.

I don’t mind losing to my granddaughter at Old Maid, knowing full well the game is rigged. For now, it’s fun and games, and she’s winning. Where the rub comes in is in knowing that someday she’ll be old enough to realize that being a citizen in the American police state is much like playing against a stacked deck: you’re always going to lose.   Continue reading “The Game Is Rigged: Why Americans Keep Losing To The Police State”

menNatural News – by Mike Adams 

If you haven’t already seen Hunger Games, Catching Fire I urge you to watch it now. The movie, available for free on Amazon’s PRIME service, depicts a totalitarian centralized government ruling over disarmed, oppressed subjects with outrageous cruelty and injustice.

The movie is a warning to what might happen to us all very soon if we don’t stop the march of tyranny in America. You need to watch the film because America is headed straight for a similar outcome, and this fact was especially driven home today by one of the most outrageous new laws to ever be passed in any state. By a wide margin of support, Illinois just voted to criminalize citizens filming police in public spaces.   Continue reading “Government’s descent into Hunger Games injustice and tyranny nearly complete”

III Percent Patriots 

For those of you who think the title “Spy” or “Commando” or “Intelligence Analyst” are titles awarded only after traversing some mystical and shrouded training program, eating grubs to live, force rucking a thousand miles in 22 minutes – you are incorrect.  As with most things in our society, there is a notion that you are not an X until some guru ordains you to be an X.  Whether it’s a plumber, a car mechanic, a Rifleman – this is one of the most disappointing evolutions in modern America.     Continue reading “Virginia Hall”

bacteriaBBC News – by Fergus Walsh

Drug resistant infections will kill an extra 10 million people a year worldwide – more than currently die from cancer – by 2050 unless action is taken, a study says.

They are currently implicated in 700,000 deaths each year.

The analysis, presented by the economist Jim O’Neill, said the costs would spiral to $100tn (£63tn).   Continue reading “Superbugs to kill ‘more than cancer’ by 2050”

JPEG - 14.7 kbVoltaire – by Wayne Madsen

The role of Jewish figures and that of the State of Israel in the Ukrainian crisis has not gone unnoticed considering that this community represents less than 1 percent of the population. However, a secret report in the hands of the Netanyahu administration confirms that Ashkenazi Jews do not originate from the Levant, but are the descendants of the Khazars. This little-known population founded a Jewish empire in the tenth century on the banks of the Black Sea. Therefore, some Zionists see in Ukraine a possible second Israel.   Continue reading “Israel’s Secret Plan for a “Second Israel” in Ukraine”

U.S. Marines, French Gendarmes conduct crowd and riot control trainingDVIDS – by 1st Lt. Gerard Farao

MORÓN AIR BASE, Spain – Molotov cocktails explode and tear gas fill the streets as U.S. Marines from SPMAGTF Crisis Response – Africa and French gendarmes with Mobile Gendarmerie Armored Group try to control a crowd of rioters in a city street.

That is how the scenario played out as the Marines and gendarmes trained together in crowd and riot control techniques at National Gendarmerie Training Center in St. Astier, France, from Dec. 1 to 5, 2014.    Continue reading “U.S. Marines, French Gendarmes conduct crowd and riot control training”

NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpiNew York Daily News – by DAREH GREGORIAN

A corrupt former cop whose dirty dealings led to a massive ticket fixing investigation into the NYPD was sentenced to prison Wednesday — despite his lawyer’s “he didn’t choke anybody” defense.

“You have utterly disgraced your badge and your uniform,” Bronx Supreme Court Justice Michael Gross told now ex-NYPD officer Jose Ramos as he sentenced him to 12 and a half to 14 and a half years behind bars on attempted robbery and drug charges.   Continue reading “Corrupt ex-NYPD cop who sparked the massive ticket fixing investigation sentenced for attempted robbery and drug charges”

berkeley riot policeThe Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

While there have been many protests across the nation over the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, most have petered out by now. Only the demonstrations in Berkeley are still ongoing, although they too are finally coming to an end. As I wrote about yesterday, both sides of the conflict have engaged in shortsighted and destructive tactics to achieve their goals. Neither the cops, the protesters, nor the looters, should win a medal for the actions they have taken over the past few days.   Continue reading “Brutal Footage From the Berkeley Protest Is Almost too Awful to Watch”

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Last night an undercover cop in Oakland drew his firearm on a group of demonstrators before arresting a black man from among the crowd.

Protesters at the scene reported on Twitter that the cop pulled his gun after he was ‘outed’ as an undercover. One person tweeted that the undercovers were “instigators of looting,” while another said they were “banging on windows.” After they were unmasked, one of the cops drew his baton and then pulled a gun on the crowd. After the first officer drew his weapon, someone allegedly punched the other cop in the face, knocking him down. Read the tweets below.   Continue reading “Undercover cop, discovered by activists at Oakland protest, pulls gun on crowd”

1Veterans Today – by Lasha Darkmoon

Are the Jews trying to take over China? If so, how come the Chinese are now studying Jewish texts looking for hot tips on how to take over America?

Part 1 : On Domination Games

new article by Kevin MacDonald on China is well worth reading. The article begins with these words: “Tablet  [magazine] has an article reflecting Jewish angst over the possibility that the Chinese might think that Jews run America: The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America: Is That a Good Thing?“   Continue reading “China and the Jews”

David McNew/Getty Images/AFPRT

For the first time in two decades, through a spate of school shootings at the likes of Columbine, Colorado and Newtown, Connecticut, more Americans say it is more important to protect gun rights rather than to increase gun control, Pew Research found.

Pew’s latest poll on American attitudes regarding gun rights found that 52 percent of respondents are more concerned about the protection of the right to own a gun, opposed to 46 percent who said it was more important to prioritize gun control.   Continue reading “Americans favor gun rights over gun control for the first time in 20 years”

Still from YouTube video/NavyRecognitionRT

The US Navy continues to tout its sophisticated warship laser system, saying it has performed above expectations for the last four months of operational testing aboard the USS Ponce during its deployment in the Persian Gulf.

The $40 million Laser Weapon System (LaWS) was fully integrated on the USS Ponce at the end of the summer for a year of testing, according to Rear Admiral Matthew Klunder, head of the Office of Naval Research.   Continue reading “Not Sci-Fi anymore: Navy’s ‘fully operational’ laser gun blows up boats, drones”

HONG KONG (AP) — Hong Kong authorities demolished a protest camp Thursday at the heart of the city’s 2 ½-month pro-democracy movement but scores of activists taken away by police vowed their fight for genuine elections wasn’t over.

Hundreds of police officers armed with chain saws and bolt cutters methodically dismantled barricades, tore down canopies and removed banners in a daylong operation to shut the protest site sprawled across a normally busy highway next to the specially administered Chinese city’s business district.   Continue reading “Hong Kong police arrest 209 protesters, demolish main camp”


COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio is weighing changes to its lethal injection law that are meant to restart executions, but the updated law will undoubtedly lead to lawsuits that will make carrying out the next scheduled procedure on Feb. 11 impossible, a prosecutor said Thursday.

The Summit County prosecutor’s office is not counting on Ronald Phillips’ execution happening, said Brad Gessner, the office’s chief counsel. He said the condemned child killer’s death is overdue. An earlier court filing by the office said the chances of Phillips’ execution happening were “nil.”   Continue reading “Prosecutor: Chances of February execution ‘nil’”


LOS ANGELES (AP) — Police in a San Diego suburb Thursday tackled an abduction suspect to the ground and rescued four children after a highway pursuit and standoff in California.

California Highway Patrol troopers began pursuing a black Nissan sought in the case of a missing Southern California family at about 8:30 a.m.

The vehicle came to a stop near a highway onramp near Santee. Two of the children escaped and officers then used armored trucks to surround the suspect’s vehicle.   Continue reading “Police swarm abduction suspect on San Diego freeway, children rescued”