Bob Marley in 1979, before the Reggae Sunsplash concert in Montego Bay, Jamaica.Guardian – by Vivien Goldman

“Me no really say no bad things about no one, cause me have a full heart,” Bob Marley once told me. “That is a sign of being an ignorant and undisciplined human being. Me prefer just to understand the situation and suss it out and say what is right and what is wrong.”

Confident in taking a stand, Bob Marley was not afraid to sing with moral authority. As events echoing the struggles he took part in and sang about take place around the world, I often find myself wondering: what would Bob have made of this if he were alive to celebrate his 70th birthday? What songs might he have written? Except that, usually, he already has.   Continue reading “Bob Marley at 70: legend and legacy”

Mexican Cartel WarBreitbart – by  ILDEFONSO ORTIZ

McALLEN, Texas – One of the commanders in the ongoing cartel war that has terrorized the cities just south of the Texas border and left 14 hitmen dead in just three days is a previously deported alien.

Since Sunday, two rival factions of the Gulf Cartel have gone to war, setting off a series of shootouts and blockades that have put the citizens of the border cities of Matamoros and Reynosa on edge.   Continue reading “Commander In Mexican Cartel War Is Previously Deported Alien”

TelevisaBreitbart – by  ILDEFONSO ORTIZ

As the border region has exploded into a war zone, a grenade was thrown at a local border television station, part of the the Gulf Cartel’s continued efforts to silence the Mexican media from reporting on the escalating violence.

The grenade was thrown at Friday night at the Televisa building in Matamoros, according to a Tamaulipas law enforcement official who spoke with Breitbart Texas. Televisa is a local TV station that is part of a larger network, and has been reporting on the cartel violence.   Continue reading “Mexican Cartel Throws Grenade at Border TV Station for Reporting on Them”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

For those who have been following the recent ISM reports, one of the recurring concerns of respondents in both the manufacturing and service sector has been the congestion at West Coast Ports – which handled 43.5% of containerized cargo in the U.S and where transiting cargo accounted for 12.5% of US GDP – as a result of reduced work output by the local unions who have been more focused in recent weeks on ongoing wage hike negotiations.

And according to the latest update from the 29 west coast ports that serve as the entry point of the bulk of Asia/Pac trade into and out of the US, things are about to get far worse for America’s manufacturing base, because as RILA reported earlier, talks between the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) representing port management, and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) officially broke down on Wednesday, and without an agreement, experts have suggested that nearly 30 west coast ports could be shut down within a week.   Continue reading ““Catastrophic Shutdown Of America’s Supply Chain Looms” As West Coast Port Worker Talks Break Down”

marijuana_plants_herb_735_350Natural Society

Charlotte Figi suffered from Dravet syndrome, a rare disease that caused her to have over 300 seizures a week and display autism-like symptoms. After trying every other conventional medical treatment available, her neurologist decided to treat her with cannabis oil extracts, and the results were astounding.

Figi’s parents live in Colorado, luckily, and her treatments with cannabis oil extracts were legal. In addition to eliminating her autism-like symptoms, Figi drastically reduced her seizures with cannabis oil. After eight short months, 99% of her debilitating condition was completely gone.   Continue reading “6 -Year-Old Free of Debilitating Seizures After 8 Months of Cannabis Oil Use”

2015_02_06_crash_gw001 (1).JPGSyracuse – by Jacob Pucci

LACONA, N.Y. — Photographs taken of the pileup on Interstate 81 north near the Oswego-Jefferson County line show tractor-trailers and other vehicles smashed together, blocking all lanes of traffic.

Photos shared to Newzjunky show a tractor-trailer spun sideways across the road, while rescue personnel climb over the wrecked cars.   Continue reading “Photos show massive pileup on I-81 north that shut down highway”

A gun found inside a fake book by Goodwill employees in Maine was a .31-caliber pistol that was apparently a replica of an antique weapon.Daily News – by  DEBORAH HASTINGS

You really shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.

In this case, the book purported to be “Den of Lions,” the harrowing, first-person saga of kidnapped Associated Press journalist Terry Anderson.

But a worker at a Goodwill store in Maine said the donated book “didn’t feel right,” so he called the cops.

Inside was a gun, a small, .31-caliber pistol that reportedly was made by an Italian manufacturer of antique replicas, The Ellsworth American reported.    Continue reading “Donated book to Maine Goodwill turns out to be spy-like gun holder, with gun inside”

NYPD Has a Plan to Magically Turn Anyone It Wants Into a Felon Justice Gawker – by Andy Cush

On Wednesday, NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton urged state legislators to consider increasing the penalty for resisting arrest from a misdemeanor to a felony. The change, he argued, would help New Yorkers “get around this idea that you can resist arrest. You can’t.” It would also give cops an easy way to turn victims of their own worst impulses into the worst class of criminal.   Continue reading “NYPD Has a Plan to Magically Turn Anyone It Wants Into a Felon”

Guns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon

It looks like the anti-gun Democrats are back at it in Congress once again. This time they are looking to bring back the federal ban on magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds. Those of you who lived through the first federal “assault weapons ban” know how troublesome this legislation is.

The new bill is sponsored by Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) in the Senate. In a released statement he said:   Continue reading “Federal Ban on Standard Capacity Magazines Introduced by Congressional Democrats”


Simon Menner’s ongoing series Camouflage shows landscapes with German snipers hidden somewhere in the frame. The project is like a deadly Where’s Waldo exercise. For Menner, the challenge of finding the snipers isn’t the important part; the photos comment on the way things like fear, terror, and surveillance are constantly part of our lives in the modern world.

“I’m playing with this notion that you always have to be afraid of something that is not visible,” says Menner, who lives in Berlin.   Continue reading “Can You Spot the Snipers Hidden in These Photos?”

vega adEric Peter’s Autos

It’s the “bells and whistles” that get the headlines – and grab your attention. But they might also grab your wallet once the warranty runs out. A classic example from long ago is the aluminum block four-cylinder engine GM trotted out back in the mid-1970s. It was a revolutionary design based on a high-silicon alloy that eliminated the need for pressed-in cylinder liners. It was also very lightweight, which promised to improve both the fuel economy and the handling of the car it was built for – the Chevy Vega. Stop me if you know where this is going…

No?   Continue reading “Five new car features to “think twice” about”

gmo_apple_squeeze_735_350Natural Society – by Christina Sarich

A new study released in September of this year gives even more evidence that GMOs should have been banned before they were ever allowed on the market. Read on to find out how “Genetically Engineered Crops, Glyphosate and the Deterioration of Health in the United States of America” pinpoints a significant correlation between GMOs and 22 diseases.

Why does the biotech industry keep hiding the toxicity of their products? Well, there are numerous reasons – the corruption of the American and international governments, the fact that the USDA’s main man appointed by Obama was a former Monsanto executive, and the tremendously deep pockets of mega-corporations to launch propaganda campaigns – are just a few.   Continue reading “Study Links GMOs to Over 22 Different Diseases”

New White House Petition to “Classify Refusal To Vaccinate Children As A Mental Disorder” Has 2,000+ SignaturesThe Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Melton

People are just clamoring all over themselves to get other people’s rights taken away these days in this country. What the hell happened, America?

This new petition on White is even more ridiculous than the last one which asked to raise health insurance rates on families who don’t vaccinate. Now it’s just a request to straight up classify anyone who refuses to vaccinate their child as having a mental disorder.   Continue reading “New White House Petition to “Classify Refusal To Vaccinate Children As A Mental Disorder” Has 2,000+ Signatures”

Study: Radiation Therapy May Make Cancers 30x More MalignantGreen Med Info – by Sayer Ji

Following on the heels of recent revelations that x-ray mammography may be contributing to an epidemic of future radiation-induced breast cancers, in a new article titled, “Radiation Treatment Generates Therapy Resistant Cancer Stem Cells From Aggressive Breast Cancer Cells,” published in the journal Cancer July 1st, 2012, researchers from the Department of Radiation Oncology at the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center report that radiation treatment actually drives breast cancer cells into greater malignancy.   Continue reading “Study: Radiation Therapy Can Make Cancers 30x More Malignant”

AlterNet – by Cliff Weathers

When it comes to popularity, cable companies rank down there with members of Congress, root canals and Nickelback. Current and former customers agree; they hate the high cost and poor service, and they especially hate the runaround they get from call centers.

Comcast and Time Warner Cable, the two largest cable television providers in the U.S., are consistently at the bottom of consumer satisfaction surveys and are among the least trusted corporations in the nation. Now these two monolithic companies are on the brink of a mega-merger.     Continue reading “When Your Cable Company Attacks: Why Comcast Abuses Its Customers”

images-1Underground Medic – by Liz Bennett

Have you every been followed? Have you ever known that gut-tightening fear that comes with the realisation that you are not imagining it, someone really is tailing you?

I have and it’s terrifying, especially here in the UK where carrying items of self-defence such as mace, knives and guns are illegal. Even in the United States there are areas where carrying a weapon is prohibited and if the gun control lobby have their way there will be a great many more of those places in the future.   Continue reading “Improvised Weaponry”

TEA New York – by Jul Thompson

Common Core is a new set of substandard educational standards the federal government has coerced and bribed states to adopt.  Its totalitarian goal is to nationalize education so as to mold the minds of the youth, with the end goal of dominating the population.  46 States had originally adopted Common Core, but as of 2014, Oklahoma, Indiana and South Carolina have withdrawn.  It was never adopted by Nebraska, Virginia, Texas and Alaska.   Continue reading “Summary of Common Core”

Boulder Weekly – by Elizabeth Miller

The Buffalo Field Campaign, which monitors the Yellowstone border and tracks the park’s bison management activities, reports that 410 wild bison have been trapped and removed for slaughter in recent weeks.

“We don’t know exact numbers because the park service will not tell us,” says Stephany Seay, Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC) media coordinator.   Continue reading “Park Service kills hundreds of bison despite objections from Native Americans and activists”

Russia Insider – by Damien Sharkov, Newsweek

NATO has ranked Russia as its greatest threat, according to defence experts, as the alliance announced its plans to staff six new European bases in what its secretary general Jens Stoltenberg is calling “the biggest reinforcement of our collective defence since the end of the Cold War”.

The plan will see NATO’s rapid reaction units grow to 30,000 soldiers from 13,000, and six stations will be set up in the alliance’s easternmost member states – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, all of whom either border Russia or share the Black Sea with annexed Crimea.   Continue reading “NATO Declares Russia Its Greatest Threat, Announces “Biggest Reinforcement since the End of the Cold War””