The Anti-Media – by Nick Bernabe
OMFG!!! DID YOU HEAR ABOUT HILLARY CLINTON’S EMAILS?!?!?! Yeah I did, but frankly, I don’t give a damn about her email server, and you shouldn’t either. You see, the media won’t talk about the real scandals going on, so they feed us this mindless shit so we can all drone on and argue about it all day on Facebook, even though it won’t affect a f#@king thing.
Forget about the color of the dress for a minute, forget about Hillary Clinton’s unsecured email, hell! forget about Kanye and Kim too; let’s talk about Libya. And no, I’m not talking about Benghazi. However, that kind of ties into this too. Continue reading “Forget Hillary’s Emails, Here’s Her Real Scandal That Nobody’s Talking About”