Silicon Valley is in a panic following an announcement that China is considering sweeping counterterrorism legislation.Sputnik

Silicon Valley is in a panic following an announcement that China is considering sweeping counterterrorism legislation. The law would require tech companies to provide the Chinese government with NSA-like access to private data, terms the industry may be forced to accept if they want to do business in the world’s most populated country.

The Edward Snowden revelations about the American spying apparatus have numerous impacts. One of the latest is a decision by the Chinese government to terminate contracts with a number of major US-based technology brands. This could stem from news that the NSA installed spyware into the products of major US technology companies, thus using these brands as tools of US intelligence agencies.   Continue reading “Silicon Valley Panic: China Demands NSA-Like Access and Control”

liesMarket Ticker – by Karl Denninger

Oh boy….

One of the worst days of Douglas Dendinger’s life began with him handing an envelope to a police officer.

In order to help out his family and earn a quick $50, Dendinger agreed to act as a process server, giving a brutality lawsuit filed by his nephew to Chad Cassard as the former Bogalusa police officer exited the Washington Parish Courthouse. Continue reading “But The Cops Should Be Trusted!”


As much as 1,500 gallons of used motor oil leaked from an above-ground storage tank in Washington state into a creek that flows into the Yakima River, vital to the apple-growing state’s agricultural hub, officials said on Monday.

The cause of the spill on Sunday from the tank at a former feed lot near Sunnyside, about 170 miles southeast of Seattle, was under investigation.   Continue reading “Up to 1,500 gallons of motor oil leak into Washington state creek, Yakima River”

Director of US National Intelligence James Clapper speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. He revealed a secret trip to North Korea to bring back home two Americans who had been detained there.The Guardian

US spy chief James Clapper said that when he made a secret visit to North Korea in November to bring home two jailed Americans he was first given a 12-course banquet and then later told by his hosts that his security could not be guaranteed.

Clapper gave details of his trip, made at the behest of President Barack Obama, for the first time during a forum on Monday at the Council on Foreign relations. Continue reading “US intelligence chief reveals details of secret mission to North Korea”

PictureJefferey Jaxen

In a completely transparent move, seven US medical specialty societies and the American Public Health Association have issued a call to label gun injuries a ‘public health crisis.’ The conveniently timed announcements and editorials have arrived suspiciously in concert with the announcement of the ATF’s ammo ban. Sadly this appears to be evidence of a larger political agenda rooted in red tap politics, money, and control rather than reality. On the back of a forced vaccination debate currently in full swing, the US medical establishment is running dangerously close to losing further trust along with the hearts and minds of the people it is supposed to be healing.    Continue reading “Political Agenda Over Reality: Guns Labeled ‘Health Crisis’”

Intellihub – by Lexi Morgan

I guess in the now bankrupt, forgotten, and rapidly deteriorating country in which we all live the powers-that-be are so desperate to latch on to what’s left that they are doing, and will continue to do, everything in their power to sell a new narrative to law enforcement.

In fact a new report issued this Feb. by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) says the “sovereign citizen extremist (SCE)”; those who believe in their Constitutional rights, will be a growing problem this year after reviewing 24 select law enforcement investigations on the matter.   Continue reading “DHS: ‘Violence stemming from sovereign citizen extremist ideology to ramp-up in 2015′”

Ukraine's President Poroshenko speaks at National Guard Training CenterSputnik

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The United States will deploy personnel by the end of this week to train the Ukrainian national guard, US 173rd Airborne Brigade Commander Colonel Michael Foster said at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC on Monday.

“Before this week is up, we’ll be deploying a battalion minus… to the Ukraine to train Ukrainian forces for the fight that’s taking place,” Foster stated. “What we’ve got laid out is six United States companies that will be training six Ukrainian companies throughout the summer.”   Continue reading “US to Deploy Six National Guard Companies to Ukraine This Week”

CNN – by Michael Pearson, Holly Yan, and Sara Sidner

Los Angeles (CNN)The bystander who caught dramatic video of a fatal shooting by police in Los Angeles said Monday he didn’t see the man reach for an officer’s gun — the explanation for the shooting given by police.

Anthony Blackburn said he was perplexed that four officers could not subdue the man but instead shot and killed him during the incident on Sunday.   Continue reading “Witness who took video: Man killed by LAPD didn’t reach for officer’s gun”

Bill O'Reilly (Reuters / Lisa Miller)RT

Fox News issued a mea culpa for one of anchor Bill O’Reilly’s too-good-to-be-true stories ‒ but not for all his anecdotes that critics complain are fake. The controversial talk show host has been under fire for recollections of his reporting career.

In his 2013 book, ‘Keep It Pithy’, O’Reilly wrote, “I’ve seen soldiers gun down unarmed civilians in Latin America, Irish terrorists kill and maim their fellow citizens in Belfast with bombs.”

Asked about O’Reilly’s statements Friday, a Fox News spokesman told the Washington Post that O’Reilly was not an eyewitness to any bombings or injuries in Northern Ireland. Instead, he was shown photos of bombings by Protestant police officers.   Continue reading “Bill O’Reilly busted, take four: Fox News admits his tall tales about Irish terrorists”

netanyahuGlobal Research – by Anthony Bellchambers

Binyamin Netanyahu – AIPAC’s putative US President – will, next Tuesday, threaten both Houses of Congress that he is prepared to deploy his 400 nuclear warheads to ensure Israeli dominance of the Middle East unless Washington and the world accede to his demands against Iran (and Gaza and Lebanon and Turkey). A status quo that recalls the demands of the German National Socialists, in 1936, prior to their occupation and domination of Europe that instigated World War 2.    Continue reading “Binyamin Netanyahu, AIPAC’s Putative American President, Plans to Threaten the US Congress”

The Burning Platform

The BLS put out their monthly CPI lie last week. They issued the proclamation that inflation is dead. Did you know your costs are 0.1% lower than they were one year ago. They then used these deflation numbers to proclaim your real wages soared last month. It’s all good. The American consumer is so flush with cash, they decided to spend less money for the second month in a row. The Wall Street shysters are so happy with declining consumer spending, declining corporate profits, and a global recession, they pushed the NASDAQ up to 5,000 for the first time in 15 years. Hey!!! That was the year 2000. Things really got better after that milestone.   Continue reading “How’s that deflation working out for you?”

Free Thought Project – by John Vibes

Fox News medical correspondent Dr. David Samadi recently appeared on Fox & Friends with Clayton Morris to speak about a new study that showed that marijuana is one of the least lethal drugs available.

Samadi was brought on to the show to discredit the study and speak about the horrors of marijuana, but he wasn’t very convincing, and ally made some outrageous claims that made him look completely ridiculous.   Continue reading “FOX News Doctor Says Marijuana Causes Heart Attacks, Crack Babies, And Overdoses”

Defense Meteorological Satellite System (DMSP) spacecraftDescrier

A US Navy satellite has exploded while in orbit above the Earth after suffering a “catastrophic event”.

The 20-year-old Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Flight 13 (DMSP-F13) shattered into 43 pieces after a “sudden spike in temperature” caused an “unrecoverable loss of attitude control”   Continue reading “US military satellite explodes in orbit after “catastrophic event””


It isn’t just construction workers losing their jobs to illegal aliens from Mexico who are getting shafted by the massive influx of cheap foreign workers from the Third World. Supposedly foreigners are needed to get the work done, despite a real unemployment rate that dwarfs the official rate. Meanwhile, California is importing foreigners to process unemployment claims:   Continue reading “California Imports Foreign Workers to Process Unemployment Claims”

ABC News

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted Monday that despite recent differences with the Obama administration over a looming nuclear deal with Iran the alliance between his country and the Unites States was “stronger than ever.”

Kicking off a charged visit to Washington that has sparked criticism both in the U.S. and Israel, Netanyahu told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee that “reports of the demise of the Israeli-U.S. relationship are not just premature, they are just wrong.”   Continue reading “Netanyahu Tells AIPAC That US-Israel Alliance Is Strong”

vaccineNatural News – by Mike Adams

The National Vaccine Information Center has issued an alert for Texans to help stop forced vaccination and government coercion in their home state. A total of nine bills are currently pending in the Texas state legislature that threaten medical choice and fundamental human rights.

These laws are the extension of the current wave of vaccine hysteria sweeping America thanks to an aggressive new push toward medical fascism by the mainstream media.   Continue reading “All Texans to be tracked like dogs under ominous Big Brother vaccine database legislation – TAKE ACTION NOW TO OPPOSE”

Sent to us by Bill in Illinois.

Counter Punch – by JP Miller


For the purposes of this article, the “New left” is defined as a genuine group, party, or organization in the United States (US) that promotes Marxist revolutionary, Socialist principles in opposition to the Capitalist US government construct and society. This does not include anarchists, Democrats or independents. Also, the “Old Left” is celebrated as that great agitator and loosely revolutionary composite of unions, parties, and individuals, that historically brought us much needed reform from the 1900’s to the 1950’s. More in tune with this article is the contributions that the “New Left” provided through the Civil Rights movement and the anti-Vietnam war movement in the US along with the grassroots led social movement that gripped much of Europe during the 1960’s and 1970’s.   Continue reading “Does the US have a Left, Left?”

Jon Rapporport

The other night Jimmy Kimmel decided to blast parents who don’t vaccinate their children.

He emphasized the difference between what these parents know and what, ahem, doctors know.

In between wisecracks, Kimmel made it clear that (pro-vaccine) doctors are very smart and knowledgeable people—as if this obvious fact had escaped the dissident parents.   Continue reading “Jimmy Kimmel’s ignorant vaccine doctors”