Reuters / Lucy NicholsonRT

Fresh water is mysteriously disappearing from the Sacramento-San Jose Joaquin River Delta, amid California’s worst recorded drought. The blame is being pointed at farmers, who have used the water resources for irrigation for generations.

Following complaints from two state agencies, the Department of Water Resources and the US Bureau of Reclamation, an investigation has been launched into how much water Delta farmers are taking.    Continue reading “Water rapidly vanishing in California’s biggest delta”

This file photo shows a previous “Cologne Wailing Wall” exhibit displaying photographs of Palestinian children killed by Israel’s aggression.Press TV

A German court has shut down a long-standing anti-Israel exhibition in the western city of Cologne, accusing its organizer of anti-Semitism and glorification of violence.

The German municipal court said the permanent exhibit, which displayed numerous pictures of the Palestinian children who were killed and injured during the Israeli regime’s bloody offensive against Gaza last summer, violates a law designed to protect minors.   Continue reading “German court shuts down anti-Israel exhibition”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Over the centuries there have been many stories, some based on loose facts, others based on hearsay, conjecture, speculation and outright lies, about groups of people who “control the world.” Some of these are partially accurate, others are wildly hyperbolic, but when it comes to the historic record, nothing comes closer to the stereotypical, secretive group determining the fate of over 7 billion people, than the Bank of International Settlements, which hides in such plain sight, that few have ever paid much attention.   Continue reading “Meet The Secretive Group That Runs The World”

A Customer Withdraws a Forint Currency Note from an ATMBloomberg – by Lorcan Roche Kelly

The world’s central banks have a problem.

When economic conditions worsen, they react by reducing interest rates in order to stimulate the economy. But, as has happened across the world in recent years, there comes a point where those central banks run out of room to cut — they can bring interest rates to zero, but reducing them further below that is fraught with problems, the biggest of which is cash in the economy.

In a new piece, Citi’s Willem Buiter looks at this problem, which is known as the effective lower bound (ELB) on nominal interest rates.   Continue reading “Citi Economist Says It Might Be Time to Abolish Cash”

The Realist Report

The Anti-Defamation League, one of the most sinister and subversive anti-American organizations operating in the United States, is hyping the alleged threat of “right wing extremism” ahead of the 20th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. According to a recent press release from the ADL:   Continue reading “ADL hyping “right wing extremism” ahead of OKC bombing anniversary”

Chuck Michel.jpgFox News – by Malia Zimmerman

Cherished family heirlooms were among the 21 firearms Michael Roberts surrendered to the Torrance Police Department in 2010, after his doctor filed a restraining order against him.

The court order was the result of a dispute Roberts had with a member of the doctor’s staff and, after Roberts pleaded no contest, the matter was resolved. Yet, even though he filed the proper Law Enforcement Gun Release paperwork on four separate occasions, obtained clearance from the California Department of Justice and had two court orders commanding the return of his guns, police refused to hand them over.   Continue reading “Right to Bear Arms? Gun grabbing sweeping the nation”

Fox News

Four former Blackwater security guards face decades in prison when they are sentenced Monday for their roles in a 2007 shooting of Iraqi civilians.

Three of the guards — Dustin Heard, Evan Liberty and Paul Slough — face mandatory, decades-long sentences because of firearm convictions. A fourth, Nicholas Slatten, faces a life sentence after being found guilty of first-degree murder.

The men were charged in the deaths of 14 Iraqis at Nisoor Square, a crowded traffic circle in downtown Baghdad. The killings caused an international uproar, and the men were convicted in October after a legal fight that spanned years.   Continue reading “Former Blackwater guards to be sentenced for 2007 shooting of Iraqi civilians”

Surgical Removal of Body Parts is Sane But Eating Healthy is CrazyNutritional Anarchy

I think it’s really time for America to rethink what makes someone a positive example of taking charge of one’s health.

For example, many of us avoid fluoridated tap water and GMOs, and people think we’re nuts.

Angelina Jolie has her breasts and female reproductive parts removed and she’s a freakin’ national hero for preventative health care.  They’re calling the action “future-proofing against cancer.”   Continue reading ““Future-Proofing”: Where Surgical Removal of Body Parts is Sane, But Eating Healthy is Crazy”

cop-kill-wife-over-weed-fallisFree Thought Project – by Cassandra Fairbanks

Evans, CO– New details are emerging in the case of former corrections Officer Tom Fallis. He was arrested for murder three years after his wife’s death was ruled a suicide, despite being shot in the back of the head.

The case was reopened in April of last year after previously unheard witness testimony surfaced in addition to claims that the case was mishandled by police detective Michael Yates.   Continue reading “Bad Cop Kills Wife After Catching Her Smoking Marijuana, “Good Cop” Helps Him Cover It Up”

Discours de la Servitude Volontaire'-LaBoétie001Armstrong Economics – by Martin Armstrong


Mr. Armstrong, I realize this topic is not your normal everyday discussion in your blogs and it does not matter to me if you post this or not, However, I thought you might like this condensed story between my wife and I.

To be honest here,  I recently read a very small book written over 450 years ago by Etienne de La boetie titled ‘Discours de la Servitude Volontaire’.  It was this book that inspired me to write a personal but not private conversation she and I had together due to this young man’s knowledge  of the cure which he saw back then and which the majority of the people on this planet seem to never understand.   Continue reading “Discourse on Voluntary Servitude”

Fox News

One person reportedly was killed and police were hunting for a suspect after a shooting at a North Carolina community college’s library Monday.

Wayne Community College, in Goldsboro, was placed on lockdown after the shooting.

Daniel Wiggins, Assistant Operations Manager for Wayne County, told ABC11 the shooting victim died and authorities were actively looking for the shooter.   Continue reading “1 person reportedly dead after shooting at North Carolina community college”


The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) inspector general has released hundreds of pages of emails plus other documents in support of its investigation of improper influence on the EB-5 immigration program. Many of the documents discuss hundreds of millions of dollars in financing for film and television productions from Sony Pictures and Time Warner with prominent politicians including former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendall and the office of former Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa interjecting in an effort to get approvals. We [DHS] were also told he was exerting influence to give these individuals preference and access not available to others.   Continue reading “DHS is influencing America’s TV shows, movies, electric cars and much more!”

WND – by Lord Monckton

The International Union of Climate Fascists, as it prepares to establish a totalitarian world “governing body” over us at the Paris climate yadayadathon this December, with the active support of governments worldwide slavering at the prospect of bringing the democracy they hate to an end, faces a tiresome problem that just won’t go away.

Totalitarians can push man around and, oh boy, do they long to. But they can’t push nature around.   Continue reading “I challenge climate fascists with $500,000 bet”


WASHINGTON — The “free-range parents” who were accused of child neglect for allowing their two kids to roam free through Silver Spring ran afoul of Child Protective Services again on Sunday.

Danielle and Alexander Meitiv’s two children were taken into the custody of Child Protective Services after someone called about two unattended children near Fenton and Easley Streets in Silver Spring, says Paul Starks, of the Montgomery County Police. Officers got to the scene, called CPS and say they were told to take the children, ages 6 and 10, to CPS offices.   Continue reading “Md. ‘free range’ kids found alone again, taken into custody”

Oregon Live – by Kelly House

The chunk of a boat that traveled from Japan before landing on the Oregon coast this week has been towed to a Newport marina.

Several yellowtail jack fish found inside the boat will be removed today, and kept at the Oregon Coast Aquarium. The fish is native to the West Pacific.   Continue reading “Japanese tsunami debris towed to Newport for eventual disposal”


Few words stir up passion and polarization like sustainability. The EPA offers up this description. “The traditional definition of sustainability calls for policies and strategies that meet society’s present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Gee, who could disagree with such touchy and feely sentiments? The answer is always in the details and when you strip away the platitudes, what remains is a coordinated plot to enslave humanity under a burden of a Carbon Tax scheme. The environment has more risk from globalist central planning than from any fossil fuel emissions. Proponents of the global warming religion demonstrate a disdain for rational thinking that challenges their doctrine of a heterodox belief. The sustainability cult ignores any evidence that conflicts with their political agenda.   Continue reading “Sustainability in All Things except Rational Thinking”