Jon Rappoport

Note: Thanks to I found much information at the site, as well as links to relevant articles.

Whether mass shootings are approached as the mainstream reports them, or as false flags, staged scenarios, or outright hoaxes, there is a common thread which runs through some of them: official training exercises held just prior to, or at the same time as, the shootings.   Continue reading “Training Exercises Dovetail With Mass Shootings – What Are The Odds?”

Forbes – by Shep Hyken

Black Friday has become a tradition to kick off the holiday shopping season. And, it’s all about the money. It’s about customers saving money and retail stores offering great deals to increase their sales. It’s a tradition to kick off the holiday shopping season.

With so many people having the Friday after Thanksgiving off of work, it seems natural to have amazing sales to lure people away from their homes and into the malls. Yet, just a few years ago some of the more aggressive retailers decided that people might want to shop on Thursday as well. After all, other than a few hours spent with family over a meal, what else are they going to do all day?   Continue reading “Black Friday Disrupter: REI Goes Retail Rogue”

CBS News – by Lesley Stahl

Tech giants like Google, Facebook, and PayPal are all steadily rolling out new-fangled services to turn our smartphones into digital wallets — replacing cash and checks. And it’s been reported that Apple is working on a new payment option to let iPhone users send money directly to one another — as easily as a text message.

If this all seems cutting edge, you may be surprised to learn there’s one country that adopted mobile money years ago: Kenya. Here in the U.S., we can use smartphones to pay for things, but you typically need to be linked to a bank account or credit card. In Kenya, you don’t need a bank account, you don’t need a credit history, or very much money for that matter, making this country in East Africa a giant experimental laboratory defining the future of money.
Continue reading “The Future of Money: “That tells you now in the new world order anything is possible.””

Liberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Krieger

Give me liberty, or give me death! 

– Partrick Henry, American Founding Father, 1775

They value their civil liberties more than they value life. I disagree with that. You want to be free and dead? I’d rather be not free and alive

– Billionaire Hillary Clinton donor Haim Saban, 2015   Continue reading ““You Want to Be Free and Dead?” – Billionaire Hillary Clinton Donor Says to Sacrifice Civil Liberties for “Safety””

Blacklisted News

Two weeks ago, on November 5, and one week before the Paris terrorist attack, we reported that somewhat unexpectedly, France had dispatched its only aircraft carrier, the Charles de Gaulle, to “the eastern Mediterranean for operations against Isis in both Syria and Iraq.”   Continue reading “US, French Aircraft Carriers Rush Toward Syrian Coast to Find Numerous Russian Warships Already There”

ABC News

Hundreds of emergency responders simulated a subway terror attack on Sunday, days before one of the city’s biggest public events: the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

The long-planned drill at a Manhattan station got a last-minute update in the wake of the deadly attacks in Paris. Officials added an “attacker” wearing a suicide vest.   Continue reading “NYC Emergency Responders Go Through Active Shooter Drill”


The son of a New York mob boss has given Islamic State a stark warning, saying if they are planning any attacks in New York, they will have to contend with the Sicilian mafia. The notorious crime syndicate say they want to do their bit to protect locals.

Giovanni Gambino, the son of a key figure in the Gambino mob organization, says the mafia is in a much better position than security bodies, such as the FBI or Homeland Security, to give New Yorkers the protection they need.    Continue reading “Gangs of New York: Sicilian mafia offers Big Apple protection from ‘psychopathic’ ISIS”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: It is time to wake up my friends. More and more world leaders are stepping up and saying terrorism is the common enemy we must fight against. China now makes it five world leaders who have said this in the last week. Right on the heels of the Paris attacks. If “ISIS” strikes a time or two more it will surely galvanize the world something the children of Satan are hoping for and an event biblical in scale. Continue reading “Chinese President Xi Jinping, “Terrorism is the Common Enemy of Humanity” Will Fight ISIS After Hostage Executed”

My Fox Boston

NEW YORK ( – Police in New York have recovered three of the firearms recently stolen from the Army Reserve center in Worcester.

According to the NYPD a homeless man was collecting bottles in the Bronx when he discovered a bag containing the three guns.   Continue reading “3 of 16 guns stolen from Worcester Army Reserve Center recovered”


What has happened in Paris last weekend is surely tragic indeed. At least 129 civilians were murdered in blatant terrorist attacks on civilian areas. The mainstream media and social media hysteria is understandable given the surprise nature of the attacks and the geographical location in which they took place: Paris, the city of love.

However, if the public truly care about the deaths of innocent lives perhaps they should direct their anger, frustration, fear and political grievances at the French government. The sympathy, fear and unity that the public feel is not only a powerful distraction from truly awful atrocities that happen daily in other parts of the world, but distract us from France’s acts of aggression in the last decade. Continue reading “If I #PrayforParis, Who Will Pray for the Victims of French Colonial Aggression?”

Bundy Ranch – by Ammon Bundy

Friday I received a phone call from Dwight Hammond (74). He said that he was very afraid for his life and for mine as well. He informed me that federal agents contacted his attorney. They told Dwight’s attorney that if Dwight and Susie did not end all communication with Ammon Bundy, that they “would detain the Hammond’s early for federal prison and that they would transfer pain to the Hammond family”. He further said, that he believed “they would bring misery to the whole family”.   Continue reading “Hammonds Physically Threatened by Federal Agents for Speaking Out‏”

Video Rebel’s Blog

In the past I have written about the assassination of President Kennedy as the anniversary date of his death approaches. Most notably I wrote this:

Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since

This year I have decided to write about the assassination of JFK as just one of many examples of what happens to people who have a Jewish controlled government. One of the direct results of the death of President Kennedy was the increase in drug consumption by white American teenagers due to the Vietnam war. Continue reading “How Is Your Jewish Government Working Out For You?”

The Jerusalem Post – by LIDAR GRAVÉ-LAZI

Members of the American Anthropological Association voted on Friday in favor of adopting a motion to boycott Israeli academic institutions.

The resolution, in favor of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions, was approved by an overwhelming majority, 1040-36, of some 1,400 members of the association participating in its annual conference in Denver.   Continue reading “US anthropological group votes to boycott Israeli universities”

Global Research – by Joachim Hagopian

What do the globalists do when they want to create, reignite and keep their war on terror fought indefinitely? They simply carry out a series of false flag attacks using Muslim terrorist stooges as their hired guns to do their damage. That’s what 9/11 was all about in the US, 7/7 in UK, the3/11 train attack in Spain, the Hebdo Paris attack last January, and now this latest Paris encore reenactment part two.

In any unsolved crime the first question asked is who benefits by motive with an actual means to execute the crime?   Continue reading “Paris Attacks: Another False Flag? Sifting through the Evidence”

Op Ed News – by Michael Stumo

The Obama Administration continues its misguided focus on poorly negotiated trade deals, like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), while ignoring market distorting factors that are harming U.S. economic growth.

Magnetization, an iron ore producer in Minnesota, announced that it will layoff workers. Cliffs Natural Resources, another Minnesota iron ore producer, will shut down a plant. Alcoa is idling or closing two plants in Washington and New York states due to a recent thirty percent price drop for aluminum. The steel industry in the U.S. is operating at a fraction of its full capacity. However, Alcoa’s production in China and elsewhere will continue.   Continue reading “More U.S. Plants Closing Thanks to Washington’s Trade Negotiators”