Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

For years, many in the alternative media have been warning that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), complete with its grope downs and naked body scanners, will eventually be expanded from airports and begin conducting operations on the “streets” of America.

These warnings generally suggested that the TSA would first be conducting operations like bag checks in non-transportation-related areas such as sporting events, concerts, and theaters and, eventually, be expanded even further.   Continue reading “TSA Conducting “Bag Checks” At Donald Trump Event”

News 4 San Antonio – by Michael Locklear

SAN ANTONIO — The San Antonio Observer said Sunday it has no plans to publish the names and addresses of every police officer in the city. The clarification followed an announcement a day earlier that drew criticism from across the country.

Stephanie Zarriello, the publisher and editor-in-chief of the weekly tabloid, said Saturday that the staff of the Observer “are looking into the future prospects of publicizing the names and the addresses of all San Antonio Police Department officers in order to protect our community.”   Continue reading “SA tabloid publisher: No plans to print police officers’ names, addresses”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Hillary: I address you as equals because you are all billionaires like me, either now or after 8 year of me as Madam President. I have been handsomely rewarded because I am doing God’s work just like your CEO Lloyd Blankfein. I followed the advice of Goldman Sachs in structuring the Clinton Foundation to avoid those pesky American bribery and money laundering laws. I will continue to accept the advice of the men in this room when I am proclaimed President of the United States.   Continue reading “Hillary Clinton’s Goldman Transcripts Have Been Found”

Natural News – by Harold Shaw

If your best friend told you that drinking diet soda is healthier than drinking water, would you believe them? What about if a doctor said it?

According to a new study published in the International Journal of Obesity, low-energy sweetener consumption can help you reduce your energy intake and even lose weight. If this sounds like nonsense, that’s because it’s exactly that. Although it seems inconceivable, this Coca-Cola funded study is actually telling people who are possibly engaged in excruciating weight battles, that they should buy and drink more diet soda. Needless to say, this is nothing more than science twisted into a marketing campaign.   Continue reading “Twisted: Coca-Cola funded study says that diet soda is healthier than water”

Gun Watch – by Dean Weingarten

The indoctrination of police against the Second Amendment needs to be reversed.  It is costing lives and treasure.  It was not always so.

Under long standing precidents in American, and before that, English law, a person’s home is their castle, which may be protected against intruders.  If a person may not use force to protect their home, they no longer really own it.   Continue reading “FL Police Tip: Don’t Shoot Just Because you see a Gun”

Tools for Freedom – by Makia Freeman

Censorship is still a big issue around the world. Censorship remains at high levels in many countries, despite the fact that we tend to think we live in a world without that much of it (at least in the so-called “enlightened and developed West”). Why are censorship levels so high? There can really only be one reason for it in the end: our so-called “authorities” are afraid of free thought,free speech and the free flow of information. Why? Because it would uncover their secrets, expose their corruption, contradict their fake narratives, dissolve mental structures and undo notions of citizen obedience and civic duty that have been drilled into us since birth, mainly through military- and Rockefeller-influenced education.   Continue reading “Censorship Around the World Still at High Levels”


Two people were killed and at least 10 others were injured when as many as three shooters opened fire in an Orlando nightclub with a crowd of about 300 people in the predawn hours of Sunday, police in the Florida city said.

Three off-duty Orlando police officers were working as security in the Glitz Ultra Lounge in the city’s tourist district, and none of them discharged their weapons, Orlando police said, adding that the club also had its own security guards.   Continue reading “Two people killed, at least 10 injured in Orlando nightclub shooting”

The Free Thought Project – by Claire Bernish

West Virginia just joined a number of other states in proposing to drug test welfare recipients, despite studies proving such testing does nothing but waste taxpayer money. So, a legislator in that state devised the ideal counter-measure: mandatory drug testing for lawmakers.

House Delegate Shawn Fluharty has now introduced a bill requiring legislators to be tested for drugs before each voting session — and those who fail would be prohibited from voting and denied pay.   Continue reading “Lawmaker Counters Drug Testing Welfare Recipients With Bill to Drug Test Politicians”

The Oregon Encyclopedia – by Oliver Tatom

During the summer of 1905, while visitors enjoyed the amusements of the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, one of the most sensational trials in Oregon’s history was taking place at the Pioneer Courthouse in downtown Portland. The defendant was John H. Mitchell, then serving his fourth term in the U.S. Senate and arguably the most powerful politician in the state. His conviction in federal district court on July 3 marked the climax of what became known as the Oregon Land Fraud Trials.   Continue reading “Oregon Land Fraud Trials (1904-1910)”

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Antonius Aquinus

The dramatic fall in the global price of oil is being cited by the financial press, government officials, and academia as the catalyst for the recent abysmal U.S. economic data which shows that the economy is, in all likelihood, sliding into a recession or worse.   Continue reading “Falling Oil Prices Not the Reason for U.S.’s Economic Woes”

BATR, May 29, 2011

The 20th Century was the most destructive era in history. Deaths from all the wars and the genocides estimated at 160 million may seem small if the planet descends into the approaching holocaust. Globalization is the catchword of the ruling class. Sovereign nations are obsolete to the corporatists. Militarization for suppressing conflicts is the mission, since warfare among nations are passé. The old alliances based upon ethnic composition or ideology has vanished. Only dissenters against the New World Order pose a threat to the Novo Ordo Seclorum.   Continue reading “NOVO ORDO SECLORUM – NeoCon Hell on Earth”

Salt Lake Tribune

McALLEN, Texas • A 19-year-old killed his mother and two neighbors before turning his gun on himself in a shooting that brought SWAT and various emergency vehicles to a rural area in Texas, authorities said Sunday.

Uvalde County Sheriff Charlie Mendeke said Dylan Westerburg gunned down his mother Friday afternoon in their home near Uvalde, about 85 miles west of San Antonio. He then went next door and killed two brothers, Arthur and Phinny Norton, Mendeke said.   Continue reading “Sheriff: Texas teen kills mom, 2 neighbors, then himself”

The Economic Populist – by Robert Oak

The January 2016 unemployment report is being reported as nothing but good news.  The official unemployment rate is 4.9%, a rate not seen since February 2008.  This is the weird month where annual population adjustments are applied and not backwards adjusted.  Therefore January to December comparisons are not valid.  Still, there are some trends to look at.  The labor participate rate is a very low 62.7% and those not counted in the unemployment rate who say they want a job is almost six million.  Overall, this month’s CPS report shows a mediocre unemployment situation for most, in spite of the official unemployment rate breaking five percent.   Continue reading “Unemployment Report Starts the Year By Breaking the 5% Unemployment Rate Barrier, Big Deal”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: This article alone is the biggest news of the year. Forget about Syria and the global economic crisis raging. Iran stating it will no longer sell oil for dollars is major news. If you are not aware of the petrodollar then you need to educate yourself on it. The U.S. Dollar is the reserve currency of the world which gives this nation a major advantage over the rest of the world. Oil and everything else is traded via dollars which means there is always a demand for the Dollar. This has been changing over the last ten years and has dramatically changed over the last five as nations pull away from the Dollar. Saddam Hussein also stopped selling oil for Dollars and it meant the downfall of his nation and his death. The U.S. did not need another reason to attack Iran, but they have just been give one.

Continue reading “Iran Stops Accepting Payment For Oil In Dollars Switching To Euro”

I realize that the technical details in this PDF may seem daunting and difficult for some readers to understand. But, I promise, anybody can skim read through this publication and get a really clear idea of what is, not only possible, but probable.

Please note that “traditional” fission, boosted fission and thermonuclear weapons primarily couple to distant targets by blast over-pressure. They use the atmosphere. Obviously if you’re close to ground zero the thermal and radiation damage is the determinant factor. You’re basically vaporized or burnt to a crisp. Sorry, but that’s just the way it is. But the overall maximum damage radius is due to the blast over-pressure which means the energy is transferred through the air as a secondary medium. And that is a very inefficient way to transfer/couple the energy released to the “target”, whether it’s biological, structural or both.   Continue reading “4th Generation Nuclear Weapons”