The mobilization of 500,000 soldiers and public-health workers to spray pesticides across Brazil is effectively terminating a controversial British-American biotechnology project that has released millions of gene-engineered mosquitoes in a backfired experiment to combat the dengue fever virus (DENV). The Oxitec gene-manipulation technique called RIDL (Release of Insects carrying a Dominant Lethal) is widely suspected of spreading a new virulent strain of ZIKA virus, and the Brazilian outbreak in turn raises fears of a link to microcephaly or reduced brain size in human embryos. (Oxitec is a corporate spinoff of Oxford University, even though most of its researchers are with less prestigious British schools or from the United States.) Continue reading “CDC-Oxford ‘Death Gene’ Is Key To The Brazilian Babies Riddle”
Month: February 2016
Daily Sheeple – by Piper McGowen
In an era where school shootings have been blasted all over the news media so it would seem to the average TV view that these things happen all the time in this country (even though they don’t), some schools have decided those “gun free zone” signs they post out front might as well be akin to “Hey, unarmed victims here!” and have decided instead to advertise that they now allow staff to carry firearms. Continue reading “School Shooters Will Be Shot: Some Oklahoma Schools Post Warning Signs Staff May Be Armed”
Computer World – by Patrick Thibodeau
U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) is asking the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate the layoff and replacement of IT workers at a state energy utility.
Approximately 200 IT workers at Northeast Utilities (now called Eversource Energy) lost their jobs in 2014. It happened after the firm brought in two India-based IT services firms. Some of the IT workers reported training foreign replacements. The IT firms, Infosys and Tata Consultancy Services, are major users of H-1B visa workers. Continue reading “Sen. Blumenthal demands lifting of IT ‘gag’ order”
I learned how to prepare medicinal pickled garlic from my grandmother who was always ready to treat us with her self-made remedies. Garlic helps treating sore throats, colds, flu, poor digestion and is a potent antiseptic and antimicrobial agent effective against many types of infection. Above all, it really helps your immune system. Garlic contains allicin, an antibiotic and anti-fungal compound that protects it (the garlic) against pests. Continue reading “How To Prepare Medicinal Pickled Garlic”
Now that the Iowa Caucus is in the record books, contrary to Trump’s demand for a redo, the respected party brokers are eager to weed out the hanger-on’s. Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul and Martin O’Malley are gone. The GOP Party, started in 1854, is circling the wagons behind their establishment pick, Marco Rubio and the Democratic National Committee, founded in 1848, will do everything necessary to see that Hillary Clinton gets her chance to steal their selection. All of this chicanery is being practiced by two private political power hungry organizations. Proprietary rules and internal arbitration is the hallmark of party control and discipline, which ensures that the final outcome goes as the money interests deem. Continue reading “Primaries and Caucuses Take a Backseat to Party Insiders”
The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes
For all those people who believe everything the one-sided, agenda-driven mainstream media has reported on this issue, please take a look at reality.
The Oregon patriot militia takeover of the wildlife refuge began after ranchers were unfairly REsentenced under terrorism statutes for controlled burning of vegetation on federal land. Continue reading “BLM Lights Unattended Fires Around People’s Land, Burns Cows Alive, Threatens Ranchers With Arrest If They Intervene”
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Why Americans Are Backing Trump and Sanders Over the Mainstream Candidates Backed By the Political Machines
We’ve previously noted that polls show that Americans are in a “pre-revolutionary” mood, that less than 1 in 5 Americans think that the government has the “consent of the governed”, that government corruption tops the list of Americans’ fears, and that 3 times as many Americans supported King George during the Revolutionary War than support our OWN Congress today. Continue reading “Overwhelming Majority of Americans Believe that Both Parties Are Too Corrupt to Change Anything … “This, In Fact, Is A Revolution””
Prison Planet – by Paul Joseph Watson, July 24, 2007
A BBC Radio 4 investigation sheds new light on a major subject that has received little historical attention, the conspiracy on behalf of a group of influential powerbrokers, led by Prescott Bush, to overthrow FDR and implement a fascist dictatorship in the U.S. based around the ideology of Mussolini and Hitler.
In 1933, Marine Corps Maj.-Gen. Smedley Butler was approached by a wealthy and secretive group of industrialists and bankers, including Prescott Bush the current President’s grandfather, who asked him to command a 500,000 strong rogue army of veterans that would help stage a coup to topple then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Continue reading “Flashback: BBC: Bush’s Grandfather Planned Fascist Coup In America”
You have to hand it to Maine’s unorthodox, independent-minded governor: He is unique, and his approach – while somewhat bizarre to some people – is a breath of fresh air to a majority of state residents who elected him.
As noted by Think Progress, an uber-liberal news site, Gov. Paul LePage, who is a Republican, said recently that he believes his state should revive the guillotine to decapitate drug dealers. But it was what he said after that which got the site’s attention; he appeared to imply that Maine residents should attack drug dealers as well. Continue reading “Maine governor calls on armed citizens to murder drug dealers as opioid/heroin deaths soar among youth”
Problem-reaction-solution, the Hegelian Dialectic is that process the globalist ruling class have chosen to use as the primary tool to constantly change society in the direction they want it to go. They manufacture a problem, focus on that problem, then sell the solution. The solution is always the very thing that drives their plan forward. Continue reading “6 Manufactured Problems That Will Never Be Solved And Are Behind 6 Major Globalist Agendas”
This is an article that explains a great deal—but, with apologies, it involves a line of reasoning, in order to reach a conclusion. That means some readers (not my regular readers) may find it odd. Some readers with short attention spans may suddenly want to switch to a wrestling show or a shopping network. To them I say: give this a try; it does have a payoff; it has its own kind of shock and surprise; explosions do go off in the mind; it is like a ten-car pile-up on the interstate in the fog, late at night; and there is a very nasty plot. Continue reading “Zika: Who launched the fake-epidemic story in Brazil?”
Barack Obama will ask the U.S. Congress for more than $1.8 billion in emergency funds to fight Zika at home and abroad and pursue a vaccine, the White House said on Monday, but the president also said there is no reason to panic over the mosquito-borne virus.
Zika, spreading rapidly in South and Central America and the Caribbean, has been linked to severe birth defects in Brazil and public health officials’ concern is focused on pregnant women and woman who may become pregnant. Continue reading “Obama seeks funds to fight Zika; sees no cause for panic”
Few can deny the common sense behind preparing for something that is definitely going to happen, yet every year, an impending winter storm sends people rushing out to the store at the last minute, prepping for a blizzard that is due to hit in mere hours. Every winter, if you live in certain climates, blizzards are going to occur. Usually, at least one storm will hit that will cause you to be snowed in. Often, those storms mean you will also lose power. There is the inevitable rush to the store for milk and bread, during which people battle it out for the last supplies left on the shelves. Continue reading “Prepping for a Blizzard: A Practical Survival Guide”
As the surge of illegal immigration at the southern border continues, school districts across the U.S. are feeling the strain of educating the tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors who crossed the border illegally and are now entitled to an education in the U.S. — despite their immigration status. Continue reading “At Least 95,000 Illegal Immigrant Children Flood U.S. Schools”
Nation of Change – by Christina Sarich, February 28, 2014
The truth of the matter is that the Queen is sitting on enough money to end world hunger, fuel the world’s energy needs with non-nuclear, clean sources and definitely stop the poverty in her own country.
Many people are wondering what really caused Fukushima. While we can look into the geologic studies that were taken prior to the Daiichi event, outlining the active 200 meter fault line that Honshu Island rests right on top off, we are obliged as citizens to look even deeper, more so with the admission of an anonymous U.S. government nuclear official that radiation leaking from the plant just 100 meters away is “astronomical.” Continue reading “Flashback: The Queen of England Deals Extensively in $17 Trillion Depleted Uranium Trade”
The trial of General Christian Piquemal, a respected former French Legion commander who was arrested during Saturday’s anti-migrant rally in Calais, has been postponed after the 75-year-old was hospitalized, his lawyer says.
He was due to appear in court on Monday in the town of Boulogne-sur-Mer. Continue reading “French general arrested at anti-Islam rally hospitalized, trial postponed – lawyer”
BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian army troops recaptured a new village north of Aleppo Monday, bringing troops and allied militiamen to within a few kilometers of the Turkish border as part of a major Russian-backed offensive in the area, the Syrian government and opposition activists said.
State-run news agency SANA said army troops took control of the village of Kfeen in the northern countryside of Aleppo “after wiping out the last group of terrorists there.” Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV and the pro-Syrian, Lebanon-based Al-Mayadeen station also reported Kfeen’s capture and aired live footage from the village. Continue reading “Syria troops make more gains in Aleppo, near Turkish border”
PARIS (AP) — A former French budget minister is appearing in court on charges of tax fraud and money laundering that forced him to dramatically resign three years ago in the first political scandal under President Francois Hollande.
The trial of Jerome Cahuzac, once a champion in the fight against tax evasion, began Monday afternoon in the main hearing room of the Paris criminal court in the presence of dozens of journalists and a large audience. Continue reading “Ex-French minister in court for tax fraud, money laundering”