Intellihub – by Ramola D.

Note from editor: The subsequent article is written by a well-educated mother who has a history of contributing to her community in a positive manner and has also been involved in activism. She, like many of us, is now a target of illegal harassment, being funded by U.S. taxpayer dollars.

This operation is multi-level (federal, state and local) and also involves many different federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies. These activities constitute outrageous government conduct and crimes against humanity. Below you can find the detailed account of “Ramola D.,” who has experienced the terrors of extra-judicial targeting first-hand.   Continue reading “Targeted Individuals: Testimony of current government covert torture and control experiments”

NBC News

Sheriff Nick Finch let a pistol-packing man out of the Liberty County, Florida, jail, a decision that led state authorities to charge Finch with a crime — but also made him a hero to a radical and growing movement among sheriffs across the country.

It’s a movement that doesn’t just reject gun control — it encourages law enforcement officers to defy laws they decide are illegal. And it sometimes puts police on the same side as “sovereign citizens,” a fringe group that the FBI considers one of the most serious domestic terrorism threats.   Continue reading “Constitutional Sheriffs: The Cops Who Think the Government Is Our ‘Greatest Threat’”

Professional Troublemaker – by Jonathan Corbett

If you ask a random person living in NYC how hard it is to get a gun license, they will probably tell you that if you want a license to carry a gun, you have to be a cop, work as a security guard, or “know someone” (i.e., be rich and have donated to the right politician or organization).  The thing is, I couldn’t find anyone who didn’t fit into one of those categories who had actually tried, and in light of semi-recent Supreme Court rulings that the 2nd Amendment is an individual right, not limited to “militias,” I figured it was about time to put it to the test.   Continue reading “Is It *Really* Impossible To Get A Gun License in NYC? (Part I)”

Pacific Liberty Blog – by Ethan Blevins

Friday, Judge Beth Andrus held a hearing to determine whether inspections of Seattle residents’ garbage violates the Washington Constitution’s right to privacy. We relied on a Washington Supreme Court case that said government agents cannot sift through garbage cans without a warrant. That includes garbage collectors. They have an invitation to collect–not to inspect.   Continue reading “Washington Supreme Court ruled cops can’t sift through garbage cans without a warrant”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Consider these 3 quotes from Canadian billionaire Rob Kirby who buys and sells gold by the ton.

America is not run by Americans anymore.

Historically, when banks have nothing else they can do, they take us to war.   Continue reading “The American Empire Of Debt To Collapse Before The 2016 Elections?”

The Blaze – by Erica Ritz, January 12, 2013

A Utah businessman is rocking both state and national politics after claiming Utah Attorney General John Swallow helped him broker a deal with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to make a federal investigation into his company quietly disappear, the Salt Lake Tribune reports.

Jeremy Johnson was allegedly told that the price would be $600,000, and claims to have made an initial payment of $250,000 when he was slapped with a federal lawsuit.  Now he says he wants his money back.   Continue reading “Flashback: Indicted Businessman Names Harry Reid as Alleged Recipient of Massive Bribe” – by Kristin Toussaint

Mark Wahlberg was spotted at the Boston Marathon finish line Monday morning filming a scene for his upcoming movie Patriots’ Day.

The Dorchester native was seen in Boston police gear on Boylston Street. Last month he posed in uniform with the Quincy Police Department after filming scenes with a SWAT team.   Continue reading “Mark Wahlberg was filming at the Boston Marathon finish line this morning”

Breitbart – by Julia Hahn

Social media posts, along with Cruz’s campaign website, reveal that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) supporters in the Colorado Republican Party were responsible for crushing an effort to give Colorado the ability to vote in a state primary.

In May of 2015, four Colorado Senate Republicans killed an initiative “to create a presidential primary in 2016,” reported the Denver Post. “Under the bill, Colorado would have held a presidential primary in March that ran parallel with the state’s complicated caucus system… when it came before the Senate Appropriations Committee, four Republicans voted to kill the bill with three Democrats supporting it.”   Continue reading “Revealed: Colorado Lawmakers Who Voted to Scrap Election Are Ted Cruz Delegates”

Nikkei Asian Review

TOKYO — Seismic activity in southern Japan is mystifying geologists and keeping the nation on edge.

The island of Kyushu has been struck by a series of significant earthquakes, with the epicenters moving progressively further inland. The cluster started with the deadly quakes that hit Kumamoto Prefecture last Thursday and Saturday. Temblors subsequently rocked the Mount Aso region and neighboring Oita Prefecture.   Continue reading “Unusual quake cluster worries Japan”

CBS News – by Sharyn Alfonsi

The following script is from “Hacking Your Phone” which aired on April 17, 2016. Sharyn Alfonsi is the correspondent. Howard L. Rosenberg and Julie Holstein, producers.

A lot of modern life is interconnected through the Internet of things — a global empire of billions of devices and machines. Automobile navigation systems. Smart TVs. Thermostats. Telephone networks. Home security systems. Online banking. Almost everything you can imagine is linked to the world wide web. And the emperor of it all is the smartphone. You’ve probably been warned to be careful about what you say and do on your phone, but after you see what we found, you won’t need to be warned again.
Continue reading “60 Minutes: Hacking Your Phone”


Lest we forget, this country was forged out of a concerted desire to free the shackles of the British Empire, so that colonies could chart their own course for individual state governments. If only people understood this historic fact. Since so few are familiar with the actual cornerstones of the America Revolution and the latest generations know even less, the indoctrination from government schools has stripped out the quest for knowledge of what made America different. Consider a virtual reality time travel back two hundred and forty-one years to the start of the most important revolution of all times.   Continue reading “Time Travel Back to Shot Heard ‘Round the World”

The Week

Why was the IRS created?
When the U.S. was founded, it had no tax-collecting agency and little need for one for the next 80 years. The much smaller federal government of that era was funded largely by customs tariffs and state-collected excise taxes on sugar, liquor, and tobacco. But when the Civil War began, President Abraham Lincoln needed new revenues to cover the immense cost of waging the war, so in 1862 he successfully pushed Congress to create the country’s first income tax, and the Bureau of Internal Revenue to collect it. Continue reading “The IRS’s long history of scandal”

Americans for Tax Reform – by John Kartch

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1,000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states, according to the governor of the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, which imposed the $1,000 gun tax earlier this month. An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County, Ill. the city of Seattle, and now a U.S. territory.   Continue reading “$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States”

Maine Republic

What to Expect on April 19, 2016

1. The Rock:  I expect the UN Corp doing business as the IMF (which is merely doing-business-as the “UNITED STATES” and as the “United States Treasury”) to try to stick us with all their debts, because they are crooks and they naturally don’t want to pay their own debts out of their own profits. They are basically trying to stage a repeat of what FDR did back in the 1930’s when he got the clueless Americans to assume and pay the debts of the “United States of America, Inc.” — a bankrupt privately owned and operated governmental services corporation – under conditions of constructive fraud and semantic deceit.   Continue reading “What to Expect on April 19, 2016, by Anna von Reitz”

Sent to us by a reader.

Washington Examiner – by Rudy Takala

The IRS is struggling to ensure that illegal immigrants are able to illegally use Social Security numbers for legitimate purposes, the agency’s head told senators on Tuesday, without allowing the numbers to be used for “bad” reasons.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen made the statement in response to a question from Sen. Dan Coats, R-Ind., during a session of the Senate Finance Committee about why the IRS appears to be collaborating with taxpayers who file tax returns using fraudulent information. Coats said that his staff had discovered the practice after looking into agency procedures.    Continue reading “IRS chief: Agency encourages illegal immigrant theft of SSNs to file tax returns”

Off the Grid News – by Daniel Jennings

The Environmental Protection Agency is not protecting underground drinking water supplies from oilfield contamination and in several instances has allowed companies actually to dump wastewater into aquifers, the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) says in a new report.

The report blasts the EPA for its oversight in California, where, since 2014, the state has allowed oil companies to violate safe-drinking water laws. An AP analysis in 2015 found that California had handed out 2,000 permits giving oil companies permission to dump wastewater into federally protected drinking water. The tragedy impacted at least 11 aquifers.   Continue reading “The Government Just Admitted It Allowed The Poisoning Of Drinking Water”

Yahoo News

BAGHDAD (AP) — The U.S. has agreed to deploy more than 200 additional troops to Iraq and to send Apache helicopters for the first time into the fight against the Islamic State group in Iraq, the first major increase in U.S. forces in nearly a year, U.S. defense officials said Monday.

The uptick in American fighting forces — and the decision to put them closer to the front lines — is designed to help Iraqi forces as they move to retake the key northern city of Mosul.   Continue reading “US to send 200 more troops, Apache helicopters, to Iraq”