New York Daily News

The NYPD lieutenant who supervised the cursing plainclothes cops who arrested an on-duty postal worker in Brooklyn earlier this month has been stripped of his badge and gun, the Daily News has learned.

Lt. Luis Machado was placed on modified duty in connection with the embarrassingly volatile clash between cops and postal employee Glen Grays in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.   Continue reading “NYPD lieutenant who oversaw postal worker’s rough arrest stripped of badge and gun”

In the present state of mankind, and of conducting war, the government of every nation must have power to raise and keep up regular troops. The question is, how shall this power be lodged? In an entire government, as in Great Britain, where the people assemble by their representatives in one legislature, there is no difficulty; it is of course properly lodged in that legislature. But in a confederated republic, where the organization consists of a federal head, and local governments, there is no one part in which it can be solely, and safely lodged. By Art. 1. , Sect. 8. , “congress shall have power to raise and support armies,” etc. By Art. I. , Sect. 10. , “no state, without the consent of congress, shall keep troops, or ships of war, in time of peace. ” It seems fit the union should direct the raising of troops, and the union may do it in two ways: by requisitions on the states, or by direct taxes. The first is most conformable to the federal plan, and safest; and it may be improved, by giving the union power, by its own laws and officers, to raise the state’s quota that may neglect, and to charge it with the expense; and by giving a fixed quorum of the state legislatures power to disapprove the requisition. There would be less danger in this power to raise troops, could the state governments keep a proper control over the purse and over the militia.   Continue reading “Anti-Federalist Paper No. 41-43B – “The Quantity Of Power The Union Must Possess Is One Thing; The Mode Of Exercising The Powers Given Is Quite A Different Consideration””

NBC News

The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday approved a proposal to expand a telephone subsidy for low-income Americans to include Internet access, after a deal to cap the cost of the plan collapsed.

The commission voted 3-2 to approve a proposal by FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, unveiled earlier this month, to expand the $9.25 monthly mobile phone subsidy to include broadband Internet access. The agency’s three Democrats voted yea and its two Republicans nay.   Continue reading “FCC Approves Plan to Expand Low-Income Subsidy to Internet Use”

IB Times – by Nicole Rojas

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed a controversial immigration bill that would require some undocumented immigrants who are convicted of crimes to serve 85% of the jail time meted out before they are deported. The proposal is the first in a series of Republican immigration proposals introduced this session.

According to The Associated Press, the new measure is a tame version of a similar bill supported by anti-illegal immigration Republicans that has lost traction. House Bill 2451 would require undocumented immigrants who are imprisoned to serve 85% of their sentences before being released to federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement.   Continue reading “Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signs controversial immigration bill”

Ars Technica – by Cyrus Farivar

On Wednesday, the Maryland Court of Special Appeals published a legal opinion finding that state police must not only obtain a warrant before deploying a cell-site simulator, but are required to also fully explain to the court what exactly the device does and how it is used.

As Ars has long reported, cell-site simulators—known colloquially as stingrays, can be used to determine a mobile phone’s location by spoofing a cell tower. In some cases, stingrays can intercept calls and text messages. Once deployed, the devices intercept data from a target phone along with information from other phones within the vicinity. At times, police have falsely claimed the use of a confidential informant when they have actually deployed these particularly sweeping and intrusive surveillance tools.   Continue reading “Appeals Court: No stingrays without a warrant, explanation to judge”

Natural Society – by Christina Sarich

The list seems to grow daily. The multinational ConAgra now joins General Mills, Mars, and Kellogg’s as a company which will label its products if they contain genetically modified ingredients. With Vermont’s mandatory GM labeling bill going into effect this summer, this is a decision more companies will have to make, and soon.   Continue reading “ConAgra to Label All Products with Genetically Modified Ingredients”


The U.S. National Lawyers Guild (NLG) on Wednesday submitted a regulatory challenge to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requesting an investigation into the charitable status of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) on grounds of discrimination and contravention of U.S. policy.

According to the NLG, the JNF enjoys tax-exempt status as a charitable organization in the United States even though the reality of its work- supporting Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine – is anything but charitable.   Continue reading “American lawyers request investigation into the Jewish National Fund status”

Fox News

Kids in a northern Virginia public school district unknowingly rode a school bus this week that was also carrying “explosives training materials” left behind by the CIA after it conducted exercises with local law enforcement agencies, officials acknowledged Thursday.

The materials were packed in a container and placed in the engine compartment of a bus at Briar Woods High School in Loudoun County on March 24, officials said. It was discovered nearly a week later during a maintenance check of the bus – which by then had carried dozens of kids, including elementary school students, for at least two days.   Continue reading “Feds left ‘explosives’ material aboard school bus after training exercises, parents told”


An investigation into a massive global oil bribery scandal has been launched by authorities in the US, Britain, and Australia, after leaked confidential files indicated that some of the world’s most powerful corporations were part of the racket.

The global investigation by authorities comes after the biggest leak of confidential files in the history of the oil industry, obtained by The Huffington Post, unveiled widespread corruption taking place in oil-rich countries. The US Department of Justice, FBI, UK National Crime Agency and Australian Federal Police are now jointly investigating the allegations in what could become the world’s biggest probe into corruption allegations.   Continue reading “‘Biggest bribery scandal’: US, UK, Australia launch probe into mass oil industry corruption”

World Events and the Bible

The United States escalated their march down the road of perversion after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of homosexual marriage last year. Continuing that march, now a replica of the Temple of Baal is coming to New York this month all in honor of “World Heritage Week“.

Next month (April 2016), the Temple of Baal will come to Times Square. Reproductions of the 50-foot arch that formed the temple’s entrance are to beinstalled in New York and in London, a tribute to the 2,000-year-old structure that the Islamic State destroyed last year in the Syrian town of Palmyra. Continue reading “The Temple Of Baal Comes To The United States”

Energy Live News – by Jacqueline Echevarria

The UK will ship 700kg of excess nuclear waste to the US in a deal expected to help fight cancer.

Prime Minister David Cameron will make the announcement at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington later today.  Continue reading “UK-US nuclear waste deal ‘to help fight cancer’”

Free Thought Project – by Justin Gardner

When a divided U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Citizens United in 2010, it reshaped the political landscape by opening the floodgates to what is known as “dark money.” Unlimited amounts of secret cash can now be funneled to political candidates from entities posing as nonprofit organizations, and the public has no right to know who is buying these elected officials.

The biggest beneficiary of the Citizens United case appears to be Hillary Clinton, which is ironic considering that the subject of that case was a film critical of Clinton. She has long been a soldier for corporate interests, from propelling Wal-Mart to enormous proportions during the 1990s to advancing the interests of the military-industrial complex and Big Pharma.   Continue reading “New Law Allows Unlimited Amounts Of Secret Money Into Elections”

Off the Grid News – by Tricia Drevets

Although they are small, mice can cause big problems when they enter your home. They can carry and spread disease and, since they breed quickly, they can do damage to your home and your belongings if left unchecked.

No one wants to think a mouse infestation is in the home, but if you are seeing any of these signs, you may have a rodent problem:   Continue reading “All-Natural, Poison-Free Ways To Rid Your Home Of Mice”

Natural News – by Julie Wilson

The long, drawn-out political circus that accompanies a presidential election can be exhausting to say the least, especially when, as usual, the candidates are far from representing the public’s needs and wants.

But thanks to social media and alternative news outlets, some genuinely important matters have made their way to the surface and served as talking points among this year’s 2016 presidential candidates, i.e. unwarranted and unethical price hikes on pharmaceutical drugs.   Continue reading “Big Pharma goes all-out with massive increase in lobbying of U.S. lawmakers to protect drug price monopolies”