IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.   Continue reading “The Declaration of Independence”

Newt_Gingrich_(6238567189)_(cropped)Newton LeroyNewtGingrich; born Newton Leroy McPherson; June 17, 1943) is an American politician and political consultant. He represented Georgia’s 6th congressional district as a Republican from 1979 until his resignation in 1999, and served as the 50th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999. In 2012, Gingrich was a candidate for the Republican Party presidential nomination.   Continue reading “Communist Revolutionary Target”

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Fox News

The long-awaited House committee report on the 2012 Benghazi attacks revealed a striking irony: In the end, the forces that came to evacuate State Department and CIA officers that night were not fellow Americans, but a secret unit of former military officers from the Qaddafi regime that Washington – and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton – had helped overthrow.    Continue reading “Americans at Benghazi post were rescued by Qaddafi officer militia, report reveals”


The 4th of July should be a day of historic retrospection. For a proper understanding into the significance of the birth of the nation, start with an examination of the perennial BREAKING ALL THE RULES essay, The Meaning of Independence Day. Then contrast our circumstances and heritage in the article –Independence Day for Whom? Both of these columns are essential. If one forgets from where, how and why our country was created, it is impossible to appreciate the uniqueness of the American Revolution and the meaning of the “shot heard ‘round the world“.   Continue reading “End of Independence Day”

Just as our basic vocabulary grows and evolves on an almost daily basis, so too does our usage of technical terminology and acronyms.

For example, the president of our once-great Nation has been identified by the acronym “POTUS,” which used to stand for “President Of The United States.”   Continue reading “POTUS”

Sacramento Bee – by Tyler Foggatt

Fifty or so gun activists gathered Saturday morning at Sacramento’s Cesar Chavez Plaza to protest Gov. Jerry Brown’s signing of six gun control measures they said would turn “law-abiding citizens into criminals.”

One bill Brown signed will expand the state’s assault weapons ban to include “bullet-button” rifles, which allow users to quickly dislodge a magazine of ammunition by pressing a button. Others prohibit citizens from possessing magazines that hold more than 10 rounds and require background checks on people purchasing ammunition.   Continue reading “Gun rights activists say they won’t comply with California’s new laws”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

An armed grandma who confronted three suspects in her home said, “I decided that it’s either them or me.”

The incident occurred Tuesday afternoon in Boynton Beach, Florida.

According to CBS 12, a suspect began “banging” on the grandma’s door and ringing her doorbell around 12:45 pm. Through the peephole she saw the suspect leave and return with “a T-shirt over his head” and she noticed he was “putting on gloves.”   Continue reading “Armed Grandma Who Foiled Invasion: ‘I Decided That It’s Either Them or Me’”


The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives, under mounting pressure to advance gun-control legislation, will vote next week on a measure to keep guns out of the hands of people on government terrorism watch lists.

Republican and gun lobby sources said the legislation, due to be introduced as part of a terrorism package, was likely to be a National Rifle Association-backed bill brought by Representative Lee Zeldin of New York as the companion to a Senate Republican measure from Senator John Cornyn of Texas.   Continue reading “House of Representatives reignites gun-control debate with planned vote”

ABC News

Authorities say a man they wanted to talk to about shots that were fired at an apartment in North Carolina has been killed after pointing a gun at police officers.

Asheville Police said in a statement that 35-year-old Jai Williams led officers on a short chase Saturday evening before stopping and refusing commands to drop the gun.   Continue reading “Police Shoot and Kill Man After Chase in North Carolina”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Elie Wiesel died. Both Mr Wiesel and Barack Obama won Nobel Peace Prizes. Five years ago I wrote down a few questions I would like to have asked Mr Wiesel. They are below:

You have made a living telling the world of your war time experiences. You have said many times that you had a tattoo number A7713 on your left arm. But we have photos of you in short sleeves without any tattoo. And this was long after you testified under penalty of perjury that you still had the tattoo. If you cannot show us that tattoo, why should we believe anything you say?   Continue reading “In Memoriam: Mr Wiesel, I Wanted To Ask You A Few Questions.”

Gun Watch – by Dean Weingarten

Jason Galvin spotted an eagle that was entangled in a bit of rope in a tree in Minnesota.  It had been hanging there for two days.  He told his wife, Jackie.  She thought something must be done.  But the authorities, the Department of Natural Resources, the Sheriffs Office, City Hall, the Fire Department, the University of Minnesota Raptor Center, didn’t.  They all gave her the same story. They were tied up in red tape.  No one could do anything, too much liability.  The eagle was already dead.   Continue reading “Vet with Semi-Auto Rifle Saves Eagle Entangled in Tree, Authorites Paralyzed”


Hillary Clinton met with the FBI for three and a half hours Saturday as part of the investigation into her use of a private email server while leading the State Department, her campaign said.

“Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangements while she was secretary,” Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said in a statement. “She is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion.”

Clinton told MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Saturday evening that the interview was something “I had been eager to do.”   Continue reading “Clinton questioned by FBI as part of email probe”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Amid the clamor a year ago to release 28 still-secret pages of a congressional inquiry into the Sept. 11 attacks, the government quietly declassified a little-known report listing more than three dozen people who piqued the interest of investigators probing possible Saudi connections to the hijackers.

The document, known as “File 17,” offers clues to what might be in the missing pages of the bipartisan report about 9/11.   Continue reading “File 17 is glimpse into still-secret 28 pages about 9/11”

Patriot Rising

Nearly 1 million immigrants are ignoring deportation orders to remain in the U.S. — including more than 170,000 convicted criminals, according to a new report Thursday that suggests the government’s deportation efforts are still falling short.

Only a small fraction of the immigrants are even being detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), meaning most of them remain free on the streets, where they can commit crimes and continue living in the shadows, according to the study by Jessica Vaughan, policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies.   Continue reading “Nearly 1 million immigrants — including more than 170K convicts — ignoring deportation”

Natural News – by Mike Adams

We really have reached a point of such insanity across human civilization that governments have become the terrorists who actively seek to harm and kill off the people. The latest example demonstrating this very point is the fact that the EPA just announced its plan to allow gigantic increases in the allowable radioactivity in drinking water… increasing it by over 3,000 times in the case of radioactive Iodine-131… while calling it “safe” to drink even though it’s almost certain to give you cancer.   Continue reading “EPA raising the limit of radioactive elements in drinking water by over 3,000 times”

220px-President_Barack_ObamaBarack Hussein Obama II born August 4, 1961) is an American politician serving as the 44thPresident of the United States. He is the first African American to hold the office, as well as the first president born outside of the continental United States. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School between 1992 and 2004. He served three terms representing the 13th District in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004, and ran unsuccessfully in the Democratic primary for the United States House of Representatives in 2000 against incumbent Bobby Rush.    Continue reading “Asshole Baby Target”