Fox 2 Now – by Chris Hayes

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – The City of Kinloch held a special meeting today on the heels of aFox 2 investigation about uninsured and unregistered police cars.  The meeting and our attempts to cover it are both in the news tonight.

We were following up on our investigation by attending a public meeting in which city leaders gathered to discuss the issues we raised.  A Kinloch Police Captain allowed citizens to enter the public meeting but told me we could not bring a camera inside.   Continue reading “FOX 2 reporter placed in handcuffs for attempting to cover city meeting”

The Intercept – by Jon Schwarz

America’s wars take place far away — Kabul is 6,700 miles from New York or, traveling in the other direction, 7,400 miles from San Francisco. They also involve fewer and fewer Americans — the Army now has about 475,000 active duty soldiers, the lowest number since World War II.

This leaves the Pentagon free to promote itself to a country that largely has no idea what war actually entails. In addition to standard TV advertising and flyovers at the Super Bowl, the U.S. military spends tens of millions of dollars each year on live events that function half as recruitment pitches and half as visceral plugs for its spectacular high-tech weaponry.   Continue reading “How the U.S. Military Promotes Its Weapons Arsenal to the Public”

Free Thought Project – by John Vibes

Happy 4th of July, the day where Americans celebrate imaginary freedom, and police departments nationwide make millions of dollars violating the rights of nonviolent individuals.

Last month, the Supreme Court ruled that police can’t forcibly draw blood from individuals suspected of drunken driving without a warrant. However, DUI checkpoints across the country now have judges on site, or on call to issue immediate warrants for cops to take your blood.   Continue reading “Police Across America Celebrate Freedom This 4th Of July With Forced Blood Draw Checkpoints”

Lynch is the Attorney General.  The Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the USA. It’s not Bill chats with Loretta. It’s in your face, shoved down your throat and up your ass, simultaneously, treason. Even this website is soft pedaling the meeting by just saying Loretta Lynch and NOT the Attorney General.

“Ex-President Bill Clinton, whose Presidential candidate wife, Hillary, is in jeopardy of serious National Security criminal indictments, meets secretly with Attorney General Lynch.”   Continue reading “The TRUTH About the Loretta Lynch Meeting”

Liberty Fight, July 4, 2016

Benjamin Netanyahu made a trip to Uganda today- the first time in decades that an Israeli Prime Minister has made such a trip. Today is the anniversary of the death of Netanyahu’s older brother Jonathan, a military commander who was the sole fatality in a military hostage rescue operation conducted by the IDF called ‘Operation Entebbe’. It took place at the Uganda airport on July 4, 1976.

“Entebbe is always with me. Not a day goes by that I do not think what might have been,” Bibi tweeted today, accompanied with a photo of him pensively overlooking the Uganda airport.   Continue reading “Israeli Prime Minister in Uganda, Remembers His Slain Brother Jonathan Who Died In ‘Operation Entebbe’”


In your face and rubbing your nose in it is for all to see. That’s the pattern of the Clinton clan that perfects their criminal culture of corruption and law-breaking. The unmistakable premeditated meeting between William Jefferson Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch   is a violation of every ethical legal canon. It should be grounds for expulsion from the practice of the law. Well, in Clinton’s case he is no stranger to disbarment. For Lynch, who was appointed to United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York by President Bill Clinton in 1999, she should know better. Yet, if you are the successor to Eric Holder, there seems to be no need to conduct your affairs ethically as AG.   Continue reading “Clinton Crime Mafia Back in Full Force”

Liberty Fight

An update on our story from ten days ago. In case you haven’t heard the details, the FBI admits in their own felony complaint that multiple undercover FBI agents infiltrated Bill Keebler’s ‘Patriot Defense Force’ in Utah, encouraged Keebler to use explosives, volunteered to make them, and then supplied the inert explosive device for Keebler to plant at an abandoned Arizona Bureau of Land Management facility. [See our previous article here: FBI Arrests Utah Man Who Has “An Extreme Hatred For The Federal Government,” Charged With Bomb Plot On BLM June 23, 2016]

FBI Special Agent Steven Daniels swore to and signed this felony complaint on June 22, 2016. It was signed by Utah Magistrate Judge Dustin B. Pead. (Here is a bio on Judge Pead.)   Continue reading “FBI Admits Supplying The Dummy-Bomb To ‘Domestic Terrorist’: Man Arrested For Bureau of Land Management Bomb Plot Admittedly Set Up By Multiple Undercover FBI Employees”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

It is well known that the FBI still does not have roughly 30,000 emails that Hillary Clinton deleted from her private server due to Clinton categorizing them as personal and not work related. We have also reported that Russia may be in possession of those emails, and according to Judge Andrew Napolitano, there is a debate going on in the Kremlin about whether or not to release them.   Continue reading “Senator Admits The FBI Is “About To Ask Putin For His Copies Of Hillary’s Emails””

Fox News

A Connecticut father and son are headed for a court showdown with the Federal Aviation Administration over whether the agency can force them to disclose information about drones shown in two YouTube videos firing a gun and deploying a flame thrower in their backyard.

Austin Haughwout, 19, of Clinton, and his father, Bret Haughwout, are refusing to comply with subpoenas issued by the U.S. attorney’s office on behalf of the FAA, saying the subpoenas violate their constitutional right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures and questioning the agency’s authority to regulate recreational drones.   Continue reading “Dad, son fight FAA over gun-firing, flame-throwing drones”


NEW YORK (AP) — Authorities say an off-duty New York City police officer fatally shot a man after being attacked during a road rage incident.

It happened early Monday morning in Brooklyn.

Police said the officer was driving his personal vehicle in the East New York neighborhood when he was involved in a traffic dispute with a 37-year-old man in another car.   Continue reading “Off-duty NYC cop fatally shoots man after traffic dispute”

The Organic Prepper

This year, the 4th of July simply makes me sad.

I was trying to summon up a rush of pride to write about what makes our country great, and all I could think about was how far we’ve sunk. How distant we’ve ventured from those original settlers who said, “No more!” and  declared their independence. They fought and sacrificed to be free of a government that oppressed them, taxed them, stole from them, and enforced rules without any type of representation upon them.   Continue reading “How to Make Your Life a Declaration of Independence”

Yahoo News

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – The Bank of Israel bought “hundreds of millions” of dollars of foreign currency on Monday, dealers said, after the shekel (ILS=) continued to strengthen for a fifth straight session.

One dealer at an Israeli bank said the central bank started buying at a dollar-shekel rate of around 3.84. The exchange rate, which quickly moved to 3.85, had weakened to 3.90 on June 27 in the wake of the Brexit vote.    Continue reading “Bank of Israel buying ‘hundreds of millions’ of dollars: sources”

Yahoo News

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump drew widespread rebuke on Saturday with a tweet featuring a Star of David while accusing rival Hillary Clinton of corruption.

The star, a symbol of Judaism, was on a backdrop of $100 bills and paired with a Fox News poll in which a majority of respondents described Clinton as corrupt. Next to Clinton’s face was a red Star of David bearing the words “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!”   Continue reading “Trump sparks online firestorm with anti-Clinton tweet featuring Star of David”