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Free Online Book: Nuclear War Survival Skills
The leader of an armed takeover of a national wildlife refuge took the witness stand in his own defense, tearfully telling jurors he was initially reluctant get involved in the plight of two Oregon ranchers ordered to return to prison.
Ammon Bundy, 41, of Emmett, Idaho, wore blue jail scrubs Tuesday afternoon and had a copy of the U.S. Constitution in his front pocket. He has rejected the option of civilian clothes, contending he’s a political prisoner. Continue reading “Leader of Armed Standoff Describes What Led Him to US Refuge”
A federal judge ruled Friday that telling a police officer you’re coming from “near Colorado” can be considered suspicious and used to justify an extended traffic stop.
That answer was offered by Jesse Burcham in May 2015 when he was pulled over by a Baton Rouge, Louisiana, police officer for speeding and allegedly weaving.
The officer said he considered Burcham’s response suspicious and sufficient grounds to extend the stop, call for backup and request a search of the vehicle. Continue reading “Judge: Driver Citing ‘Near Colorado’ Trip Origin Justifies Extended Stop”
(LAUGHING!) Can there be a Moron Monday at FTTWR?
The first time I shot a gun, an M4 assault rifle, I didn’t want to pick it up — I was scared of the unexpectedly giant death machine I’d agreed to shoot with. As it happens, I probablyshouldn’t have picked it up — a stray shell casing burned my leg and left a bullet-shaped scar, along with a story that has gotten me through many a bad date. But pick it up I did, and goddamn, was it fun. I felt so cool, the metal in my hands, my eye on the target, the little red light telling me exactly where to shoot so I felt like a crack shot even though I was hitting the target only because that little red light was telling me exactly where to shoot. Go ahead. Make my day. Continue reading “Why the 2nd Amendment Applies Only to Your Muskets and Dueling Pistols”
Global Research – GDN Magazine
The Israeli navy has been preparing to attack the Women’s Boats heading to break the ten-year-old siege on the Gaza Strip, Quds Press reported yesterday. The boats, which are part of the Freedom Flotilla Alliance, are expected to arrive in Gaza within three days if they are not impeded in any way.
According to a report on Israel’s Channel 2 TV, naval gunships have been waiting in the port of Ashdod ready to move and intercept the Zaytouna and Amal, the two boats making the bid. The TV report claimed that the activists on board the boats have been trained in order to know what to do if they are confronted by the Israeli navy. Continue reading “Israeli Navy Prepares to Attack Women’s Boats Heading to Break Gaza’s Siege”
Just days after admitting that some 500 millions of its email accounts were hacked (allegedly Russians, of course),the Yahoo confessional continues as Reuters reports, somewhat stunningly that, Yahoo secretly built software to search all of its customers’ incoming emails for US intel officials. Yahoo’s reaction to this: we are “a law abiding company.” Continue reading “Yahoo Admits It Secretly Hacked All User Accounts For US Intelligence”
Natural News – by David Gutierrez
Monsanto has officially entered the “GMO 2.0” business, with the signing of the licensing agreement to use the technology known as CRISPR-Cas9. Due to a recent ruling by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), the technology will allow Monsanto to create a new generation of GMO foods that are legally permitted to be labeled as “non-GMO.”
CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) is one of a broad family of new technologies known deceptively as “gene editing,” in which scientists attempt to create targeted changes to genomes. The biotech industry presents gene editing as fundamentally different from first-generation genetic modification, which involved crudely splicing genes from one species into another. But critics note that for all its grand claims, gene editing is marred by all the same problems and dangers as the original GMO techniques. Continue reading “Monsanto just received first ‘CRISPR’ license to modify crops”
KANAB — Garkane Energy is offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the person who shot one of their substations Sunday, knocking out power to nearly all of Kane and Garfield counties.
The reward amount is unprecedented for the power company, as most rewards for vandalism incidents are around $2,500, said Garkane Energy Cooperative spokesman Neal Brown. Continue reading “Power company offers rare $50K reward for information on vandalism”
Free Thought Project – by Justin Gardner
Ramsey Orta, the man who filmed the most infamous police killing of Eric Garner – and was thereafter targeted by police in a barrage of “false and/or trumped up charges” – was sentenced to four years in prison for gun possession and drug charges.
While many of NYPD’s finest will celebrate the silencing of an activist who helped expose police brutality, the reality is that another man is being locked in a cage for victimless crimes, while the one who murdered Eric Garner walks free. Continue reading “The Only Person Going to Jail For Eric Garner’s Death is the Man Who Filmed it, and He’s Getting 4 years”
Manila (AFP) – Firebrand Philippine leader Rodrigo Duterte told US President Barack Obama to “go to hell” Tuesday, as he threatened to end his nation’s decades-old alliance with the United States in favour of China and Russia.
The fresh tirade came as the Philippines and the United States launched annual war games that Duterte had already warned may be the last of his presidency, in response to US criticism of his deadly war on crime. Continue reading “Philippines’ Duterte tells Obama to ‘go to hell’”
Chicago Tribune – by Lauren Etter
Americans might be able to bring a refugee to the U.S. on their own dime if talks between the Obama administration and the nation’s leading refugee advocacy group come to fruition.
The State Department is considering a pilot program that would let citizens sponsor a refugee from their country of choice by paying for airfare, housing, clothing, food and other resettlement costs. Conversations began in July and are expected to continue in the coming year, said Naomi Steinberg, director of the Refugee Council USA.
Continue reading “Adopt-a-refugee plan under consideration by Obama administration”
Washington Examiner – by Rudy Takala
Gun sales hit the 17th consecutive monthly record in September according to FBI data released on Monday, and overall sales are up 27 percent compared to the same period last year.
A total of 1,992,219 background checks were processed through the bureau’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System for the month of September, higher than the 1,795,102 conducted in September 2015. Continue reading “Gun sales hit 17th straight monthly record, up 27 percent”
Activist Post – by Bernie Suarez
As many readers know, we are living in an era of blatant evil, disregard for humanity, illegal wars, manufactured terrorism, broad corruption without consequences and outright tyranny as the global network of criminals pushing for their new world order continue to do whatever it takes to reach their stated goals. In the midst of this ongoing process truth seekers find themselves (ourselves) in an intense information war against these ruling elite. This information war strikes at the very heart of what the ruling elite do. In other words, humanity is in the state that it is in because of the information war carefully plotted and waged against humanity by the ruling elite using their information war mechanisms (CIA, US military Intelligence, Special Forces, NGOs, transnational corporations, non-profit organizations, etc). These information war mechanisms and entities, however, are systematically being exposed and stripped completely of their privacy as humanity awakens to their schemes and deceptions designed to enslave, oppress and kill off a sizable segment of humanity for their financial and personal gain. Continue reading “Monsanto “Crimes Against Humanity” Tribunal Officially Begins October 14th In Hague Netherlands”
Free Thought Project – by Jay Syrmopoulos
Washington, D.C.- In a revelation that could rock the upcoming U.S. presidential race, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton reportedly floated the idea of using a drone strike to kill Wikileaks founder Julian Assange while Secretary of State.
“Can’t we just drone this guy?” Clinton asked, according to anonymous state department sources. Continue reading “Hillary Clinton Considered Using Drone Strike to Kill WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange”
This week Russian authorities are conducting massive civil defense training involving 40 million people nationwide. The drill comes amid a spike in tensions between Russia and the US after the collapse of the two nations’ cooperation in Syria.
The four-day exercise launched on Tuesday includes 200,000 rescue professionals. Almost 50,000 vehicles are part of the drill. Continue reading “40 million Russians involved in annual 4-day defense drills”
Immunity deals for two top Hillary Clinton aides included a side arrangement obliging the FBI to destroy their laptops after reviewing the devices, House Judiciary Committee sources told Fox News on Monday.
Sources said the arrangement with former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills and ex-campaign staffer Heather Samuelson also limited the search to no later than Jan. 31, 2015. This meant investigators could not review documents for the period after the email server became public — in turn preventing the bureau from discovering if there was any evidence of obstruction of justice, sources said. Continue reading “FBI agreed to destroy laptops of Clinton aides with immunity deal, lawmaker says”
A battery of Russian S-300 air defense missile launchers has been transported to Syria, Russia’s Defense Ministry said in a statement. Its sole purpose is to defend a Russian naval base and warships, the ministry added.
The information about the S-300’s deployment was confirmed by ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov. Continue reading “Moscow delivers S-300 missile system to Syria for defense of Russian naval base”