News Channel 10

HANCOCK COUNTY, MS (WLOX) – We now know the names of the two Long Beach police officers placed on paid leave while the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office investigates the death of a child.

Glenn Grannon, with the sheriff’s department, said Clark Ladner and Cassie Barker were placed on administrative leave after 3-year-old Cheyenne Hyer died Friday. Sheriff Ricky Adam confirmed Barker is Cheyenne’s mother.   Continue reading “Officers on paid leave after 3-year-old dies in patrol car”

Infosecurity – by Phil Muncaster

Microsoft has launched a major new policy document designed to lobby governments into legislating and regulating towards “a trusted, responsible, and inclusive cloud.”

A Cloud for Global Good was unveiled at an event in Dublin where CEO Satya Nadella revealed the Redmond giant has spent $3 billion on building up its cloud datacenter capacity in Europe, including $1 billion in the past year.   Continue reading “Microsoft Unveils Security Policy Doc for Lawmakers”

The College Fix – by Kate Hardiman

Student leaders of this year’s freshman orientation at James Madison University were given a list of 35 things they should avoid saying, including phrases such as “you have such a pretty face,” “love the sinner, hate the sin,” “we’re all part of the human race,” “I treat all people the same,” “it was only a joke,” “I never owned slaves,” and “people just need to pick themselves up by their bootstraps,” among other expressions.

Those phrases and others on the list “widen the diversity gap” and do not “create a safe and inclusive environment,” according to the seven-page handout, a copy of which was provided to The College Fix by a campus spokesman.   Continue reading “University distributes seven-page speech guide”

The Daily Signal – by Leah Jessen

Conservatives are wary of internet sales tax legislation in the works that would create an “unlevel playing field” for online businesses.

Republican leadership in Congress may have promised Democrats to schedule a vote on legislation related to online sales tax, a memo from the Conservative Action Project, a group including organizations that represent major elements of the conservative movement, says.   Continue reading “Internet Sales Tax Legislation Is ‘Taxation Without Representation,’ Conservatives Say”

Jon Rappoport

It turns out that unvaccinated children aren’t little time bombs walking around ready to blow and spread devastating disease in their wake.

That’s a myth. It’s told by the medical cartel, for their own obvious reasons.

And it turns out that children raised in a healthy way are strong, and have strong immune systems.   Continue reading “Natural health is a silver bullet to medical vampires”

ABC News 7

New Haven Public School officials said Monday principals and building leaders have been requested to ban the costumes until additional information is available.   Continue reading “New Haven Schools Ban Clown Costumes Amid Investigation”

Collective Evolution – by Alexa Erickson

Food goes bad. Milk spoils, bread molds, avocados rot, and apples brown. Throughout the years, this has become a nuisance for big food corporations. Food is now scientifically-altered to grow bigger and ‘better,’ look prettier, last longer, taste a certain way, etc.

But should we care if our food is changing? The short answer is YES.   Continue reading “Government Says Yes To Non-Browning Gmo Apples That Are About To Hit The Market”

Truthstream Media

Something is up… on at least three difference occasions in September, the emergency alert system in New York had unfortunate “accidents” that look remarkably similar to hacking. The first time, a “truncated” message almost caused the whole of Long Island to be evacuated. The second time, an eerie message about Donald Trump at the first debate played on repeat over an over via an emergency broadcast station in New Jersey just days before the debate which had been moved to Hofsta University on Long Island. The third time, a “Hazardous Materials Warning” for the entire country was broadcast on television not once but twice in upstate New York with the Dr. Seuss line, “Would you could you on a train?” casually tossed in the alert message… a message that we’re all to believe appeared “by accident” (twice) the night before a very bizarre train wreck in Hoboken, New Jersey that killed one and injured 114 others. Continue reading “Who Has Been Hacking the Emergency Alert System?”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

In what would under other circumstances likely be a major media spectacle, Politico reported that the Obama administration is moving to dismiss charges against an arms dealer whom it had accused of selling weapons destined for Libyan rebels and who had threatened to expose Hillary Clinton’s talks about arming anti-Qaddafi rebels.

According to a motion filed in federal court in Phoenix, the DOJ on Monday filed a motion to drop the case against the arms dealer, an American named Marc Turi. One potential reason for the surprising move is that as Politico writes, the deal averts a trial that threatened to cast additional scrutiny on Hillary Clinton’s private emails as Secretary of State, and to expose reported Central Intelligence Agency attempts to arm rebels fighting Libyan leader Moammar Qadhafi.   Continue reading “DOJ Drops Charges Against Arms Dealer Who “Threatened To Expose” Hillary Arming Islamic Extremists”

True Activist – by Amanda Froelich

You might know Damian Marley for his soulful reggae music and for the fact that he’s Bob Marley’s son, but recently, the artist has made headlines because of a new business venture. That’s right, Marley has partnered with Ocean Grown Extracts and is converting a former 77,000 square foot California State prison into a cannabis grow space. Eventually, the farm will provide quality herb to medical marijuana dispensaries in the state.

Marley has not missed the irony of the new venture. He says,   Continue reading “Damian Marley Is Converting A California Prison Into A Marijuana Farm”

Daily Mail

Hillary Clinton was never in any danger of prosecution for mishandling classified documents on her infamous homebrew email server, according to a book set to rock the election season.

The fix was in, thanks to Bill Clinton’s plan to ambush Attorney General Loretta Lynch when their private jets were at the Phoenix airport at the same time.

The former president told his pilot to abort a takeoff, according to Ed Klein in his latest book, ‘Guilty as Sin,‘ when a Secret Service agent told him Lynch was about to land.   Continue reading “How Bill Clinton plotted to ‘bushwhack’ attorney general on airport tarmac and got a promise that Hillary wouldn’t be prosecuted over classified emails”

Sent to us by a reader.

Infowars – by Mikael Thalen

Documents allegedly taken from the Clinton Foundation were released online Tuesday by the hacker Guccifer 2.0.

The hacker claims to have obtained “hundreds of thousands” of documents after gaining access to Clinton Foundation servers at an unknown time and date.   Continue reading “Guccifer 2.0 Drops Alleged Clinton Foundation Documents”

Sent to us by the author.

Backwoods Resistance – by Scott M Terry

Radio news broadcasts echoed “”The South Carolina School shooter, who was homeschooled ….”

Fox News reported..   Continue reading “Media Blames Homeschooling For Expelled Public Schooler’s Murder Spree”

Sent to us by the author.

Backwoods Resistance – by Scott M Terry

Water is arguably the most important element for human survival. In a survival situation locating a source of water must be a top priority, but locating water is only the beginning of the process; it must be purified. Drinking water straight from the source, even in a pristine wilderness setting, is extremely dangerous. Water from a stream, pond, or lake may contain bacteria, parasites, or viruses. Any of these things can kill you or contribute to your death, especially if your immune system is compromised and you do not have access to medical help.   Continue reading “How To Purify Water In The Field”

Greenville Online

COLUMBIA — A 5 a.m. Wednesday update from the National Hurricane Center shows Hurricane Matthew’s latest projected track shifting east on Saturday, with a potential landfall still expected in South Carolina, but a lighter impact on the state. The Upstate continues to be outside of the hurricane track.

On Tuesday, Gov. Nikki Haley announced plans to evacuate more than 1 million residents from the coastal areas of South Carolina beginning Wednesday afternoon in advance of Hurricane Matthew’s projected arrival in the state’s waters this weekend.   Continue reading “Hurricane Matthew’s latest projected track shifts east”