Natural News – by Amy Goodrich

After decades of attempts to find a cure for cancer and billions of dollars spent on cancer research, we are still fighting the war on this disease. While heart disease remains the number one killer of Americans, cancer is rapidly catching up. With so much money and time having gone into cancer research, one may ask why finding a solution is taking so long. To tell you the truth, scientists may have found several natural cancer cures decades ago – one of them being cannabis oil.   Continue reading “Researchers have known for decades that cannabis kills cancer cells… yet the cover-up continues”

Daily Mail

A Dutch woman doctor who drugged an elderly woman and then asked her family to hold her down as she fought desperately not to be killed did not break the law, according to medical experts citing the country’s euthanasia legislation.

The shocking case was referred to the so-called Regional Review Committee in the Netherlands which admitted that while the case involved some irregularities that merited a reprimand, the female doctor had effectively acted in good faith.   Continue reading “Female Dutch doctor drugged a patient’s coffee then asked her family to hold her down as she fought not to be killed – but did not break the country’s euthanasia laws”


The following is a letter that speculation claimed that Albert Pike wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871 regarding a conspiracy involving three world wars that were planned in an attempt to take over the world.

The Pike letter to Giuseppe Mazzini was on display in the British Museum Library in London until 1977.   Continue reading “Albert Pike Letter to Mazzini – The Illuminati Plan for World War 3”

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The Columbus Dispatch – by Alan Johnson, Jill Riepenhoff

President Donald Trump’s nominee for U.S. treasury secretary was untruthful with the Senate during the confirmation process, documents uncovered by The Dispatch show.

Steve Mnuchin, former chairman and chief executive officer of OneWest Bank, known for its aggressive foreclosure practices, flatly denied in testimony before the Senate Finance Committee that OneWest used “robo-signing” on mortgage documents.   Continue reading “Trump treasury pick Mnuchin misled Senate on foreclosures, Ohio cases show”

Chicago Sun Times – by Andy Grimm

Buried among the facts and figures in the Justice Department’s recent book-length report on the failings of the Chicago Police Department was a telling statistic: The rate of suicide among CPD officers is 60 percent higher than other departments across the U.S.

Among the ranks of the nearly 10,000 patrol officers of the CPD, an average of three officers will take their own lives each year, according to life insurance claims information from the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7, the union representing the bulk of the department’s sworn officers.   Continue reading “Rate of suicides among Chicago Police a badge of high-stress job”

Yahoo News – by Julia Harte and Timothy Mclaughlin

WASHINGTON/CHICAGO (Reuters) – Steve Loomis, president of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association, had a blunt message for Donald Trump during a meeting in September: court-ordered reforms aimed at curbing police abuses in the midwestern city are not working.

Loomis and two other attendees said Trump seemed receptive to Loomis’s concerns that federally monitored police reforms introduced during the Obama administration in some cities in response to complaints of police bias and abuse are ineffective and impose an onerous burden on police forces.   Continue reading “Emboldened by Trump, some police unions seek to overhaul Obama’s reforms”

LifeZette – by Jim Stinson

The Republican National Committee is poised to name President Donald Trump’s former rival as the next finance chair for the party.

Billionaire casino mogul Steve Wynn was selected to lead the GOP fundraising operation into the 2018 midterm election at a meeting of RNC officials over the weekend, sources with knowledge of the meeting told LifeZette.   Continue reading “Casino Mogul Steve Wynn to Be RNC Finance Chair”

Yahoo News – by Kate Taylor, Business Insider

Some Starbucks customers are threatening to boycott the coffee giant after its CEO took a stand against President Donald Trump’s executive order barring immigrants from seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the US.

On Sunday, Starbucks announced it planned to hire 10,000 refugees worldwide in the next five years.   Continue reading “People are boycotting Starbucks after CEO announces plan to hire thousands of refugees”

International Business Times – by Tom O’Conner

Tokyo’s utility company discovered Monday what it suspects could be nuclear fuel debris inside of a reactor at its destroyed Fukushima plant in Japan.

The Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) has led efforts to clean up the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant after three of its reactors melted down in 2011 following a massive magnitude 9.1 earthquake and tsunami that killed over 15,000 people and caused the world’s worst nuclear disaster since Ukraine’s Chernobyl explosion in 1986. The company discovered black lumps resembling a substance that had melted and stuck to the steel of the No. 2 reactor.   Continue reading “Fukushima Cleanup Uncovers Possible Melted Radioactive Fuel At Nuclear Plant Reactor”

Jon Rappoport

USA Today has the story (1/26): “American scientists worried about climate change and skeptical of President Donald Trump are planning a protest march in Washington, D.C.”

“March organizers, on the event’s website, said it serves as ‘a starting point to take a stand for science in politics’.”   Continue reading “Scientists march to support global-warming censorship: the New Ridiculous”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

In the harshest warning yet that China is actively contemplating a worst case scenario for its diplomatic relations with the US, a senior Chinese military official said that “a war within the president’s term’ or ‘war breaking out tonight’ are not just slogans, they are becoming a practical reality.The remarks, first reported by the SCMP, were published on the People’s Liberation Army website in response to the escalating rhetoric towards China from America’s new administration, and as Beijing braces itself for a possible deterioration in Sino-US ties, with a particular emphasis on maritime security.  Continue reading “War With US Becoming A “Practical Reality” Chinese Military Warns”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Fort Pierce, FL — For the majority of people who see those red and blue lights turn on behind them as they drive down the highway, your adrenaline spikes, your heart races, and the last thing going through your mind is, “I am being protected right now.” While most of these stops end with a promissory note of extortion for a victimless crime, sometimes, especially for women, things can get quite dangerous.

As the Free Thought Project has reported countless times, all too often, police officers will abuse their authority to force unwilling victims into performing sexual favors in exchange for leniency. Also, many times, there is no quid pro quo and police officers will simply rape people they pull over — case in point, Daniel Holtzclaw.   Continue reading “Cop Arrested for Pulling Woman Over, Kidnapping, then Raping Her”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

On Friday, the world erupted in chaos after President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order suspending entry into the United States for people traveling from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

These seven countries originally came from the Obama administration and were labeled as “countries of concern.”   Continue reading “Trump’s Travel Ban Plainly Excludes Countries Tied to 93% of All US Terrorism”


The state of Washington will challenge U.S. President Donald Trump’s executive order banning immigration from some Muslim-majority states in federal court, Attorney General Bob Ferguson said on Monday.

Washington will be the first state to take on the executive order that went into effect on Friday, heightening the legal stakes surrounding the order that has sparked a global backlash.   Continue reading “State of Washington says to sue to stop Trump immigration order”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Geopolitical pundits were caught by surprise last Thursday when Donald Trump told ABC he would “absolutely do safe zones in Syria for the people”, a statement that was has been viewed as a precursor to further escalation of US intervention in the region. They were just as surprised overnight when instead of challening Trump’s decision to potentially send more troops into Syria, Russia Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Moscow may support the US initiative to establish so-called ‘safe zones’ for refugees in Syria, but added that the plan would require close cooperation with the UN and approval from Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government.   Continue reading “Speculation Grows That Bashar Assad Has “Suffered A Stroke” As Syria Slams Trump’s “Safe Zone” Proposal”


President Donald Trump has signed a new executive order mandating that for each new government regulation being enacted, two need to be revoked.

The order is in line with the new president’s plan to slash regulations by as much as 75 percent, as Trump believes the expanding body of government rules is stifling the US economy.   Continue reading “Trump signs executive order to block new government regulations”

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Ocean rise already is worsening the floods and high tides sweeping California this stormy winter, climate experts say, and this month’s damage and deaths highlight that even a state known as a global leader in fighting climate change has yet to tackle some of the hardest work of dealing with it.

The critical steps yet to come include starting to decide which low-lying cities, airports and highways, along with threatened landmarks like San Francisco’s Embarcadero, to hoist above the rising water and which to abandon — and where to start getting the many billions of dollars for those climate rescues.   Continue reading “Storms preview ocean-rise damage to California cities, roads”

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) — Thousands of Myanmar politicians, activists and others shocked by the assassination of a longtime adviser to leader Aung San Suu Kyi gathered Monday at a cemetery for an emotional funeral ceremony, while police investigated the motive for the killing.

Ko Ni, a prominent lawyer and member of Myanmar’s Muslim minority, was shot in the head at close range as he walked out of the Yangon airport Sunday. The suspected shooter was apprehended while trying to escape.   Continue reading “Myanmar ruling party mourns assassination of Suu Kyi adviser”