One of the very first things I discovered when I began researching the NWO, some 4 ½ years ago, was what I call ‘way stations’. These are places that, at first glance, look like nothing out of the ordinary, but upon closer inspection, are revealed to be something far more insidious than one would suspect. They can be found anywhere, and as anyone knows, the best place to hide something is in plain sight, where it can be seen by anyone, but not necessarily recognized for what it actually is.
I came across this information quite by accident while searching the internet one day for some photos of giants that a friend of mine had downloaded. I hadn’t asked him the name of the website he got them from, so I simply Googled the word ‘giants’, hoping to get lucky. It was by far either the luckiest or smartest thing I’ve ever done, as it took me to a site called “Return of the Nephilim”, which not only had the same pictures my friend had downloaded, but it also had many different articles about something I had always considered to be a myth at best – the Illuminati. Continue reading “Hidden in Plain Sight – FEMA Way Stations”