Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

While government whistleblowers and subversive journalists languish in prison or are on the run, state crimes — especially those perpetrated by western governments and high officials — not only go unpunished but don’t even warrant investigation apparently.  International Criminal Court judges ruled on Friday to reject a request by the court’s prosecutor to investigate possible war crimes by the US-led coalition during the war in AfghanistanContinue reading “Hague Court Caves To US Threats: Rejects Afghan War Crimes Case”

Breitbart – by Warner Todd Huston

A large number of Democrat politicians in Congress want to take away the power of local schools to make their own rules, regarding gender and sports. House Democrats overwhelmingly voted for a bill on Wednesday, that would force all schools to allow boys who claim to be transgender, to compete against natural-born female competitors.  Continue reading “House Democrats Introduce Bill Forcing Schools to Allow Boys on Girls Sports Teams”

The Organic Prepper – by Dagny Taggart

Two hikers were found alive on Wednesday after spending five days lost on a California mountain, and there are things we can learn from their experience.

Gabrielle Wallace, 31, and Eric Desplinter, 33, had not been seen since Saturday when they didn’t return from a hike. Two friends initially set out with them, but turned back because they felt the conditions were too dangerous. When the pair didn’t return that evening, their friends reported them missing.  Continue reading “How the Rules of Hiking (and a LifeStraw) Saved a Pair of Hikers Lost in the Wilderness”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Plenty of politicians on the left and the right were thrilled to learn that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange had finally been arrested in London after seven years of hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy. But none were more pleased than Hillary Clinton, who he has blamed Wikileaks – along with a lengthy list of culprits, including all of the misogynist voters who refused to support her – for her loss to Preident Trump in the 2016 election. Continue reading “Hillary Clinton: Assange “Must Now Answer For What He Has Done””

Crooks and Liars – by Karoli Kuns

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced yesterday that he would hold the next meeting of the Florida State Cabinet in Jerusalem at the U.S. Embassy he fought to move there when he was in Congress.

Yes, you read that right. The business of Florida State will be conducted in a foreign country whose interests may not be entirely aligned with Florida’s. Continue reading “FL Governor DeSantis Announces Cabinet Meeting In Israel”

Station Gossip

Filmmaker Ami Horowitz went to the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to attend UNC’s joint conference with Duke University on the “Conflict over Gaza” (held March 22-24), an event that was awarded $235,000 in grant money. Told he wasn’t allowed to film by conference organizers, Horowitz brought a hidden mic and a concealed camera to document what really went on at the conference. What he found left him declaring that the two universities and the 38 departments and schools that co-sponsored the event “should all be ashamed.” Continue reading “UNDERCOVER VIDEO: Watch What Filmmaker Finds When He Attends UNC & Duke Summit On Israel: ‘They Should All Be Ashamed’”

Middle East Monitor

The US plans to announce its long-awaited “deal of the century” after newly re-elected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has formed a ruling coalition. Aides to President Donald Trump said yesterday that they expect him to release details of his peace plan shortly after Netanyahu gets his coalition partners together, which should happen next week, Reuters has reported.  Continue reading “US to announce ‘deal of the century’ after Israel coalition formed”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

On Thursday, several men in black suits, surrounded by a dozen cops, raided the Ecuadorian embassy in London and kidnapped Julian Assange. Moments later, the Department of Justice released a statement charging Assange with computer hacking “conspiracy” for allegedly working with US Army soldier at the time, Chelsea Manning. Assange was in handcuffs when he was brought out and as he was being dragged from the embassy, he managed to grab the book, Gore Vidal: History of the National Security State. As he was shoved into the van, Assange held the book facing forward so that it could be seen by the camera.  Continue reading “Here’s Why the Book Julian Assange Was Holding When He Was Arrested is Vitally Important”

Activist Post – by BN Frank

The Telecom Industry has admitted there are no studies that show 5G wireless technology is safe.  Since 2017 200+ doctors and scientists have demanded a moratorium on installation due to research that proves it’s harmful.  Regardless, 5G promotion and installation has continued in the U.S. (See 12345) despite all of that as well as increasing American opposition.  Portland, Oregon city officials are now trying to stop it from being installed in their community.  Continue reading “Portland, Oregon City Officials Try to Block 5G Installation Due to Health Risks”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

A Swedish programmer with purported ties to Wikileaks has been arrested at a Quito airport while trying to board a flight to Japan, as the government of President Lenin Moreno cracks down on the organization founded by Assange, part of its efforts to discredit the organization that recently exposed Moreno for his involvement in a corruption scandal involving offshore accounts.  Continue reading “Swedish Programmer With Ties To Wikileaks Arrested In Ecuador”


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – In the staid world of the U.S. Supreme Court, where decorum and etiquette are prized and silence is enforced by court police, the F-word could create quite a stir.

Yet that expletive and others will be the focus on Monday when the nine justices hear arguments in a free-speech case brought by Los Angeles-based clothing designer Erik Brunetti. His streetwear brand “FUCT” – which sounds like, but is spelled differently than, a profanity – was denied a trademark by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.  Continue reading “F-words and T-shirts: U.S. Supreme Court weighs foul language trademarks”

Big League Politics – by Shane Trejo

Ecuadorean President Lenín Moreno thrust a dagger into the heart of free speech today after he allowed a foreign country’s authorities into his nation’s embassy in Britain to arrest heroic whistle-blower and award-winning journalist Julian Assange.

What was Moreno’s price to commit this betrayal? A 4.2 billion loan guarantee from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), it seems.  Continue reading “How Ecuador’s Globalist Regime Received Billions to Sell Out Julian Assange”

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

Democrat 2020 presidential candidate Rep Tulsi Gabbard on Thursday forcefully condemned the arrest of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange saying it was “meant to send a message” to Americans to “be quiet, behave [and] toe the line” or “you will pay the price.”

“The arrest of #JulianAssange is meant to send a message to all Americans and journalists: be quiet, behave, toe the line. Or you will pay the price,” Gabbard said on Twitter.  Continue reading “Gabbard: Assange Arrest Is Meant to ‘Send A Message to All Americans’ to ‘Toe The Line’ or ‘Pay The Price’”

LifeSiteNews – by Lianne Laurence

April 10, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — As a Canadian father fights to stop court-ordered testosterone treatments for his 14-year-old daughter, U.S. experts warn there’s an increasing danger that more and more American parents will find themselves in a similar heartrending predicament.

“Yes, it is really that bad,” Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatrics, told LifeSiteNews.  Continue reading “State-coerced child gender ‘transitioning’ is here. Parents are horrified”