Yahoo News

Sep. 23—COLUMBUS — “We gotta throw the football. We gotta try to make something happen,” Gov. Mike DeWine said Thursday as he announced another round of lottery incentives to drive up vaccination rates, this time among younger Ohioans.

Over five consecutive days, Oct. 11-15, Ohio will hold lotteries for those between the ages of 12 and 25, dangling big prizes of $100,000 college scholarships as well as 15 smaller prizes of $10,000 scholarships. Continue reading “DeWine offers $100,000 scholarships to encourage vaccinations”

Anti-War – by Dave DeCamp

On Thursday, the House passed legislation that would give Israel an extra $1 billion in military aid. The measure passed with an overwhelming majority and now moves to the Senate.

The bill passed 420-9-2, with Reps. Thomas Massie (R-KY) Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Ilhan Omar (D-MN.), Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), André Carson (D-IN), Marie Newman (D-IL), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Cori Bush (D-MO) and Chuy Garcia (D-IL) voting against it. Continue reading “House Votes to Give Israel Extra $1 Billion in Military Aid”

Daily Bulletin

Global scientists reported in August that due to the climate crisis, droughts that may have occurred only once every decade or so now happen 70% more frequently. The increase is particularly apparent in the Western US, which is currently in the the throes of a historic, multiyear drought that has exacerbated wildfire behavior, drained reservoirs and triggered water shortages.

More than 94% of the West is in drought this week — a proportion that has hovered at or above 90% since June — with six states entirely in drought conditions, according to the US Drought Monitor. On the Colorado River, Lake Mead and Lake Powell — two of the country’s largest reservoirs — are draining at alarming rates, threatening the West’s water supply and hydropower generation in coming years. Continue reading “La Niña is about to take the Southwest drought from bad to worse”

Gateway Pundit – by Julian Conradson

Earlier this week, the crisis on Biden’s southern border became such a free-for-all that a group of illegals actually overpowered federal authorities and stole the bus they were being transported in, using it to make their escape into the US. 

The border agents who were involved were injured in the assault. Continue reading “Haitian Illegals in Federal Custody Have “HIJACKED” MULTIPLE Transport Buses And Escaped Into the Interior of The US; “They’ve Been Basically Overpowering the Drivers””

Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard, September 1, 2021

The Biden administration this week signaled that it is eyeing a United Nations small arms treaty that critics claim will lead to an international gun registration plan — including for individual American gun owners.

Two years after former President Donald Trump withdrew from it, a top arms diplomat at the State Department told the global body that the current administration is swinging behind the Arms Trade Treaty. Continue reading “Biden aims to sign on to UN’s global gun registration treaty”

News Dakota

JAMESTOWN, N.D. ( – The City of Jamestown will soon be home to a new cryptocurrency mining company.

The Jamestown Chamber of Commerce is set to hold a groundbreaking for Applied Blockchain Inc. on Highway 20 north of the city.  Continue reading “Cryptocurrency Mining Company to Build in Jamestown”

Breitbart – by John Binder

Democrats on the New York City Council are eyeing a plan to allow nearly a million non-citizens the ability to vote in local city elections.

The plan, backed by 34 Democrats on the 51-member New York City Council, would allow non-citizens with green cards, visas, and work authorization to vote in city elections so long as they have resided in New York City for at least 30 consecutive days. Continue reading “NYC Democrats Seek to Give Voting Rights to Nearly 1 Million Non-Citizens”

Children’s Health Defense – by Megan Redshaw

Danice Hertz, a 64-year-old physician who was “horribly ill” and “incapacitated” after getting Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, claims U.S. health agencies are ignoring thousands of adverse events.

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Hertz said if she could go back in time, she would not have gotten vaccinated. Continue reading “Physician ‘Horribly Injured’ After Pfizer Vaccine Pleads With Top U.S. Public Health Officials for Help — and Gets None”

Epoch Times – by Zachary Stieber

A judge in Florida on Wednesday blocked a city’s COVID-19 mandate from taking effect.

Circuit Judge Monica Brasington, a Sen. Rick Scott appointee, granted a request for an emergency injunction. That means the mandate, which was slated to take effect on Oct. 1, is blocked for now. Continue reading “Florida Judge Halts City’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

The Biden administration has reportedly flown 1,400 Haitians from the Del Rio, Texas squatters camp back to Haiti in the past week.

There are an estimated 4,000 migrants left at the camp. The rest of these migrants and fake refugees were sent to communities across the country. Continue reading “Joe Biden Is Moving Haitian Migrants from Del Rio Squatters Camp in Dead of Night – Dumping Them Across the US”

Epoch Times – by Katabella Roberts

A new variant of the COVID-19 virus has been discovered at a Kentucky nursing home, where it has reportedly infected 45 residents and health care personnel, according to scientist William A. Haseltine.

The variant, called R.1, originated in Japan and infected many residents and workers in the Kentucky nursing home who were fully vaccinated, Haseltine said.  Continue reading “New R.1 COVID-19 Variant With ‘Unique Mutations’ Discovered at Kentucky Nursing Home”


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Novant Health announced Tuesday that approximately 375 employees are suspended for violating the company’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Novant said suspended employees will have five days to comply with the vaccination policy or be terminated. Novant announced that 98.6% of its team, made up of more than 35,000 employees are compliant with the mandate. This means those workers have received the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the first dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, or if given, a medical or religious exemption.

Continue reading “375 Novant Health workers suspended without pay for violating COVID-19 vaccine requirement”

NOQ Report – by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Winter 2021 “AMA COVID-19 Guide: Background/Messaging on Vaccines, Vaccine Clinical Trials & Combatting Vaccine Misinformation,”1 issued by the American Medical Association (AMA) raises serious questions about the AMA’s adherence to transparency, honesty, ethics and the moral standards to which it will hold its members.  Continue reading “The AMA Is Teaching Doctors Psychological Manipulation Tactics to Coerce the Unvaccinated”

Reclaim the Net – by Ken Macon

The Italian government recently announced a mandatory vaccine passport for both the public and private sectors and announced that workers that cannot show a vaccine passport will have their pay withheld.

The government decree will force about 23 million Italian workers to get a “Green Pass,” a COVID-19 vaccine certificate issued to those that have been vaccinated, recovered from the virus, or have a recent negative test. Some were concerned that unvaccinated workers would be fired.  Continue reading “Italy tells employers to withhold pay for those with no vaccine passport”

Yahoo News – Independent

A giant sequoia has been significantly damaged by a wildfire in northern California as thousands of firefighters descended into the forest to try to save the ancient trees.

The impacts from the Windy Fire, which has torn through several sequoia groves, is still being assessed. However the Bench Tree has been badly burned. The tree, so called because its base forms a natural seat, is one of the iconic Trail of 100 Giants, Continue reading “Giant sequoia burns in California wildfire as thousands of firefighters descend to save the ancient trees”