The Palestine Chronicle

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett told the Israeli Parliament (Knesset) on Monday that Israel is undergoing its largest rearmament in years, according to Israeli media.

Bennett’s remarks come as the Israeli army is preparing for a potential strike on Iran.  Continue reading “Preparing for Iran Strike: Bennett Says Israel Undergoing Largest Rearmament in Years”

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted on Friday that over 75% of covid deaths were among people “who had at least four comorbidities” and were “unwell to begin with.”

“The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities,” Walensky told GMA on Friday. “So really these are people who were unwell to begin with.”  Continue reading “Narrative Shift: CDC Director Admits OVER 75% Of Covid Deaths Were Among People With ‘At Least Four Comorbidities’”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

For decades now, federal government and their cohorts in law enforcement have been carrying out theft of the citizenry on a massive scale. We’re not talking about taxes, but an insidious power known as Civil Asset Forfeiture (CAF).

The 1980’s-era laws were designed to drain resources from powerful criminal organizations, but CAF has become a tool for law enforcement agencies across the U.S. to steal money and property from countless innocent people. Continue reading “Police Caught Stealing Money from Innocent People To Secretly Buy Tech to Spy on Citizens’ Cellphones”

Washington Free Beacon – by Patrick Hauf

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s division of the National Institutes of Health paid over $200,000 during the coronavirus pandemic for researchers to study why transgender women have high rates of HIV by injecting male monkeys with female hormones.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in December 2021 gave Scripps Research $205,562 for the study, which aims to determine why transgender women have high rates of HIV. As part of the study, researchers subject male monkeys to feminizing hormone therapy to study how it impacts the monkeys’ immune systems, according to the National Institutes of Health. Continue reading “Fauci’s NIH Division Paid $205K for Researchers To Study Transgender Monkeys”

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Archive: TWFTT 1-10-22

Breitbart – by Neil Munro

Business owners and Democrats in Johnstown, Pa., want to fill jobs with imported Afghan workers instead of hiring their American neighbors in the town once home to the Bethlehem Steel Corporation.

Marie Mock, a Democrat who is the deputy mayor on the Democrat-run city council, justified the planned replacement in a Facebook post, according to a January 7 report in the local newspaper, the Tribune-DemocratContinue reading “Former Steel Town Seeks Afghan Workers to Replace Americans”

Yahoo News – Fox News

Short-staffed hospitals across the country are turning to international nurses to fill staff shortages as thousands of healthcare workers across the country are being cut loose for not submitting to a coronavirus vaccine.

Administrators at Billings Clinic in Montana have contracts with two dozen international nurses and is one of “scores” of hospitals across the country bringing in nurses from other countries to address staffing issues including retirements, according to an NPR reportContinue reading “Hospitals across the U.S. turning to foreign nurses as healthcare workers are fired over vaccine mandates”

The Hill

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on Monday said that his company is aiming to have a vaccine that targets the omicron variant as well as other COVID-19 variants ready in March.

“This vaccine will be ready in March,” Bourla said in an appearance on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.” Continue reading “Pfizer CEO predicts omicron vaccine will be ready in March”


‘The most nuclear bombed nation on the planet’ is the unwanted accolade claimed by the Shoshone Native American tribe. This has had devastating effects for the community, and RT spoke with one campaigner fighting for justice.

“They are occupying our country, they are stealing our opportunities and we are expected to die because of that. We are still trying to grapple with and understand what happened to us, and find ways to stop it, correct it and prevent it happening in the future.” Continue reading “‘After 900 nuclear tests on our land, US wants to ethnically cleanse us’: meet the most bombed nation in the world”


New York City’s far-left Mayor Eric Adams says he fully supports a new law that gives noncitizens voting rights in U.S. elections.

The newly sworn-in Democratic mayor declared Saturday that he supports legislation passed by the city council that allows 800,000 foreign nationals to vote in New York elections.  Continue reading “NYC Mayor Just Authorized 800,000 Noncitizens to Vote in U.S Elections”

Fox 13

SALT LAKE CITY — The founder and chair of Entrata, a Silicon Slopes tech firm, has resigned his position after sending an email to a number of tech CEOs and Utah business and political leaders, claiming the COVID-19 vaccine is part of a plot by “the Jews” to exterminate people.

The remarks triggered condemnation throughout Utah’s tech community, and led to David Bateman’s resignation from the company’s board of directors after FOX 13 first reported on the email. Continue reading “Utah tech executive resigns after anti-Semitic email rant”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Geopolitical commentator Clint Ehrlich has reported while on the ground in Moscow that “the situation in Kazakhstan is a much bigger deal than Western media is letting on.” He further argues that the mayhem unleashed this past week and ongoing violent destabilization significantly increases the risk of NATO-Russia conflict.  Continue reading “Why The Kazakhstan Crisis Is A Much Bigger Deal Than Western Media Is Letting On”

The Daily News – by Dave Rogers

AMESBURY — A Melrose man charged with stabbing a state trooper on Interstate 495 two years ago was found not guilty for lack of criminal responsibility following a bench trial Wednesday in Lawerence Superior Court, according to an Essex County District Attorney’s Office spokesperson.

Nathan Aguilar was arrested Dec. 12, 2019, after stabbing Trooper Steven Torosian several times in the arm as he sat in his cruiser at a highway construction site in Amesbury.  Continue reading “Man who stabbed state trooper found not guilty”

The Times

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer lobbied Donald Trump to pre-emptively pardon Ghislaine Maxwell during the final days of his presidency after talks with her family.

Alan Dershowitz, 83, a former Harvard Law School professor, represented Epstein during the noughties and Trump during his first impeachment trial. He has since been accused of abuse by one of Epstein’s under-age victims, which he denies. Continue reading “Alan Dershowitz asked Donald Trump to grant Ghislaine Maxwell a pre-emptive pardon”

Breitbart – by John Binder

Economic nationalism, centered on reshoring manufacturing back to the United States, is the most popular policy solution to President Joe Biden’s record inflation, most likely voters say.

The survey was conducted by the left-wing Data for Progress think tank and looked at likely voters’ attitudes towards various messaging on inflation. The common thread, the survey found, is that economic nationalism was the top-rated policy solution by nearly every demographic group polled. Continue reading “Survey: Economic Nationalism Is Most Popular Policy Solution to Inflation”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

The CDC stated on its website (last reviewed Sept. 2021) that to control the spread of disease within their borders, states have laws to enforce the use of isolation and quarantine. The law also includes the use of police power functions in their quarantine stations.

“In addition to serving as medical functions, isolation and quarantine also are “police power” functions, derived from the right of the state to take action affecting individuals for the benefit of society,” CDC stated on their website. Continue reading “CDC Website Reveals Police Power Will be Used at Quarantine Stations for the “Benefit of Society””

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

While the coronavirus pandemic is still ongoing, the economies of most OECD countries have started to bounce back from the effects of 2020.

As Statista’s Florian Zandt notes, according to data accumulated by The EconomistIreland is the nation with the highest GDP uptick between Q4 2019 and Q3 2021, increasing its domestic product by 22.3 percent. While impressive, this result is the exception rather than the norm as Statista’s chart indicates.  Continue reading “The Economic Winners And Losers Of The Pandemic”