A researcher in Cyprus has discovered a strain of the coronavirus that combines the delta and omicron variant, Bloomberg News reported on Saturday.

Leondios Kostrikis, professor of biological sciences at the University of Cyprus, called the strain “deltacron,” because of its omicron-like genetic signatures within the delta genomes, Bloomberg said. Continue reading “Cyprus reportedly discovers a Covid variant that combines omicron and delta”


A private blood-testing company’s claim that the COVID-19 “pandemic is over” in a northern Alberta community could lull residents into a false sense of security, says an infectious diseases expert.

More than 1,200 people in the hamlet of La Crete, 700 kilometres northwest of Edmonton, paid $100 each in mid-December to have their blood tested for antibodies by Ichor Blood Services, a private lab specimen collection company based in Calgary. Continue reading “Health expert urges caution after blood-testing firm claims ‘pandemic is over’ in Alberta hamlet”

The Great Recession

Leonard Glenn Francis is a Malaysian businessman who infiltrated the greatest power on the high seas and built a billion-dollar empire by providing officers with orgies, Dom Pérignon champagne and security paid for by the USA. And, now he’s squealing like a … rat.  Continue reading “Want to Know Where Your Money Goes? Sex, lies and the United States Navy — Meet “Fat Leonard””

Free West Media

Referring to his telephone conversations with residents of the city of two million, he stated: “[They said:] The people who rioted and looted were not from our city. People dressed in camouflage on SUVs coordinated their actions.”

The crowd was not capable of such well-organised and swift actions, he stressed. “If you look at the objects they have seized – of course someone has coordinated them. And that crowd did not turn up there by chance. The chaos was instigated after a command.” Continue reading “Kazakhstan: Eyewitnesses say unrest is being coordinated”

LifeSiteNews – by Nick Marmalejo

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) – Congress has joined the legal battle against the Biden administration’s push for COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

More than a third of U.S. Congress has filed a “friend of the court” brief to the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) arguing against President Biden’s administration’s attempt to force COVID-19 vaccine mandates through the use of Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) regulations.  Continue reading “183 Congressional members urge Supreme Court to reject COVID-19 vaccine mandate”

Gateway Pundit – by Alicia Powe

The Washington State Board of Health may soon amend state law to authorize the involuntary detainment of residents as young as 5 years old in Covid-19 “internment camps” for failing to comply with the state’s experimental vaccine mandate.

WAC 246-100-040, a proposed revision to include Covid protocol under the state’s Communicable and Certain Other Diseases act, outlines “Procedures for isolation or quarantine.” The measure would allow local health officers at “his other sole discretion” to “issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine.”  Continue reading “Bill Filed In Washington Would Authorize ‘Strike Force’ To ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated Families: ‘They Have Already Set Up The Internment Camps’”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Austin, TX — On Halloween 2021, in the neighborhood of West Campus, Austin police received a 911 call that a man had been shot. It would take Austin police officers over 50 minutes to respond to that call. The man was finally taken to the hospital and luckily he survived. 50 minutes.  Continue reading “Cops Cover Body Cameras, Hold Down Woman, Beat the Hell Out of Her for Sleeping”

Washington Examiner – by Christopher Hutton

Podcaster Tim Pool was raided by officers while on the air Thursday in what turned out to be a swatting incident.

Officers raided Pool’s home during a live taping of his podcast after an anonymous source reported people had been shot and killed at Pool’s house in Maryland. Several officers responded to investigate what turned out to be a swatting incident, defined by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office as “a false 911 call reporting a serious incident to elicit a significant response from police and other emergency services.” Continue reading “Podcaster Tim Pool swatted during livestream”

Funny to watch the coverage of January 6th. Yeah, we know it was mostly a psy-op, but not all involved were aware of that. I just know that mixed in that crowd were a few souls who really wanted freedom restored. They will forever be lost in the shuffle.

As for the others who were more high-profile and got arrested… Why did none of them just come out and say, “Yeah, I’m glad I did it to save the Republic.” I didn’t hear that anywhere. All we got were plea deals and admittance of guilt. What a gift this was to the communist objective of false “democracy,” with a magnificent grand-assist by Donald Trump. Continue reading “On The Coverage of January 6th”

Dying Patients Being Denied Care in Locked-Down Xi’an Sparks Outrage

On New Year’s Day in the locked-down Chinese city of Xi’an, a woman who was eight months pregnant miscarried while waiting in the freezing cold outside a hospital. She had been denied entry because her negative COVID-19 test result was invalid by a few hours.

Philippines: Manila Bans Unvaccinated from Leaving Homes, Duterte Threatens Arrest

Metro Manila’s government issued an edict this week forbidding residents unvaccinated against the Chinese coronavirus from leaving their homes for non-essential reasons for an indefinite amount of time as part of the region’s effort to contain a surging caseload of the disease, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported Thursday.

Italy: Covid passports will soon be needed to enter banks, public and postal offices. No pass no access to the financial system.

Say goodbye to your freedoms. From the end of January you will need a Greenpass to enter banks in Italy.

For the time being they still accept a negative test with Greenpass basic but if they ever upgrade to Greenpass Super and I am sure they would love to only proof of boosting will be accepted and your access to the financial system will be severely limited if you are not up to date with your quarterly shots.

The Hill

The Supreme Court is hearing a pivotal case that will determine whether the federal government has the legal authority to require businesses to mandate a COVID-19 vaccine for their employees, and one of the attorneys arguing against that mandate caught the virus himself. 

Ben Flowers, Ohio’s solicitor general, participated in oral arguments remotely on Friday after testing positive for COVID-19, though he has been vaccinated and received a booster shot, according to NBC News.   Continue reading “Top lawyer arguing anti-vaccination mandate case before Supreme Court has COVID”


The New York Attorney General’s office has released footage of a man who burst into flames after he was tasered by police, as part of its investigation into the man’s eventual death nearly two months after the incident.

In the October 30 surveillance footage released on Friday, 29-year-old Jason Jones could be seen acting aggressively at a police station in Catskill, New York. After staring down two police officers and turning his neck to the side, Jones stripped off his clothing, threw a boot at a table, and shouted at staff.  Continue reading “Man bursts into flames after being tasered”

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor on Friday spread delusional misinformation during oral arguments on the Biden regime’s “vaccine” mandate, claiming 100,000 children are currently hospitalized with covid (real number 3,342), Omicron is “as deadly” as Delta and covid deaths have never been higher.  Continue reading “Justice Sotomayor Spreads Delusional Misinformation During SCOTUS Hearing On Covid Vax Mandate”


CPharm International (ECI), a German research and development firm, has said it is planning a multi-million-dollar investment in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, with the aim of producing weed for medical purposes.

Following an unfortunate case of mistaken identity in late 2021, Vice media agency tracked down a German company, CPharm International (ECI), which has struck a deal with the Taliban.  Continue reading “Taliban weed about to attract millions in foreign investment”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Highly vaccinated and “boosted” Israel was among the world’s first countries to impose a vaccine passport requirement on its population, which the government calls a ‘Green Pass’. And yet the pandemic has continued there unabated, and all that average citizens are left with is immensely curtailed freedoms. Continue reading “McDonald’s Kiosk Denies Man Service Over Vaccine Status”

The Last Refuse – by Sundance

I do not know how better to emphasize the points other than to be direct and brutally honest.  Sometimes you just have to call the baby ugly.  The window to prepare for the incoming crisis of our lifetime is now down to two weeks.  Hopefully, that is specific enough.

As we have discussed on these pages, the interventionist policies and regulations from the people creating the COVID response (writ large) have been fubar from the beginning. {Go Deep} When they shut down the restaurants and hospitality sector (2020 lockdowns), the advisors and bureaucrats triggered a cascading series of events inside the food supply chain {Go Deep}.  Continue reading “We Have Less Than Two Weeks to Finalize Preparation”