Artificial Intelligence - Sputnik International, 1920, 30.04.2023

Digital and technology ministers of the Group of Seven (G7) have stressed the importance of international dialogue on AI governance and interoperability between AI regulation frameworks of different countries at a two-day meeting in Japan, according to their joint statement. Continue reading “G7 Countries Advocate for Global AI Governance by Sputnik”

Government without Consent Lacks Legitimacy

America is the story of freedom.  It was settled by those determined to rid themselves of Old World shackles and build something entirely new.  Its people rejected servitude to a foreign king across the ocean.  It fought a bloody civil war as testament to its founding principles that liberty and equality under the law are human rights irrespective of race.  It became home to waves of new immigrants through the centuries who crossed great distances and risked tremendous perils — all to flee the tyrannies behind them and reach America’s shores.  Because no other nation has ever been birthed into existence by first recognizing that its legitimacy comes directly from the consent of the governed, America has remained a magnet for people all over the world who dream of being free. Continue reading “Government without Consent Lacks Legitimacy by J.B. Shurk”