David Cameron Says Non-Violent Conspiracy Theorists Are Just As Dangerous As ISIS

Activist Post

David Cameron told the U.N. that “non-violent extremism” is just as dangerous as terrorism and must be eradicated using all means at the government’s disposal. He references 9/11 and 7/7 Truthers as examples of the type of extremism that must be dealt in a similar fashion to ISIS.

If you thought Obama’s War is Peace speech to the U.N. was creepy, wait until you get a load of this. Cameron is officially announcing a the plan to use a full assault on dissenting views.

Read more at http://www.activistpost.com/2014/09/david-cameron-says-non-violent.html#sRkt71iuOwFt52fP.99


2 thoughts on “David Cameron Says Non-Violent Conspiracy Theorists Are Just As Dangerous As ISIS

  1. My Fellow Americans:


    “Non-Violent Conspiracy Theorists Are Just As Dangerous As ISIS!”


    He’s right!,.. the “Non-violent Conspiracy” types,.. are exposing,.. THE TRUTH!!!!,.. and these pysscho-commies know they WILL be held accountable for the truth in the near future!!!

    So,.. YES!,.. we TRUTH TELLERS (aka – Non-violent Conspiracists) are dangerous to criminals like Cameron, Obama, Pelosi, Feinstein, Reid, IMF, World Bank, Israel, Rothchilds, Rockefellers, and the rest of these global terrorists!

    JD – US Marines – I smell fear leaching from these pyschos!!


    1. “He’s right!,.. the “Non-violent Conspiracy” types,.. are exposing,.. THE TRUTH!!!!,.. ”

      Have to disagree with you on this one , JD, He’s dead wrong.

      We’re FAR more dangerous than ISIS.

      We’re not controlled by Mossad.

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