Report: Iraqi Official Claims U.S. To Station 13,000 Troops In Iraq

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

According to a report by PressTV , an Iraqi official is claiming that the United States will soon station 13,000 troops inside Iraq in the near future.

PressTV refers to the Vice President of Iraq’s Saladin Province as stating that the troops, along with their vehicles, would be stationed at Speicher airfield in Tikrit, a city that is located 87 miles northwest of Baghdad.  

PressTV reports that the Vice President made those statements late Thursday evening.

In addition, the Iraqi official also claimed that there are already dozens of U.S. advisers “on the ground.”

At this time, there has been no confirmation of those statements from the Iraqi or United States government.

Although the claims made by the Saladin Vice President are questionable, it is by no means outside of the realm of possibility that the United States is considering stationing or has made the decision to station such a large number of troops inside Iraq despite its initial statements to the contrary.

After all, while President Barack Obama has repeatedly stated that U.S. ground forces will not be used in Iraq or Syria, Obama has stationed those troops in Iraq in growing numbers.

The United States has about 1,600 troops re-stationed in the country after Obama announced another round of 475 troops to be stationed there.

It remains to be seen whether or not the statements made by the Iraqi official prove to be accurate.

We will be monitoring this development closely as time moves forward.



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