“A Day Without a Woman” Only Empowers Well-To-Do Women

Daisy Luther

Want to talk about “privilege?” A classic example is the “Day Without a Woman.”

The Women’s March website says:

Let’s raise our voices together again, to say that women’s rights are human rights, regardless of a woman’s race, ethnicity, religion, immigration status, sexual identity, gender expression, economic status, age or disability.

What a joke.

This does not take into account the economic status of women who work low-paying, hourly jobs and struggle to make ends meet. It doesn’t consider the single moms who have to pay someone to watch their kids when the schools close.  They aren’t thinking about the plight of women with bosses who are happy to fire them and hire another person who is anxiously awaiting a job-opening.

This absolutely reeks of the “privilege” that these people like to speak of sadly and guiltily. This only “empowers” financially comfortable, well-to-do women. And the irony is, these pink pussyhat-wearing women out there chanting don’t even realize it.

As a woman who was a single mom, working a low-paying job many years back, this day to empower women would have messed up my budget for the entire month.

First Bad Option: Take the day off work and stand in solidarity with “your sisters.”

If I had taken the day off work, I would have risked my livelihood and the future of my children. I didn’t have the kind of job, working hourly, in which I would have been encouraged to take such a stand. And even then, jobs were hard to come by. If I had been able to take off work, I would have lost an entire day of pay – and when you live paycheck to paycheck, that’s something to be avoided at all costs. For me, “A Day Without A Women” would have turned into “A Week Without Groceries.”

Second Bad Option: Go to work.

But with schools closing in parts of the country,  the first thing that crossed my mind is that I would have been required to pay for a babysitter for a full day for two children – which cost about the same amount that I would have been making at work that day – if not a little more.

And before someone hops in and says “You shouldn’t expect the school to be your daycare” let me ask you this: If you are required by law to send your children to school and you opt to work during those hours, is that really “expecting the school to be a daycare?” What do you think people should do? Send their kids to school and sit at home, just in case they need the day off for some reason, and then hire a daycare provider when you go to work in the evening?

Feminism Is Not for Broke Women

Both options are bad. Both take a huge chunk of income from working mothers, especially those in lower-paying jobs.

I guess you only get to be a feminist if you can afford it. For everyone else, you just get screwed over by the feminist rhetoric and thoughtlessness.

Yet again.


2 thoughts on ““A Day Without a Woman” Only Empowers Well-To-Do Women

  1. It sickens me to see more of this “divide and conquer” b.s. This one, to do more of the obvious pitting of men against women. Sure, fight each other so we don’t have to fight them. And then we have what some women are being turned into, some almost unrecognizable as this new, ruthless femme fatal, willing to sell off the other half of creation, just to be ultra-modern and (falsely) liberated. And what appears to be empowerment is really programmed pussies. (Sorry, couldn’t resist the word). I’m all for equal pay for equal work, but this new feminism has morphed into a superiority that in many cases seeks to destroy men by attempting to diminish them in many, many ways. I know I’m off on a tangent here, but feel I have to be perpetually on-guard against this (for lack of a better word) hate. One wonders what kind of awakening it will take to see we (men and women) are partners in the creation, each necessary to the other.

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