Deadly Ukraine Fighter Jet Bombing Caught On Tape

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Earlier today we reported that even as the western media blackout of events in Ukraine gets more black, the ongoing civil war is getting ever more uncivil, following a Ukraine fighter jet attack on the east Ukraine town of Lugansk, in which it struck not only the local administration building, but a neighboring area, resulting in numerous civilian casualties and injuries. Kiev was quick to deny that it was using its airforce on its own people, claiming instead that the explosion quite clearly caught on tape was merely locals trying to unsuccessfully shoot at the fighter jet.  

So for your viewing displeasure, because the reality of yet another fratricidal war is hardly enjoyable, and so readers can make up their own minds, here is the moment of the fighter jet bombing caught on tape, as well as the tragic consequences.

The first clip shows CCTV footage as the rocket explosion is spread out across a park neighboring the administration building.

The next clip captures moment the Kiev fighter fired at fellow Ukrainians – something the west vocally condemned when it was allegedly conducted under former president Yanukovich, and is all too quiet this time.

From a different angle:

And the aftermath.

One thought on “Deadly Ukraine Fighter Jet Bombing Caught On Tape

  1. Amazing footage. I keep hearing the revolution won’t be televised. I disagree. With all the technology online there is no excuse it shouldn’t be. Notice the blood in the last video at 1:07, and compare that blood to the fake red paint blood in all the fake mock ups we’re dealing with. The color of real blood spilled is almost a brown color.

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