Defeat COVID-19 by requiring vaccination for all. It’s not un-American, it’s patriotic.

USA Today

To win the war against the novel coronavirus that has now killed over 158,000 people in this country, the only answer is compulsory vaccination — for all of us.

And while the measures that will be necessary to defeat the coronavirus will seem draconian, even anti-American to some, we believe that there is no alternative. Simply put, getting vaccinated is going to be our patriotic duty.

The reason: When an effective vaccine is available for COVID-19, it will only defeat the pandemic if it is widely used, creating “herd immunity.” It is important to note that, during an epidemic, there is no threshold above which the protection conferred by “herd immunity” cannot be improved. Thus, the more people who are immunized, the lower the risk for all of us, including those who are not vaccinated.

Nor is there an alternative to vaccine-induced herd immunity in a pandemic. Relying on enough people becoming infected and then immune is dangerous, as exemplified by the Swedish experience where the COVID-19 mortality rate exceeds that of its more cautious neighbors. Broad induction of immunity in the population by immunization will be necessary to end this pandemic. In simple terms, a refusal to be vaccinated threatens the lives of others.

So here’s what America must do when a vaccine is ready:

► Make vaccinations free and easily accessible.

► Exempt only those with medical contraindications to immunization. It is likely that more than one vaccine platform will prove effective (as was the case for polio vaccines) and, as a result, medical conditions that prohibit all COVID-19 vaccines will be rare.

Defeat COVID-19 by requiring vaccination for all. It’s not un-American, it’s patriotic.

Make vaccines free, don’t allow religious or personal objections, and punish those who won’t be vaccinated. They are threatening the lives of others.

Dr. Michael Lederman, Maxwell J. Mehlman and Dr. Stuart Youngner
Opinion contributors

To win the war against the novel coronavirus that has now killed over 158,000 people in this country, the only answer is compulsory vaccination — for all of us.

And while the measures that will be necessary to defeat the coronavirus will seem draconian, even anti-American to some, we believe that there is no alternative. Simply put, getting vaccinated is going to be our patriotic duty.

The reason: When an effective vaccine is available for COVID-19, it will only defeat the pandemic if it is widely used, creating “herd immunity.” It is important to note that, during an epidemic, there is no threshold above which the protection conferred by “herd immunity” cannot be improved. Thus, the more people who are immunized, the lower the risk for all of us, including those who are not vaccinated.

Severe penalties for non-compliance

Nor is there an alternative to vaccine-induced herd immunity in a pandemic. Relying on enough people becoming infected and then immune is dangerous, as exemplified by the Swedish experience where the COVID-19 mortality rate exceeds that of its more cautious neighbors. Broad induction of immunity in the population by immunization will be necessary to end this pandemic. In simple terms, a refusal to be vaccinated threatens the lives of others.

So here’s what America must do when a vaccine is ready:

► Make vaccinations free and easily accessible.

► Exempt only those with medical contraindications to immunization. It is likely that more than one vaccine platform will prove effective (as was the case for polio vaccines) and, as a result, medical conditions that prohibit all COVID-19 vaccines will be rare.

► Do not honor religious objections. The major religions do not officially oppose vaccinations.

► Do not allow objections for personal preference, which violate the social contract.

How can government and society assure compliance with protective vaccines? Vaccine refusers could lose tax credits or be denied non-essential government benefits. Health insurers could levy higher premiums for those who by refusing immunization place themselves and others at risk, as is the case for smokers.

23 thoughts on “Defeat COVID-19 by requiring vaccination for all. It’s not un-American, it’s patriotic.

  1. The jew way; squeeze from every angle possible, then the jew cries out in pain as if they were feeling it.
    What a bunch of EVIL SCUM BAGS!

  2. Wow, well first off thank you for putting your names behind this Criminal dreck.

    That way you won’t escape full prosecution and justice for what can only be deemed as Malice a forethought, you would think these types would at least try and imagine what is going to take place as soon as they go for this bullshit.

    Guess they’re so drunk on their personal power trip and salivating at the thought that they have somehow domesticated most Americans; they aren’t looking right in front of themselves.

    I view all of you and any who support your treason and tyranny as direct immediate threats to me and my family.

    What part of No don’t u get? What part of I will never allow you or anyone to inject me against my will with anything for any reason, and I will absolutely (after dispatching any who try) seek out and eliminate those directing them.

    Live Free or die…. can’t wait to see these doctors and their types scatter to the wind when this shit starts.

    I love how they think they’re gonna pull this off and create their New Socialist society NWO and we’re all gonna get in line and acquiesce with not a shot fired in their direction, the suits.

  3. “What part of No don’t u get? What part of I will never allow you or anyone to inject me against my will with anything for any reason, and I will absolutely (after dispatching any who try) seek out and eliminate those directing them.”

    Thank you, Norm. That is a pledge I will take!!


    1. yes Galen, as I’ve said before, they will most probably make it a stigma and you won’t be able to work or anything else, no shopping at the KTAs or Safeway etc if you don’t have your “Verifiable” Vaccination etc.

      To me this is no different than Armed Military coming to our homes with Lab coats forcing you to get their Vaccinations… It is a declaration of War even with the soft approach. So be it.

      1. That is the day their delivery truck doesn’t arrive.
        Also the same day they get .458” holes in their front doors and customers and workers.

  4. “► Do not allow objections for personal preference, which violate the social contract.”

    That’s not a contract I ever reviewed, signed or would ever agree to so I’ll see you when I see you.

    INDIVIDUAL liberty. Keep your social crap to yourself. Same applies to “community” when it comes to a property that is supposed to be yours. The first 7 letters of the word itself make it undesirable. Just because I bought it doesn’t mean I joined your F’g club.

  5. Predictive Programming from 2 yrs ago:

    “Failure to report the illness of your loved ones is punishable by fine.”
    — Sci-fi TV series, ‘Counterpart,’ 2018


  6. Read their names with the whiny voice while wringing your hands –

    (((Dr. Michael Lederman))), (((Maxwell J. Mehlman))) and (((Dr. Stuart Youngner)))

    OY VEY!!!

  7. Dr. Michael Lederman, Maxwell J. Mehlman and Dr. Stuart Youngner <— To hell with all three of you treasonous, Communist bastards and all who promote such propaganda! You motherf***ers will all swing from hemp ropes!

  8. ” In simple terms, a refusal to be vaccinated threatens the lives of others. ”
    The simplest terms I have are, “Attempt to vaccinate me and I will end the lives of the prickers!”
    I will not join the club by wearing the mask.
    I will not cannibalize by taking a vaccine. The vaccines ALL have human aborted fetal tissue and the administration of them is sick, evil and Satanic.
    #1 Congress shall make no law respecting establishment of religion (COVID19-VACCINE THEORY) or prohibiting the free speech thereof, or the abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

  9. Since when is doing the will of psychopaths “patriotic”?

    And go ahead, stigmatize me! Shame me! Even try to bully me–because unexpected things have happened to just about everyone who has ever bullied me…one girl even died two years later…(I wasn’t the only one she bullied I’m sure)…because growing up “outside the box” and non-conformist sure helps me to see through the “bullying”….

    When Gil Bates gets his own children vaccinated for anything, let me know….

    So “vaccines for thee but not for me” (in the criminal psycho elites) is your agenda? You all better AI enhance yourselves to live forever because you really don’t want to be in that outer darkness where (as Christ said) “there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth”… Bwahahahahahahahahah!

  10. This guy is joking right? He can’t seriously believe the shit coming out his mouth. I mean the shit is just drooling down his face so bad, that Pizza the Hut is saying, “now because of him, I look great!”

  11. I think a child wrote this article because the tone of it sounds like that of a 3rd grader. Either that or this doctor doesn’t even have an 8th grade education, let alone a PhD.

  12. Gee….I guess Big Pharma must be losing so much money from people not taking flu shots, so now they are spewing out this crap and making everyone comply.

    They just won’t stop their collective hive rhetoric. To say that we have to be a collective to be free is the complete antithesis of what the founding fathers wanted and they are rolling over in their graves.

    These Commie motherf#$kers must hang!

  13. Our First clue should have been the passing of legislation to not hold the Pharma Companies legally liable for any damages. It’s a FREE Ticket. M A N D A T O R Y ? ? ? Where is Thomas Paine when you need him?

    1. In accordance with the supreme law of this land, the ratified law of 1791, it is mandatory that if any actor attempts to exercise an unlawful jurisdiction over us we are obligated to shoot them right in the f-king face.
      And Thomas Paine is right on the front page of this site.

    2. Re: “Where is Thomas Paine when you need him?”

      Dawn, I agree with Henry. When I see that Thomas Paine pic everyday at this site, it’s a visual reminder of who I’m hangin’ out with, exchangin’ ideas with, learning from. When I first read you question as to the “where” something inside me answered, “Within.” I didn’t want to share it ’cause it sounded too new-age, but then I thought about it and realized that I do have within me a part of everyone I ever learned from, and that learning is available for me to draw on. So maybe seeing that picture every day is a reminder of what we’re capable of.

      Here are a few of my favorite Paine quotes. That last one is worthy of great discussion. It’s almost like I just read it for the first time. Now I have to think about it. I bet it has something to do with our Bill of Rights.

      “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.”

      “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.”

      “We have it in our power to begin the world over again.”

      “The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.”


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