TALLAHASSEE, FLA. (WSVN) – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has taken on the hot-button issue of gun rights, and for one South Florida community, this issue hits especially close to home.
DeSantis on Friday said that the Sunshine State is trailing behind many other states when it comes to gun rights.
“We’ve used to be a leader on [the] Second Amendment,” he said.
That’s why he is promising big changes before he leaves office, like passing “constitutional carry” gun legislation.
“There’s like 25 states that have already done it,” DeSantis said.
These laws allows people to carry handguns without a concealed weapons license or permit.
In Florida, those applications are currently processed by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, ran by Nikki Fried, the only statewide elected Democrat in Florida.
Fried is also one of the governor’s challengers in this year’s gubernatorial race.
“You have a situation where the official in charge of these permits doesn’t support Second Amendment rights, so why would you want to subcontract out your constitutional rights to a public official that rejects the very existence of those rights?” DeSantis said.
Fried put out a statement shortly after the governor’s announcement. It reads in part, “This is absurd political pandering from the governor of a state that has experienced some of the worst mass shootings in our country’s history and in a nation where we have the highest rates of gun violence in the world. It’s an insult [to] the memories and families of every victim of gun violence.”
The rest is here: https://wsvn.com/news/politics/desantis-vows-to-pass-sign-into-law-constitutional-carry-gun-legislation/
thanks man …(sarc)
but in case yer stupid or didnt notice ,, the Bill of Rights has that covered.. and all you fukers are violating it
so that makes them either traitors or tyrants ,, all gun laws are passed and enforced by either traitors or tyrants .. period
You beat me to it! Why is he making a law for something that we already have a legal right to under the Second Article to the Bill of Rights?
He’s a friggin Jew lover! His ego is as big as Trump’s. The bastard is just a younger version of him.
Memorial Day: DeSantis stands with Israel’s fallen soldiers:
America Land of the FEE home of the SLAVE. All I see are COWARDS. We should have done something when they installed smart meters. I have had nothing but health issues since mine was installed 6 months ago. I have to sleep in a fricken FARADAY cage! If I don’t my knee’s lower back, heart palipitations, crohns acts up, etc. How many people have surgery and are cut on when it is simply the radiation smart meters? I failed my duty to use Article II when the meter was installed. I had NO lower back pain, knee pain etc. I have the head honches name. I told him I am holding him responsible for what I am suffering. I feel like I failed my country. I am a 64 yr old woman.