Hunter Biden still has a stake in the Chinese oil company that recently was in the news according to Chinese records.
TGP has reported extensively on Hunter Biden’s shady deals around the world while his dad was Obama’s Vice President. For example, Hunter had numerous business dealings in China while his dad was Obama’s Vice President.
Hunter Biden Made Money on China’s Energy Company CEFC On Its Way Up and On Its Way Down
We also know that Hunter was close to the ‘spy chief’ in China.
Hunter’s business deals in the past were not alone. Hunter also held money for his dad, then Obama Vice President Joe Biden.
Hunter’s attorney has claimed that Hunter has no more interest in two China companies but this doesn’t appear to be the case per a report at Breitbart.
Skaneateles, a company Hunter Biden founded with a ten percent stake in BHR Partners, still holds a ten percent interest in the company despite claims to the contrary, according to Chinese business records.
Hunter Biden “no longer holds any interest, directly or indirectly in either BHR or Skaneateles,” Hunter’s lawyer Chris Clark claimed in November to the New York Times.
But Chinese business records contradict Clark’s claim. “Chinese site Qixin says the latest filing comes from BHR itself and that it was filed last month,” the Washington Examiner reported. “The 2021 annual report by BHR has an ‘announcement date’ of June 20. Skaneateles is still listed as a ‘shareholder’ with a 10% stake.”
China’s business registry may not have been changed to reflect Hunter’s vacated interest. But with Hunter’s global profile as the United States president’s son, the omission seems unlikely.
It should be noted that Hunter’s representative has also refused to say who bought the stake in the company and for what price.
Hunter’s possible part ownership of BHR Partners is relevant because BHR Partners is the same company linked to Chinese oil interests to which the Biden administration reportedly sold 950,000 barrels of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve earlier this month.
The Biden deals with China stink to high heaven. This most recent sale of oil to China looks very shady.