Dianne Feinstein wants drones regulated

Politico – by ANDREA DRUSCH

For Sen. Dianne Feinstein, regulation of unmanned aerial vehicles has gotten personal.

In an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes” that aired on Sunday night, the California Democrat said a drone spied into the window of her home during a protest outside her house, and that privacy concerns for the technology were “major.”  

Feinstein appeared as a pro-regulation voice in a Morley Safer segment on the legal questions surrounding the commercial drone industry.

“When is a drone picture a benefit to society? When does it become stalking? When does it invade privacy? How close to a home can a drone go?” Feinstein said, listing questions she would like to see answered in the complex regulation process.

“I’m in my home and there’s a demonstration out front, and I go to peek out the window and there’s a drone facing me,” she recalled.

Demonstrators from Code Pink who were protesting government surveillance at the time, said the device was merely a toy helicopter, but Feinstein used the instance to sound off about the importance of controlling the technology through government regulation.

“It’s going to have to come through regulation— perhaps regulation of size and type for private use,” she said. “Some certification of the person that’s going to operate it … some specific regulation on the kinds of uses it can be put to.”

Feinstein, who is the chairwomen of the senate intelligence committee, has been a defender of the NSA’s spying program, but raised questions about the use of drones for law enforcement.

“This is a whole new world now, and it has many complications,” Feinstein said. “What is an appropriate law enforcement use for a drone? When do you have to have a warrant? When don’t you have to have a warrant? What’s the appropriate governmental use for a drone?”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/03/drone-regulation-dianne-feinstein-104718.html#ixzz2wJa4sXen

4 thoughts on “Dianne Feinstein wants drones regulated

  1. Ha ha ha Looks like she doesn`t like it very much when she has a drone outside of her window does she.
    Yes, she must have something to hide I bet – some dirty dark secret 😆

  2. First NSA and now drones.

    I’m thinking Frankenstein is being used by the Zionists in order to establish regulations for drones and the NSA (rather than getting rid of them altogether and admitting they are unconstitutional. Typical Communist ploy since we are already talking about it), while making the people think that she is actually doing something about these issues.

    Beware as these Zionists always have a trick up their sleeve in doing what they are doing. Nothing happens by chance.

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