Did Hillary Suffer Another Seizure After Her DNC Speech?

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

Did you catch this?

Hillary Clinton looked like she suffered another seizure last night after her DNC Convention speech–  

hillary gif seizure

Wow! She must really like balloons!

This comes after her bizarre seizure moment last week during a campaign stop.

Or maybe it was something else?

Gateway Pundit

3 thoughts on “Did Hillary Suffer Another Seizure After Her DNC Speech?

  1. Trump announces in the Jew York Times.
    “Hillary Will Die Before Selection I’m the new Jew King Winner”.

  2. This is all stupid to me about her stroke. Ive seen people who had them and they acted nothing like this. I saw a clip of a very old convention she was younger, doing the same thing, Its her way. Gross as she isl Now the hole i her tongue i question

    1. I agree, its her way of acting surprised when theres really no surprise.. its an over reaction tying to look like a normal response to all the attention she craves..

      I dont really know how to word it .. but we all know a person in our lives that is an over reactor to the most simple of things.. this is that same “act”

      just another fake .. im normal just like you “act”

      also, you cant go through your entire life shitting on people , lying your fool head off .. constantly covering your a$$ due to your criminal acts , and being an aide in the destruction of this once great REPUBLIC and not have the fear in the back of your mind that someday even the most trusted and closest person to you could be the one to kill you .. we could only be so lucky

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