10 thoughts on “Did you get yours – Question Triggers Covid-19 Vaxx Hysteria Reaction

  1. This is becoming an all-too-common experience, but in this case very worth it, as the last two minutes show. This woman has been transformed into a freedom-loving, fully armed, ready to defend, human being. She took a lemon and made lemonade. It’s great to see her starting to pry the door open. Hope she finds The Trench and finds a better use of her future than being a system-driven social worker. I think she has the stuff of going the distance, and how could that lead her anywhere else but to The Bill of Rights?


    1. why??? she is vaxed she is protected against the virus,, ???? the un vaxed should be worried…. good god help us all return to the love of goodness truth and you , please deliver us all from evil

  2. There is only one local grocery store where I live. The sign on the door says “Fully vaccinated people do not need a mask”. I didn’t give a $hit and walked in without a mask, got what I needed and left. The idiots that took the death shots will get worse and worse becoming like an obsessed cult. Thing is of course, when the masses start dropping in a few months from these lethal injections, they’ll all be regretting their utter stupidity trusting in psychopaths that planned from the beginning to kill them.

    1. Sunfire I think when the jabbed start dropping like flies down the road, they with the help of the media, will blame the un-jabbed and a mutation of Covid19.

      1. 100%!! EVERYTHING is always our fault!! govt has never done anything wrong. it’s always just a few people fukin it up for everyone.. resisting the GREATER GOOD. god I’m getting nauseous just typing it!!

        1. Well, it is our fault. We the people have allowed our Bill of Rights and Common Law Courts to be trampled on, resulting in the miserable hell hole we find ourselves living in now. Until every individual stands up and enforces the Bill of Rights, nothing is going to get any better, only worse.

          1. Superb Nutshell: “Until every individual stands up and enforces the Bill of Rights, nothing is going to get any better, only worse.”

            Thanks, Sunfire!! 🙂


      2. The “variants” and “mutations” of a virus that hasn’t been proven to even exist. They can blame who ever the hell they want to. The reinforcement of the Bill of Rights and the restitution of the Common Law Courts will be achieved. Anyone who wants to blame anyone for anything can do so in their individual capacity. I don’t see too many dead people blaming anyone.

  3. So well said. I mean this in a good wholesome way. I’m glad you had that experience . It’s sad how good people are being played a fool to believe the “vaccine” lie. Many more will die which has always been the plan. It’s evil. Thanks for posting!

  4. I like how she ended it; this is getting fkn scary..!!

    Yes if anyone can find this chick send her a link to the trenches…! She is Waking in the matrix

    Many many like her…!!

    They will come to the side of the BORs at some point….hopefully

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