MUST WATCH: Dr. Damian Wojcik speaks out against the COVID vaccine.
— djcalligraphy ™ (@DJcalligraphy) May 31, 2021
Posted: June 2, 2021
Categories: Videos
From the Trenches World Report
Enforce our Bill of Rights
MUST WATCH: Dr. Damian Wojcik speaks out against the COVID vaccine.
— djcalligraphy ™ (@DJcalligraphy) May 31, 2021
Be warned! This is only a short snippet of the full open video. While what he says in the abbreviated version sounds good ALL will be revealed when you watch the full 16 minute video. In that he says “Covid is real” – that alone did it for me BUT THEN he goes on to talk about the suffering of the jews in the holocaust & how New Zealand today can be likened to what the nazis did to them during WWII. Absolutely mind-blowing BS PROPAGANDA dressed up to look like real concern because it is mixed with some truthful sentiment!!! Obvious propaganda like this sticks out like proverbial dog’s balls! This kind of crap is everywhere on the net at the moment. The jews are going ALL OUT right now because they know it’s now or never! Which one will it be people? Here’s a couple of links for the full version (many more out there) –
Good catch. Thank you!!