Ebola Expert Killed On MH17, Kenema Bioweapons Lab Created ‘New Ebola Strain’

Published on Aug 14, 2014 by DAHBOO77

Glenn Thomas, a leading consultant in Geneva, an expert in AIDS and, above all, Ebola Virus, was on board the Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines cut down on the border between Ukraine and Russia.

Glenn Thomas was also the coordinator of the media and was involved in the investigations that were bringing to light the issue of trial operations of Ebola virus in the laboratory of biological weapons at the hospital in Kenema.

Now that this workshop was closed by order of the Government of Sierra Leone, more details emerge about the interests that hidden behind its management.

Bill and Melinda Gates have connections with biological weapons labs located in Kenema, the epicenter of the epidemic of Ebola developed from the hospital where they were going clinical trials in humans for the development of its vaccine, and now, following the opening of an informal survey, it appears the name of George Soros, through its Foundation, is funding the laboratory of biological weapons.

Glenn Thomas was aware of evidence showing that the lab had manipulated diagnosed positive for Ebola [on behalf of Tulane University] in order to justify a coercive medical treatment to the population and to submit it to an experimental vaccine that, in fact, sent their Ebola.

Glenn Thomas had refused to go along with the cover up, unlike some who work at our Institute of Health and are now are well aware that Glenn Thomas was murdered.

The official channels of media have never reported a single news about the presence of the laboratory of biological weapons in Kenema, much less the disposal of closing or the order to stop the testing of Ebola by Tulane University.

So, what other channels are left as this information becomes public domain, and are spread through social networks, even though the WHO and health care institutions refrain from releasing information and act? – See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.co…


4 thoughts on “Ebola Expert Killed On MH17, Kenema Bioweapons Lab Created ‘New Ebola Strain’

  1. So the African people’s claim that these doctors are infecting them with Ebola is true, and the Gates are again supporting the spread of fatal diseases in Africa via infectious “vaccinations,” with research funded by Soros. The only question left for me is whether Glenn Thomas alive when he boarded that plane, or was it his corpse that was loaded on the plane along with all the other rotting corpses. The evil of the obscenely rich is astounding.

    1. There’s a special place in hell on reserve waiting for this filth to expire. Billy Gates will become hell’s Gatekeeper and will be able to welcome all of his buddies to the lake of fire. Burn in hell Bill, you and everyone you’ve ever touched.

  2. “…it appears the name of George Soros, through its Foundation, is funding the laboratory of biological weapons.”

    Was never much doubt.

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