Enough! (Stop Saying “We’re All In This Together)

May 19, 2020

For the love of God, stop telling me that “we’re all in this together.“ I don’t know about you but I’m in a virtual prison. My civil liberties and my essential rights have been seized by an invisible dystopian biotyranny of jackbooted thugs pushing a flu d’état fantasy.

A NOTE TO CONCERNED CITIZENS EVERYWHERE. People are scared and rightfully so. And now angry, confused and growing tired and weary. This is unprecedented. I don’t care who you are or where you’re from, the news is confused, irregular, inconsistent, changing by the second, disjointed and uncoordinated. What’s the truth? What’s the essential basic truth? When can we go back to work, back to school, back to normal? That’s what we want to know. Period. Mask(ed) hysteria. Let us use the marvelous connectability via social media and YouTube to stay connected and calm through reasoned interaction, support and information. Please join our immersive LiveStream Conspiratorium daily and receive and provide the support and love that we as humans need. That simple. In #LionelNation there’s only simple truth, one requisite. Verity. Bold, brash and naked. There are no political parties, no predetermined direction or cause. Just truth. We’re not conspiracy theorists; we’re conspiracy analysts, borrowing from Gore Vidal. We’ll get through this. Together.

One thought on “Enough! (Stop Saying “We’re All In This Together)

  1. “We’re all in this together“ is the catch-cry of the Communitarian (look it up) though & that is the way of the future according to our “great leaders”! “All one now!” & “For the greater good!” & all that other commie garbage. Amazing how many lambs are being led to the slaughter with this stuff…

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