Eric Holder In 1995 On How To Execute The Communist Plan For America

Bluegrass Bulliten

In 1960 Nikita Kruschev predicted that Communism would take over America without a shot being fired.  For over 50 years we have wondered if this was just the bluster of an old guard communist or a glimpse of a real strategy. Looking  back it is hard to prove a plan of action, but the results are undeniable.

As a boy the most important thing we were taught about Communism was that it depended upon a Godless society in order to take root.  The other thing we were taught was that Communism was repressive, that is, though it might get a toehold if the people are not constantly vigilant, once it was established people were ultimately forced into it, and forced to remain under Communist control.  

To our young minds that could never happen in America.  But look now and see for yourself.

Here is an older video of our now Attorney General Eric Holder, talking about how to brainwash a young generation into giving up their guns.  In other-words, how to take over without firing a shot.

3 thoughts on “Eric Holder In 1995 On How To Execute The Communist Plan For America

  1. They always telegraph their intentions, hiding in plain sight.

    However, with an estimated 270 million total guns statistic, that’s an average of 89 firearms for every 100 residents.

    I like those odds.

  2. You treasonous nigger. Get your black ass to N. Korea and lick their boots, cuz we are never gonna lick your boots in America. Shut down the commie indoctrination instituions by removing your children from their b.s. brainwashing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This traitor is DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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