Ex-NSA chief: ‘I certainly hope’ agency involved in targeted killings

The Hill – by Brendan Sasso

Michael Hayden, a former director of the National Security Agency, defended the government’s use of targeted killings on Thursday.

“Yes, we do targeted killings, and I certainly hope they make full use of the capacities of the National Security Agency when we do that,” Hayden said at a Washington Post panel discussion on cybersecurity.   

Hayden made the comment in response to a question from the audience about an investigation by journalists Glenn Greenwald and Jeremy Scahill into the NSA’s alleged role in assassinations.

“This is going to be really interesting because I have no idea what [Greenwald] is talking about,” Hayden said. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) added, “Neither does he.”

“Assassinations are forbidden by executive order,” Hayden continued. “We don’t do assassinations.”

But he said the government does perform “targeted killings against enemy combatants” because the nation is at war.

The Obama administration has acknowledged using targeted killings, including against American citizens in certain cases, but the NSA’s role in the strikes remains unclear.

Hayden made the comments minutes after joking that he had thought about adding Edward Snowden’s name to a kill list. He noted that Snowden has been nominated for a European human rights award.

“I must admit in my darker moment over the past several months, I’d also thought of nominating Mr. Snowden, but it was for a different list,” Hayden said.

Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/hillicon-valley/technology/326345-ex-nsa-chief-i-certainly-hope-agency-involved-in-targeted-killings#ixzz2glWoE4P9
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3 thoughts on “Ex-NSA chief: ‘I certainly hope’ agency involved in targeted killings

  1. The mindset of this Administration propagates is beyond idiocy. The only known cure is euthanization & send the body parts to Nigeria.

  2. “Assassinations are forbidden by executive order,” Hayden continued. “We don’t do assassinations.”

    “But he said the government does perform “targeted killings against enemy combatants” because the nation is at war.”

    A rose by any other name………………..

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