Ex-Presidents Giving $400,000 Speeches – Why Are We Paying Their Retirement?

Barack Obama gets $400,000.00 a speech. Why, I have no idea, but he gets it, and that’s fine and dandy, but why am I paying for his worthless performance as a president, in retirement?

We pay his retirement, full medical and other everyday costs making him one of the most wealthy ex-presidents on the planet, for doing nothing. He was useless as a president, and is just as useless in retirement.  

If ex-leaders who accomplish nothing in office, should be put on a sliding scale of retirement pay. You give a useless speech for 400 grand, then you get that much less in retirement pay.

Americans are losing ground daily with their social security pay every year, their 401k every year, and their Medicare every year. So why is a useless clown of a president, who lies about his birth information to get his worthless ass elected, able to collect a small fortune in retirement pay?

President and other government positions have turned into a money pit of tax burden, while the government goes on to print money to fund their useless projects and personal pet projects adding billions to our national debt.

American Nationals have had enough, government employees, as well as those in the high office are way overpaid, overhaul the entire enchilada. American people come first, we decide who gets what.

6 thoughts on “Ex-Presidents Giving $400,000 Speeches – Why Are We Paying Their Retirement?

  1. It’s called good boy pay, and is a great way to laundry money. Bad boy pay is a parade down on Elm Street…

  2. With the way these jackholes have destroyed this country
    They should be paying us !!,or stick their heads in a noose

  3. thank you Mark, Henry i said this before but i never get replys back, clueless on Techology anyway, but did you guys know you are banned from FB? I haven’t been able to post for a couple months, they say its against their guidlines so i protest, they go over it and sometimes will put it back. I couldn’t post again this article. Have a great day and thank you. Another wierd thing, i guess you changed something, now i can only comment hear if i log into FB. I used to use Anonomyous for the URL but not , anymore.Also, my real name shows not my Tess, so you know i been here before, but thats cuz of FB loading.

    1. You shouldn’t have to log into FB to comment.

      What I see is this:
      Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in

      So you shouldn’t have to log into anything.

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