Father of SB shooting victim pins blame on ‘craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA’

martinez_screencapThe Raw Story – by Tom Boggioni

Addressing the media, the heartbroken father of one of the victims of Eliott Rodgers’ shooting rampage in Santa Barbara blamed “craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA” for being complicit in his son’s death.

Richard Martinez, father of 20-year-old Chris Martinez, said he was speaking for the family and told the assembled reporters, “Our son, Christopher Martinez, and six others are dead. Our family has a message for every family out there: You don’t think it will happen to your child until it does.”  

“Chris will a really great kid,” Martinez said, “His death has left our family lost and broken.”

“Why did Chris die,” Martinez continued, his voice rising. “Chris died because of craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA. They talk about gun rights. What about Chris’s right to live?”

“When will this insanity stop,” he said. “When will enough people say ‘stop this madness, we don’t have to live like this.’”

Martinez said he spoke with his son by phone 45 minutes before he was shot inside the IV Deli Mart by Rodgers.

Police say that Rodgers owned three legally purchased 9MM semi-automatic handguns and over 400 rounds of unused ammunition was found in the car after Rodgers shot himself following a police chase.

Watch the video below from CNN:


17 thoughts on “Father of SB shooting victim pins blame on ‘craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA’

  1. Tired of hearing this BS. I did not see any reference to the three that were stabbed…. nothing said abut a knife… same old crap. Liberal jerks getting media attention. The parent did not say anything about how many gun laws the killer broke during his rampage. So I will say it… he broke many gun laws, so the laws did not stop a DAMN thing did it???

  2. Same old bs, blah blah blah, take all the guns, blah blah blah. I am sorry for this mans loss but his views are completely ridiculous on where the fault lies.

    1. IM not. He raise a POS who killed people because his(the killer) penis was too small and his mommy didnt hug him enough.

      I do agree that….
      This guy can shut his mouth or talk about how he failed as a parent and as mentor to the killer. Probably because of his reflex in this story. ‘BLAME EVERY ONE AND EVERY THING FOR HIS MISTAKES.’

  3. We do not need the nra to negotiate our right to own firearms, it is stated, it shall not be infringed… also the nut job that did this crime is to be blamed, period…. come and take em boys… we are ready and willing to fight to our last breath, we are not afraid, we are not cowards, we are Americans… May the Lord have mercy on our souls….

  4. should I blame the fists, the cane with a built in sharp blade, the gun, and the 2 ton truck used to kill my sister? no, I blame the people involved.

    I expected to see another familiar last name (Martinez) in this story and like clockwork they didn’t let me down.

  5. jeno, they have other untraceable means in their arsenal against us.

    when I first learned of diggers passing, I was at a loss for words…until now. everyone here knew how outspoken he was in regards to the police to the point of concern for his safety. there’s no way he wasn’t targeted somehow. try that here where I live and you cease to exist.

    1. please elaborate Mel, I do not understand your comment,,, ” try that here where I live and you cease to exist.”

    2. Mel says:
      May 25, 2014 at 9:13 am

      jeno, they have other untraceable means in their arsenal against us.

      when I first learned of diggers passing, I was at a loss for words…until now. everyone here knew how outspoken he was in regards to the police to the point of concern for his safety. there’s no way he wasn’t targeted somehow. try that here where I live and you cease to exist.
      I am sorry Mel, I just don’t understand your comment

  6. Am I the only Trencher who listened to this man and could tell that he is
    a phony! Listen to him again and see how “put on” his rant is. This is just another of their false flags, people.

    It never happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And remember, Hollywood is connected to this, as well as Sandy Hook. The woman who wrote “Hunger Games” lives in Sandy Hook CT. Helloooooooooooooooo!!

    1. Cathleen, maybe some day they will be able to pull off a false flag that isn’t so evident??? My advice would be to get better actors. That ranting father was pathetic acting!!!

      1. I totally agree 1611 Believer! We can all see through their little game can’t we? And we don’t even know for sure if his kid is really dead. His family could have gotten a nice some of money to play along with the scenario while others were sent in to do the dirty work. We live in a very sick society.
        . . .

  7. I have a son with asperger’s syndrome who is well adjusted, lives independently, without any government assistance and is a fine, moral young man. My greatest concern is the way the media is TRAINING society to FEAR people with autism and asperger’s. It’s not right and I fear for my son’s future because of it.

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