FBI: Hundreds of Bureau Agents Took Bribes from CNN, NY Times, NBC News and More

Investment Watch – by The Thinker

Access to the FBI is for sale.

Concert tickets. Expensive private dinners. NFL tickets. Parties on booze cruises. Discounts on travel.  

FBI insiders said more than 60 agents in D.C. alone have been nailed for taking gifts from the news media. Inspector General Michael Horowitz said earlier this week about 50 FBI agents took 300 free gifts from news media. However, Horowitz failed to stipulate that number is ONLY in Washington D.C. which covers one field office and FBI headquarters. The Inspector General did not:


As an American, to watch the “WITCH HUNT” on Donald J. Trump, to coverup the crimes of elite pedophiles speaks volumes to where the nation is at. The mainstream corporate owned media got the stand down order, and they aren’t printing current events, but mindless information. The targeting of POTUS, is an deliberate attack on the people and a country that is seeking to unite and heal.

Who wants to keep America divided and vulnerable to attacks with unsecured borders?

Investment Watch


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