Feel-Good Preacher Joel Osteen May Have Violated Lakewood Church Non-Profit Status

joel-osteen-lakewood-church-not-for-profit-violation-scandal-feel-good-prosperity-preacherNow the End Begins

New York attorney Richard Garbarini claimed he’s blowing the whistle on the 51-year-old nicknamed “The Smiling Preacher.” Garbarini – who previously helped a band win a judgment from Osteen and his Lakewood Church for stealing their music – is calling for an investigation, charging that Osteen uses his charity to promote his for-profit books.  

While the Houston-based ministry is listed as a non-profit, Garbarini said: “He’s leveraging the church as a money-making vehicle! The church pays to air his sermons, which are just de facto infomercials to promote his books.The Lakewood Church is a shell to funnel people to his website so he can sell his books.” Osteen’s latest title, “You Can, You Will,” was a hot holiday seller, and the Lakewood Church website prominently sells it along with Osteen’s past books, including five best sellers.

Daniel Borochoff, head of Charity Watch, a non-profit watchdog, said Garbarini is right to red-flag Osteen’s activities, if true. “A non-profit needs to be acting in the public interest and not in the private personal business interests of Joel Osteen,” he explained. “The church should benefit from the royalties of these books when they are shouldering at least some of the cost of promoting them. If it isn’t getting something back, it oughta be. It’s too much a promotional vehicle for him.”

Osteen’s rep called Garbarini’s allegations “false and baseless,” adding: “For more than 50 years Lakewood Church has adhered to the highest standards of honesty and integrity.”


5 thoughts on “Feel-Good Preacher Joel Osteen May Have Violated Lakewood Church Non-Profit Status

  1. As I have said time and time again the Communist Jews have infiltrated the “Churches” either with Jews or their Shabbat goy just as they have infiltrated the media, banking system, government, immigration and everything else INCLUDING most of the Militias.

  2. “If you just have enough faith, God will prosper you…”.

    Yeah I’m guessing that’s why many of the disciples died horrific penniless deaths, their lack of faith…….

  3. tell a Christian your having issues with seen and or unseen entities they’ll automatically tell you that it doesn’t matter if we come in and clean house because its sin that’s causing it whether from you or someone else in the house. its these feel good preachers who attract other feel good Christians who think like this. maybe these people Christians are so quick to give their opinion/judgement suffer so because of their walk not because of their sin or sins of others. some of these same Christians who think like this have a few skeletons of their own but the entities as crafty as they are don’t need to make a showcase of it. they already got you through pharmakia which is a major one and other vices. that’s my opinion anyways. fire away!

  4. I cannot stand this smirking jackal. Where did this POS come from? I never heard of this POS and now he is on EVERYTHING! Another scamming liar using religion to rob people, what a prince.

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