Feinstein: ‘Gun owners and gun people’ have a ‘hammerlock’ on Congress

Sen-Dianne-FeinsteinThe Hill – by Jeremy Herb

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who has led the effort in the Senate to pass new gun control legislation, said she does not plan to try again in the wake of the shooting at the Los Angeles International Airport Friday where a TSA agent was killed.

Feinstein said that passing a gun reform bill through Congress was simply not possible, after a bill failed this year following the shooting at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school.  

But asked whether she thought she could, Feinstein firmly said no.

“I don’t,” she said. “I think there’s a hammerlock on the Congress by the gun owners and gun people, and it doesn’t matter.”

Feinstein was a major part of the push from President Obama and congressional Democrats this past year to expand background checks for gun purchases and reinstate the assault weapons ban after the Newtown shooting.

The measure to expand background checks failed to pass the Senate, and stood little chance in the Republican-controlled House.

Feinstein said that the LAX shooting suspect used a .223 caliber M&P-15 assault rifle, which she said was not designed for use by the general public.

“Now, it’s going to be interesting to see whether this weapon was outlawed in California and purchased in California,” she said.


10 thoughts on “Feinstein: ‘Gun owners and gun people’ have a ‘hammerlock’ on Congress

  1. Don’t worry about guns,Dianne,give me a feather and I’ll tickle you to death you cowardly pro war anti gun self-serving thief.Who you foolin?Oh youre foolin’ Pelosi.Nah.Thanks to democracy we have to jail your ilk for destroying the republic.Iraq has democracy thanks to persons such as you.1.000 dead last month.How about guns of U.S. military?

    1. That’s where you should rethink the attitude of us against them mentality.
      NYS under the cover of darkness like the demons they are passed legislation preventing an owner of the legal 10 round magazine from loading any more than 7 rounds via the safe act. Just last week they are attempting to do the exact same thing in the CA San fran area I believe was the location. If you think it will stop on either side of the country you are sadly mistaken any and all legislation must be met head on by ALL Americans no matter the state it originates from. The state of NJ was on the cusp of doing the same as above but the PEOPLE said to hell with that and it seems to have died at start gates. As much as I cant stand either of those states due to the way they run and rape them we must stand together and fight or all will be lost.
      What you should really be doing is helping to get her at the end of a rope where her treasonous self needs to be and that’s only going to be done with 15+ round magazines fully loaded.

  2. “Feinstein: ‘Gun owners and gun people’ have a ‘hammerlock’ on Congress”

    I’m a bit confused here.

    How can the “gun owners and gun people” AND the Zionists BOTH own Congress?

  3. “Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who has led the effort in the Senate to pass new gun control legislation, said she does not plan to try again in the wake of the shooting at the Los Angeles International Airport Friday where a TSA agent was killed“”

    WWWWHHHAAATTT???? You mean she isn’t going to use the LAX false flag incident to promote her gun control legislation? I guess she knows that We the People know that she was going to use this to try and enforce her legislation, so she said, “Screw it. They’re on to me. Time to play it cool.”

    “Now, it’s going to be interesting to see whether this weapon was outlawed in California and purchased in California,” she said.”

    Uh-oh! And there’s the slider thrown in right at the end. BAM!

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